Friends that Last a Lifetime
How nice of God to give us friends that last a lifetime.
Some are met in childhood, some in middle-age,
some at the end.
How nice of God to give us friends who understand us,
love us, and nurture us
regardless of age.
Let me be coach, mentor, and friend
like God was to me.
I hope to meet many new friends as the result of my work. This is about God’s people answering the call. God has a plan to save America man cannot even conceive.
Barack Obama committed treasonous acts. Let him be punished for it. No one is above the law.
It has been reported that prison construction is projected based on the 4th grade reading level of boys. Why not focus on improving their reading skills instead? I think differently for a different outcome.
Pope John Paul II is in hell. God thinks differently than the world.
No book has fulfilled prophecy but the Bible, until now. My books contain prophecy. They foretell that I will be the first woman President of the United States. They foretell the reshaping of America.
Let 12-Step Programs for Spiritual Healing and Well-Being be created in homes all over the world, in schools, and churches. That would be a blessing for the next generation. Let it include prisons.
“Arise, O LORD, Do not let man prevail; Let the nations be judged in Your sight. Put them in fear, O LORD, that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” Psalm 9:19-20
If you love and obey Jesus, the Father and Son will come and make their home with you. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. That includes politics and religion. It includes the seven mountains.
Let Your Church come back into covenant with You outside of the 501(c)3, without spot or blemish.
Let my words ring true, about the government and the 501(c)3, about the medical community and cancer, about the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church, about Satan and Yeshua. Let them transform the world.
Africans and Haitians. There is another dimension. They worship Allah and practice voodoo. We are a Christian nation.
Truth is absolute. It aligns with God. Oprah is a generous woman. It will be nullified by the people she is leading to hell.
I used to be New Age. I thought God was in everything and everywhere. I thought God was the universe. God is the Creator, not the creation. Let my words be the paradigm shift needed by the world.
Let Muslims be seen for what they are, the nonviolent overthrow of the government. It accelerated with Barack Obama, our first Muslim President.
Let the Third Temple be built without sacrifice. Yeshua Jesus was the Ultimate Sacrifice. Nothing more is needed.