Yom Kippur
Let the joy of the LORD overtake them.
Let the mercy of the LORD enfold them.
Let the love of the LORD transform them.
Yeshua HaMashiach is Lord and Savior.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Repentance.
Father, cast down the wicked and let the righteous soar. In Yeshua’s Name I pray. Let it shatter the status quo. Timeless and forever is the love of God. Love changes the world.
Joe Biden said he and Barack Obama agreed to remain quiet for one year about Trump’s administration. What hubris. Pride comes before a fall.
It’s a new season and God will be praised. He’s been mocked long enough.
Judge Kavanaugh is innocent of the charges. An abuser has a pattern of abuse, a history of abuse, like Keith Ellison. Trump is fighting a holy war. It is against the Deep State.
Many of our politicians were lured into compromising situations with minors and children and are being blackmailed. We must clean house. All governments want to maintain order. That is part of protecting the people. Abusive governments want to control people. America is becoming abusive.
America approved a death culture when they approved Roe v. Wade. Curses do not come without cause.
The Supreme Court strayed from our Constitution. That is not good behavior. They were never intended to have lifetime appointments. They were never intended to be co-equal branches of government. I call on Military Tribunals to judge the operatives who tried to undermine our country and bring down a duly elected President. A jury of their peers will not bring justice. Let me be the spiritual authority the Supreme Court lacks. This is not about me. This is about God and Judeo-Christian principles. I can do nothing on my own, but with God I am unstoppable, just like Donald Trump. Man can never do what God intends to do — level the playing field.
Israel would never have been destroyed if they had returned to God. God is giving us a chance to return to Him. The priests became tainted, just like the judges. The Democrats’ power lies in the judges, not the people.
God’s justice is different than man’s justice. I ask for God’s justice on America. Let it coincide with judgment that America be spared. The evil runs deeper than we know. Into the Halls of Congress, into the United Nations, into the White House. Let no place be immune to my words. People will be judged according to their relationship with God. Nations will be judged according to their relationship with Israel. Yeshua is the stumbling block.
A Biblical worldview versus a secular worldview. That’s what this battle is about in America. Republican and Democrat is the excuse. Obama stole the election in 2012. Clinton thought she had in 2016. That’s why she skipped those blue states that turned red. We need paper ballots.
Christine Ford is making a mockery of our justice system. In America people are innocent unless proven guilty. Her abuse may have occurred. I just don’t think it was Brett Kavanaugh. Her motive is to block a conservative from the Supreme Court. The poor are not to be favored, but neither are the rich. True justice is blind to man or woman. Facts count.
Let my words speak truth. Let the righteous rejoice and the wicked shudder. Yeshua is LORD. Bless those who have been praying for America. It will take courage to implement God’s plan. It will take faith. But God requires it. He is not asking. The LORD is good. His mercy endures forever but it comes with a price. It is obedience.
The Holy Spirit revealed that Christine Ford is being paid to accuse Judge Kavanaugh. God knows all things. Let this heal the wounds he has suffered.
I don’t know the order in which things are required of Trump, but I know dismantling Obama’s administration and Military Tribunals are first. All the activist judges Obama appointed are fired without pension. Democrats’ power lies in the judges. God’s power lies in the people.
I speak light and life over America. Arise! Ye people of God! We are in a war of words.