Baruch HaShem, blessed be the Name, blessed be the one who comes in the Name of the LORD. Let every teacher and every professor who does not acknowledge that America is exceptional and that our country and Constitution were founded on God, let them be cast down. They are not worthy to teach our children.
Education will return to the local level. The Bible and prayer will be reinstated. The Ten Commandments will be displayed. We have taught atheism long enough.
English is our first language, we don’t have a second. And Sharia law is not God compliant.
Bless this land with righteousness and truth. There is power in it. It is one thing to be deceived, it is another to knowingly spread lies. Cast them down, in both political parties. No one is above the law.
Evolution is a lie, Socialism is a lie. It leads to a police state.
Immigration will end for seven years. There has been no assimilation. A house divided cannot stand. That is the enemy’s intent. The enemy is within our walls. Only God can get them out.
The Left uses school violence as a platform for gun control. Abolish Gun-Free Zones and remove signs. They advertise sitting ducks. Allow concealed carry by school staff and teachers. Private schools, church schools, home schooling. Do we really need public education?
The government is devoid of God. That’s why government programs will never work. Education is a steppingstone to a better life. The ignorant rarely thrive. Anyone can grow wise studying the Bible regardless of who they are.