In Reverence and Awe
Everyone has his path to walk, alone, or in partnership with God. I choose God in reverence and awe. God is greater than I know.
May the demons of hatred, fear, pride, prejudice, jealousy, anger and rage be released and only the love and light of God remain.
God bless America and from there the world. May love and light fill my countenance and they will know there is a God.
We are upside down. We must align with God. God works through people. Some consider themselves atheists. They do not know.
Dear God,
Be with the weak, as well as the strong. Be with those who cry out in hopelessness and helplessness and ease their pain and suffering. Be with the ones who are angry and feel abandoned, forgotten and betrayed. Be with the nonbelievers who have lost their way, and the countless others who are desperate for a new way of life. Help them hear what they need to hear, see what they need to see, and intuit what they need to intuit. And it is a new day when all can call upon the Name of God and be delivered. Thank-you and amen.
May America become a prayer circle of healing for the world. And we will know there is a God.
I am not a great housekeeper, I am not a good cook, but I know God. He is within. God is love. Out of the heart the mouth speaks. May I be harnessed with God.
God is sovereign. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven and we will know peace.