Proactive Health
Neurological Integration (Neurolink), chiropractic, colonics, massage. Diet therapy. Prayer and meditation. Fasting. The Five Rites of Rejuvenation, exercise, acupuncture. Thermography. Hemp oil. It is legal in all 50 states.
There is much we could do differently for a different outcome to our medical crisis. The pharmaceutical industry would go out of business if everyone was as healthy as I am. So would the cancer industry. Statin drugs have been linked to dementia, so has diet. So much is known about health and our toxic food supply, it makes me wonder why our government hasn’t stepped in to protect us?
Three books I recommend are JJ Virgin’s The Virgin Diet, Grain Brain, by Dr. David Perlmutter, and The Plant Paradox, by Dr. Steven Gundry. We have more control over our health than we think.
There is a natural immunity in God’s food that genetically modified food doesn’t have. The yield may be smaller, but the food supply will be safer.