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My Diary with God

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December 2024

June 9, 2015


Much will happen in America. It is to drive us back to God. It is to drive us back to prayer. To be forewarned is to be prepared.

God is a “now” God. What is mine to do today? Let me trust it is always to do the next right thing. I hear the voice of God and I’m very intuitive.

“…For the ways of the LORD are right; The righteous walk in them, But transgressors stumble in them.” Hosea 14:9

Challenging times are coming, but I will stay close to my God. It is in prayer, meditation, and obedience to the Word.

We are to obey authority figures, but they are supposed to protect the good and punish the evil. We are upside down.

Praise God, worship Him. Things must change in the invisible realm before they change on earth. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, He who was, and is, and forevermore shall be.

Dear God, You are a holy God, a mighty God, an awesome God. Please deliver America.

Worship, a sign of humility.

God is good, God is great, let us worship before Him. And heaven shall come to earth on the wings of a dove. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, and the Breath of God.

Worship God and repent. We can turn this Titanic around. Information and a plan of action. Let the wise discern the times.

Chaos, hell on earth. We are in steady descent, fueled, in part, by the Muslim Brotherhood. What is done in secret God intends to make known.

Churches have not worshipped God. They sought to enrich themselves. The Church has been silenced. Satan won.

Prophets are speaking. We have not heard. The watchmen are on the wall. God works in patterns. Open your eyes and see the destruction before us.

The Bible is a blueprint, an instruction book for a life well-lived. It must be studied in school. We catered to the lowest denominator. Now we must cater to God.

When America is healed, let us learn the lesson well. Let us never stray, for, lo, a thousand years.

I’m trying to mitigate the effects of the great and terrible day of the coming of the LORD. We delude ourselves when we say God does not curse.

In the days of Noah they were eating and drinking and marrying until the rains came.

Politics will not save us, money and treaties will not save us. It must be God and it must be now. Humble yourselves before God. Change is coming to America.

I am holy, I am righteous, I am anointed. So says God. I am covered by the blood of Christ.

Judgment is on America. How can it not be so? Let there be holy fear. You have been forewarned.

God gives power and glory to whom He pleases, but for the evil, their days are numbered. Remember Nebuchadnezzar. God brought him down.

“These people honor Me only with their words, but their hearts are far from Me. They pretend to worship Me, but their worship is nothing more than the empty traditions of men.” Isaiah 29:13

Perspectives can change with knowledge. Wisdom is a gift. We have emasculated God. God intends to take His power back.

God gives us a heart for what is ours to do. I want to save America. It will come in many forms.

Thank God. He is giving us an opportunity to grow. He is giving us an opportunity to become all we can be. It comes from love and service to our fellowman.

Dear God, let me always praise You, let me always worship You, let me always obey You, the holy trinity.

God’s hand is on America. It does not mean that it won’t get rocky, only that His hand is firm. Bless the believers. Let us stand in the gap. I recommend 24-hour prayer vigils. We must show God our intent.

I once had visions of gangs killing each other in the city streets. God told me not to worry. He had sent His angels to do His work. Nothing is as it seems.

There is a Jezebel spirit in America. There is an Antichrist spirit in America. God will prevail.

There is a shadow government, the power behind the power. God intends to bring it down. God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We must do the rest.

May America open her eyes and see the error of her ways. She strayed from God. There will be repercussions felt around the world. God is holy, God is righteous, God is just.

There are more people in America that want righteousness than want evil. We must band together to get the evil out. The enemy sought to divide us. They sought to destroy us. God seeks to unite us in Him. Remember, the Tribulation ends with the Millennial Reign. May the power of the Word go forth. Scripture is contained in this. Some things are for a season. God’s words are forever.

I am an ordinary woman until recognized by the world. I perceive things others don’t. They look at the symptom. I prefer to look at the cause.

Money conceals a lot. The emperor has no clothes. Everything constantly changes except the intent of God. Our choices in life, our education, marriage partner, faith, hard work, all this and more creates outcome.

It takes a tremendous amount of spiritual maturity and self-discipline to obey God all the time. May the younger generation find it easier because of my work. Each generation has its cross to bear. Now is no different. We are in spiritual warfare, no longer disguised.

Teach me Thy will, O God, and give me the willingness to obey.

It doesn’t bother me that a fourth of the world’s population may die. Many oppose God. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. God’s ways are not our ways. Let us evolve.

Some preach prosperity, some preach doom and gloom. God teaches love and obedience. It is a new day, or certainly can be, when we change our ways, redemption upon us. God wants none to perish.

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:7-8

It is false doctrine that God abandoned Israel. They are His first-born.

The remnant can save America. Will we? I have worked for twenty years without a voice. God is giving me one now.

Dear God, help me breathe in Your goodness, kindness, strength and power, Your compassion, truth and discernment. Let me disseminate this to the world for its healing, first through my words, then through my deeds.

God thinks differently than us.

Elohim, Adonai, the Most High God, blessed be Your name on earth.

Four blood moons on Jewish holy days, the Shemitah. God has given us signs. Wonders will come next.

The Lord’s Prayer in schools, Bibles in classes, the Ten Commandments reinstated, crosses re-established. It is a start to a restored America.

The wise will take heed. Let other nations follow. Peace will not come to humanity without God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the god of Ishmael.

Satan has always tried to usurp God’s authority. He was cast out of heaven and came to earth. We have been cursed ever since.

I have done my part, messages to the world. God will do the rest. There is a synergy to life, body, mind and spirit aligned with God, exemplified by faith, manifested through obedience. Faith and obedience. We can transform the world.

Barack Obama intends to subvert the 2016 presidential election. God will allow it unless we return to Him.

Some people get lost in God’s work and they neglect God. It is a mistake.

Donald Trump called himself a truly great leader. God works through humble people.

This is about God showing His power. He just needs someone to do His work and give Him the credit.

I can do nothing alone. God is giving us a way out of the mess we’re in. God is love. Actions speak louder than words.

The creation does not defy the Creator. This, too, they must know.

God wants to heal our land, but we must humble ourselves and return to Him in word and deed. God sees the heart. Many are far from Him, especially our leaders. God intends to pull them down and install new ones, people loyal to Him. It has been prophesied.

Much will occur to try men’s souls, but God has a plan to redeem them.

God’s ways are not grievous for the righteous. They will prosper and grow. In transformation comes reform. To be forewarned is to be prepared. All must call upon the LORD to be spared.

Ebola, Avian flu, flesh-eating diseases. Much is present on earth. To be in the LORD is the only refuge. To be absent from the body is to be with Him in paradise.

Man made many errors in thinking. He thought he controlled his destiny. God will humble the proud and raise the lowly up.

Spend time with God, alone, or in church or synagogue. Mosques must come down. They are Satan’s counterfeit. There is a power struggle between God and Satan. It has been exposed.

Anything not of the light is of the darkness. There is evil on earth, no longer denied. Christianity or ISIS? We will decide.

There is evil in our land. It includes the White House, Supreme Court and Congress. They decided against God. God has just humbled America. The thought is seed to the deed.

Step by step, miracles occurring, and God will have the glory due Him.

Dear God, help me cast all my cares on You, and not take them back.

God is calling His people to defend His name. We must not disappoint Him. We must stand for Jesus. We must not sit down. Transformation begins within, in the heart that God made. God is a God of restoration.

The mind of Christ, the heart of Christ. That is the goal for a Judeo-Christian nation.

Bless another and you are blessed. It connects one to the light.

It doesn’t bother me that kids are leaving the Church, as long as they don’t leave the faith. I found God in a 12-Step program. That’s where I started a relationship with Him. Look at me and know that a new day has come. May America open her eyes.

Twenty years ago I walked into church and felt an explosion of power when I opened the doors. May that happen again. We are a people that live under God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Behind every idea is a lot of work. We have a lot of work to do. It starts with prayer and fasting. It starts with God. I start each day with God. The creation defers to the Creator.

“For the LORD will not forsake His people. He will never abandon His inheritance. For rightness will be restored to justice, and all the upright in heart will follow it.” Psalms 94:14-15

It’s David and Goliath. David will win. God raises up and God casts down for all the world to see.

Barack Obama would never have been President without God. He was part of God’s plan to show the world His power. Remember, God raised up Pharaoh to show what He could do.

I have a different perspective. It must be validated by God. You will know that God is in this when all is fulfilled.

Dr. Chuck Missler, what a brilliant mind, what an asset for America.

Revival isn’t for everyone, it’s for God’s church. We must humble ourselves before the LORD. Some things take lifetimes. We have been saved for such a time as this.

Politics and religion, God will change the world. He will use you.

What are my books about? Politics and religion, wisdom and common sense, the ways of God, the power of God in America. How God thinks in a fallen world.

Government must get out of health care, the banks out of Wall Street. Wall Street will collapse. It is part of financial reform. God is leveling the playing field for all the world to learn.

God always tells His people what He intends to do. Let the wise take heed. The only refuge is in Yeshua Jesus as LORD. We have been fed Pablum. God intends to give us meat. When it is darkest, God intends to shine a light.

God hears the prayers of the righteous.

Sometimes it is only when the seeds sprout that weeds are shown. Man is not wise on his own, but fools are.

Nine people were killed last night in a Black church in Charleston by a young white man. Obama politicized it about gun control and Al Sharpton is on his way to stir up trouble. Need I say more about the plight of America?

Nazi Germany took away the people’s guns, socialized health care and silenced the churches. Do you see the parallels?

America silently gives away her sovereignty in trade agreements. Everything must be re-evaluated in the light of day.

I am a housewife who is well-informed. I have been groomed for twenty years. God told me I would be the first woman to be President and I believed. In the natural, I don’t have a chance, but I serve a supernatural God who can do all things.

Bless you, all you of the light, here to dispel the darkness. Pray for a hedge of protection for America.

Is God Jewish? Jesus was. Perhaps that explains the enmity toward Jews in a fallen world.

May America open her eyes and repent. May she return to God in word and deed, in politics and religion. God works in patterns, in seven year cycles. His hand is all over this.

Teach me Thy will, O God, and You have. Help me just love. I had a vision this morning of the devastation to come. It will be worse than I thought. It is to turn the people back to God.

Dear God, please accept this prayer as if on bended knee. Please let my words be accurate, please let my words be true. Only the next generation will know for sure. God is all there is.

I share my experience, strength, and hope to help the world survive. If we descend into chaos, it will be hell on earth. God’s fury will be spent. America has become Sodom and Gomorrah, save for the righteous. You have been forewarned.

Help me stand in the gap for America. It has been earned. God is a just God, a holy God. We have sinned. There is evil in America, more than I even knew. God does not laugh. God will wash it clean.

This is about showing God’s power and God is not denied. America will be cursed until they turn to me. I am the hedge of protection.

Dirty America. But can not God do all things? God intends to rule through Biblical principles. It will be easier to keep leaders on track. God speaks to His people in many ways. Let the wise discern the times. We thought we could do whatever we wanted. We were wrong. There are consequences to defying the Creator.

We can have a plan or rioting in the streets. I wrote of it long ago. I cannot neglect God. He is a part of me, the Christ embodied within.

Teach me to do Thy will, O God, and it is good in the sight of God and humanity.

There is evil in our land. God intends to get it out. It starts at the top. Some things may never be known, but this is enough to start. We tried to change the direction our country was headed in at the ballot box. It failed. Now it will take prayer and fasting. Now it will take God.

I synthesize information and wisdom, one comes from man, one comes from God. It is how I intend to lead this great nation.

Throw out the textbooks. They have revised history. Children used to learn to read using the Bible, and the ACLU is subversive. We will raise up a godly generation.

Government and Big Business are in collusion. God will humble them. God works on many levels, His sovereignty to display.

I considered America in crisis years ago because I could see what was coming. It has yet to be manifested. God always sends warnings to His people. They were so worried about the Rapture that they failed to heed God. He will get their attention.

Jew and Gentile, one new man, one new world, united under the Messiah Yeshua Jesus. We will bless Israel and God will bless us. Sometimes it must be darkest before the dawn.

I used to think the universe was God. I still think He’s in it, but it is His creation, just like me and you. There is prejudice in America. Only God can heal it.

Dear God, let my optimism be warranted. God answers prayers.

I pray that America awake, open her eyes, and return to God.

Farmers can honor the Sabbath. Just section the land into sevenths. Let one-seventh lie fallow every year. God sees the intent. The land needs its rest.

Let women join together. It is to honor God that we are here. A women’s movement, spiritual revival, political reform. The world will be different. One day at a time, the next right thing. It will change lives. It will change destinies.

“For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:12

Cleanse my thoughts. Let them be in alignment with You. We see in part. There is an invisible world. God told me the status quo would be ruptured, I just never knew when. It will begin Elul 29, 2015.

The universe operates on parallel tracks. Can America be destroyed and God’s people unscathed? But were we not in part responsible for her demise? Too few were faithful to God.

The Creator made us male and female from the beginning. We tried to alter the design. He knew us in the womb. We murdered the unborn. Judgment is on America.

Help me, God, to get through my life, one wise choice at a time.

There are internment camps in America. Some think they are for Christians. When God removes His blessings, curses remain.

If a preacher does not have compassion, he was not called by God, but many reject God in favor of the worldview. I hope this convicts many hearts. The Church has sinned.

Some people think the movie San Andreas is prophetic. Nature will always be more powerful than man.

Bless me, dear God, so that all the world knows there is a God, the God of Israel. The prayer of Jabez in a different form.

My first book was published in 2000. Some copies are still available on the Internet. It says a lot of the things I’m saying now. Things have not improved. They’ve gotten worse.

A new generation is being raised up. Let them serve God. It is the only way they will ever know joy and contentment. It comes from within with God as coach, mentor and friend.

The goal of life is not to make a lot of money. It is to serve God. God thinks differently than us. Some things take lifetimes to learn.

Some religions teach that Jesus was a great teacher and prophet, nothing more. He was the Son of God and we must worship Him.

God wants us to prosper. We can do His work more effectively. We must worship Messiah Yeshua Jesus. Worship pulls in the power and presence of God.

The carrot and the stick. It has been revealed. We will repent or perish with the choices now made.

Dear God, You are a holy God, a righteous God, who can stand before You without the blood of Jesus? Teach this to the people. They have been forewarned. Jesus said, “I never knew you,” to those who deserted His ways.

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers — none of these will inherit the kingdom of God. That is what some of you were — but you were washed, you were made holy, you were set right in the name of the LORD Jesus the Messiah and by the Spirit of our God.” I Corinthians 6:9-11

Repent and turn to God. America is under judgment. We just didn’t know. God will humble us. We must not complain.

The Ten Commandments, prayer and meditation, a simple platform for spiritual renewal. Seasons may come and go but God is forever. This they will know.

Jonathan Cahn was sent to warn them. He was ignored. The tipping point was crossed. There is no turning back. But for the righteous America would be destroyed.

I am blessed. I know there is a God. I have no doubt. Come, let us rejoice and praise the name of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God will show His power in a way humanity will not forget. Calamity after calamity, disaster upon disaster, we defied God. We must accept His plan to restructure America according to Biblical principles.

Without God there is dissension, at home, at church, and in the nation. America grows less free every day. Our leaders curse us. God is peace and love.

Let it occur as written. It will get their attention. Knowledge is power when properly utilized. The elite pride themselves on being atheist. Let them see the error of their ways. Get in Yeshua Jesus. It is the only safety. You are forewarned. God will rupture the status quo. I am here to help pick up the pieces.

God is unseen yet knowable. All things work to the good for them that love the LORD. But how can I say that with all the Christians being tortured and beheaded? They are in paradise.

We fear the world more than we fear God. It is a mistake. The world is temporary, God is eternal. America is in apostasy. We will pay the price.

Babies born out of wedlock are cursed. That is why God allowed abortions. We should have been chaste. I have a different perspective. It is needed by the world. A women’s movement, spiritual revival, political reform. We can change the world according to God.

God has intervened in my life supernaturally many times. It was reassuring. May He do the same for others as they turn to Him in repentance and thanksgiving.

The spoken word is powerful, the written word more powerful still. Let the pen be mightier than the sword. America can be saved.

The world does not nurture. For that it takes God. Let this be a new beginning. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding, God’s in charge. Everything belongs to Him.

I have a piece of the puzzle no one else has, God’s plan to restore America. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and we shall know peace. I keep seeing the capstone being placed on the top of a giant pyramid. Jesus is the capstone. God has a covenant with America. We are the new Jerusalem.

Rome never ended, it just dispersed, just like Satan, just like evil. But the power in us is greater than the power in the world. We must own it through the Messiah Yeshua Jesus.

Dear God, there is much I don’t know. Where there is love, where there is kindness, surely there is God. Hypocrisy, greed, and lying are abominations of the flesh.

The work before us is massive, but God will level the playing field.

Anything of value will be re-created. Families are more valuable than the state. The government tried to usurp God. Socialism, Communism, dictatorships are anti-God, kings and queens a poor substitute.

Religion created many false doctrines, including popes. The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, our LORD. There is no other. Politics and religion, both will fall. Worship only God. It is hard to worship an invisible being, that’s why Jesus came to earth.

Crosses are symbolic of God intersecting with humanity through the heart. We need to put them back.

The One World Tower in New York will be felled unless it is dedicated to God. To be forewarned is to be prepared.

Barack Obama embodies the Antichrist spirit in America, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Jezebel. Both represent the Democrat party. It must be felled. God is calling America back to Him.

Wide is the gate to destruction, narrow the path of righteousness. Evil is also invisible. God is making it known. Chaos is coming to America. Dear God, use me well.

God has sent many prophets. They have been forewarned. There is the obvious reason and the real reason. This is about God and Satan.

Satan is behind all addiction. It drives one further from God. That is why only 12-Step programs can heal. There are different levels of awareness. We led you step by step.

“…What I have given them will be taken away.” Jeremiah 8:13

We have been blind. I do not expect words alone to get people’s attention, for that it will take acts of God.

I share my experience, strength, and hope. Let there be only light. God seeks to reveal the errors of man. We thought we were separate. We were wrong. The ocean has many droplets but only one sea, the sea of humanity.

The Shemitah, four blood moons, the Jubilee. God works in patterns for all to see.

Metaphysics, New Age, atheism, you embraced them all and returned to God. I always knew there was more than just the physical world.

I know the plans I have for you, it is to prosper you and not to harm you, the children of God. We allowed Satan to control us. We must grow. Everyone interprets the Bible differently. It was written in layers, part of the mystery of God. It caused dissension, it caused war. God is love.

Dear God, impart Your wisdom to them. Let them feel Your presence in my words. God is alive and well.

God is true, God is just, God will curse America until she returns to Him. God disciplines the disobedient and curses those who defile Him. Some who defiled Him are listed in this book. It includes the Supreme Court, the White House, and Congress.

America will never be the same. I don’t know what that means. The earth will be healed. We assault the earth daily, she is dying and in pain. She will be reborn. There are always consequences to every action.

Satan has plans. So does God. We must align with God. We must return to our Hebraic roots, Jew and Gentile worshipping the Messiah Yeshua Jesus.

We can have a plan or we can have rioting in the streets. It starts on bended knee. When hearts turn to God, He will do the rest to heal our land. The righteous will get through this, the rest will wander in chaos. You have been warned. We war against more than flesh and blood.

It takes years to internalize some things. Perhaps that’s why God is so patient.

Sarah and Hagar, the seed of the Jew and Muslim. One was born of the flesh and one of the promise of Spirit. There has been enmity ever since. Only in Yeshua Jesus can it be healed. The righteous will live by faith, all nations, all peoples united in the Messiah Yeshua Jesus.

Terrorism, the seed of Islam, the fruit of Satan. Christianity is the antidote. All we like sheep have gone astray. Terrorism, the greatest threat to humanity since heresy. Both are born of evil. Both infected America and the world.

Men are tampering with creation. They will unleash great evil upon the earth. Let them see the error of their ways and repent.

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:26-29

It is the greatest freedom.

The controversy over the Confederate flag is about more than a flag. It is about freedom and prejudice, history and hatred. It is about the minority controlling the majority. It is about stifling the Bible belt. We trusted the government more than God. Sometimes the results take years to manifest.

“In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” Jude 18-19

Where two or more are gathered in God’s name, there, too, is God. America deserves whatever she gets. If it was not earned, it would not be received. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, who was, and is, and forevermore shall be.

I have many ideas to restore America. They are divinely guided, but first we must return to God. God will get our attention. A great shaking is coming. God works in patterns to destroy wicked nations. He withdraws His hand of protection. We thought it could never happen to America. We were mistaken. We pursued wealth and prosperity instead of the Great Commission.

The watchman sees disaster coming. I want no blood on my hands. Let me trust God that my message is well-received. The created does not defy the Creator without consequence, even in America.

I ask for transformation for America, and all I ask is heard. I release timetables. All is according to God. We can mitigate consequences, but we cannot avert them. God’s wrath will be spent.

Lessons of the heart: All pain must be released before true joy can be attained. It is an ongoing process toward becoming all one can be.

The Church failed us. The Bible is true. It has been distorted to suit man’s purposes, not God’s.

“…Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.” John 12:35

God is a sovereign God, but God works in patterns for all the world to see. I saw that it was all a process that would take years. There were no overnight fixes. I would serve until God tells me to step down. The Blessed Mary will be your title. And would you be sworn in as President by a Supreme Court Justice who defied God? Who then? None but God. The Stigmata will be proof of His vote.

And I saw that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn would administer the oath of office. God is taking dominion. God is taking back His authority over America. Samuel and David re-created.

My life is a trust God issue. To do for you what is humanly impossible and God will have the glory and nations turn to Him before the great and terrible Day of the Lord. God is love. Is anything too great for Him? Amen and amen.

Our government ceased being benign when the IRS targeted Christians and Conservatives, and when Eric Holder allowed the Black Panthers to intimidate voters.

“So now, O kings, be wise, take warning, O judges of the earth! Serve the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish. For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalms 2:10-12

Sometimes heart attacks are warnings to do things differently.

“And I, if I be lifted up,…will draw all men unto me.” John 12:32

This is part of my story. The best is yet to come. God’s people are called for such a time as this. Don’t look back but see the opportunities before us.

I’m proud of my work. May others sense its worth. This is about God showing God’s power, no longer denied. God asked to use me to show what He could do in a life, and I said yes. May my words be true, may they occur as written, but more importantly, may they reflect God’s will.

God save America. Only God can. May America awaken and see the error of her ways. Life is difficult. It’s about to get more so. With faith in God, we can get through anything. Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

I have wept for America many, many times. It is painful to see what she has become. There is an invisible world. We must trust God to protect us after we repent and turn to Him. America is a Judeo-Christian nation under God.

The government grows larger because no one wants to give up power. True power belongs to God. God has many servants. Let us band together to do God’s work. It is the final hour. We all want the world to revolve around us. The world revolves around God.

The Jubilee is coming. If we return to God it will be a blessing. Otherwise it can be a curse. No one else intends to do what I intend to do. The carrot and the stick exposed.

I wonder who will be the first to support me? Donald Trump? Carly Fiorina? The measure of a person’s character is when they don’t care who gets the credit for turning the country around. It will be God. My destiny is linked to America. God has called me to publicly step forward to do His work. I ask for prayers of support and all I ask is heard.

This is about showing God’s power. This is about humbling America. This is about transformation for the next generation. A coach coaches, a mentor mentors, and a wise one imparts wisdom. To God be the glory and we shall have peace. Revival and judgment, they go hand in hand. Shalom. As I am a blessing to others, God blesses me.

It takes effort to function from one’s heart chakra, the spiritual energy center of the body. The closer one gets to God the easier it becomes. One must heal one’s heart to radiate peace and love. Some will turn to God in fear, some in awe. Let it all be in repentance. America strayed. Everything serves its purpose. Dear God, help me remember.

We elected an evil man not once but twice. Results speak louder than words.

Search my past. I have no skeletons to hide. God knows my mistakes and failures. But I am redeemed. In God’s image I am made.

“The land is full of adulterers; because of the curse the land lies parched and the pastures in the desert are withered…” Jeremiah 23:10

California, its drought is a curse.

“The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt…” Isaiah 24:5-6

There is sin on the land. All the foundations of the earth be shook. The earth responds to evil. Good is not always God. Many have been deceived. God bless America, from sea to shining sea, split in two, if Jerusalem is divided.

These are the days of Elijah. You have been warned. We descend into chaos the further we stray from God. Some prophets know more about what’s going on in the country than politicians. There is an invisible realm. Prayers are answered. God is holy, God is just, God is faithful to redeem His people. God is righteous. I tremble for America on her current path.

Psalm 119. Meditate on it day and night. Speak it aloud in your household. God’s words are faithful and true.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.” Psalm 119:9

It is up to God to touch hearts and minds.

The Catholic Church will crumble. It does not encourage people to study the Bible. Return to God. It is not the pope or papal encyclicals. Study the Word to show yourself approved. Politics and religion, God transcends both. May all occur as written.

Speak no evil, harbor no resentment at the things that must occur. All is earned from man’s lower consciousness when he refused to obey God. Thank God, all ye of the light, for what He has done, first in word, then in deed.

God’s glory and God’s power are reflected through us. Let us not disappoint Him. It is our finest hour to honor His name. Some people are ashamed of God. He never knew them.

“Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.” Psalm 119:165

Only God knows what must come. The universe operates on parallel tracks, one for the righteous and one for the wicked. We are upside down. God will right us. Man thinks he must know everything. It is a trap from Satan. We must see the error of our ways.

Transhumanism will destroy us. The Hadron Collider can do the same. We thought we were more powerful than God. Arrogance and pride, the tools of the Evil One. Repent and turn to God.

Dear God, please do the humanly impossible, destroy the Hadron Collider, destroy Pergamon, the devil’s seat of power. Do the humanly impossible that they know there is a God.

Man in his arrogance has always sought to overthrow God, but God is on the throne. Show them there is a God. But first it must be written for all the world to know.

Sometimes what I write frightens me, sometimes it reassures me. May it do the same for others. Repent and turn to God. God works in patterns for all the world to see.

Cancer is a cash cow. The medical community has no intention of curing it. Planned Parenthood is evil. We must open our eyes to discern truth.

And I saw a wide fishing net being cast into the sea. All I ask is heard. The steps of the righteous are ordered by the LORD.

Chuck Schumer is an advocate for Israel out of political expediency, not conviction. God has engraved the Jewish people on the palm of His hand. He will never forget His covenant with them.

The Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), headed by Pastor Bill Owens, deserves accolades. They spoke truth to power.

Will Washington, D.C. be destroyed? We’re walking in the path of ancient Israel.

Father/Mother/God. God is more than we can conceive of. God is all there is.

We are an atheist nation compared to our actions. God will right us again lest we destroy ourselves in the wrath to come. God will humble us, make no mistake. God will use nature, God will use adversaries until we repent and turn to Him.

God works in patterns and history repeats itself. The people did not learn.

How mighty is my God, words cannot describe. For that it will take acts. Open their eyes that they may see the error of their ways. God wants none to perish. God has a plan for America but we must repent first.

Noise is the world of man. Silence is the realm of God. Remember, God was in the gentle breeze.

Jesus will not return until Jerusalem welcomes Him.

We war not against flesh and blood but against Satan in high places. He must be thrown down. Only God can do it, and He works through people.

“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments…” John 15:10

The Ten Commandments, the foundation for a just society. Scripture cannot be broken but it can be interpreted differently, one step at a time, history written. No Muslims will be allowed to vote in America. No Muslim can be President.

Politics and religion, God transcends them. Whatever happens, LORD, show them Your power and glory that they be amazed and turn to You in repentance and joy. The carrot and the stick, the Shemitah and Jubilee. I am an advocate for the people and my God. I threaten the status quo.

Jesus Christ is LORD and Savior. There is no other. Jesus is King. God handles the details of my life for all the world to see.

The world is full of immature, selfish people. I pray that they grow up and turn to God. Only He can transform lives. Knowing is not enough to become more like Christ. The journey from “knowing” to “being” is a thousand miles. It has begun as you read these words of mine. The world does not nurture. For that it takes God.

Prophets are born, they are not made. God knew us in the womb. Roe v. Wade will be rescinded. The government has no place in it. God intends to rule.

People of God, you are bought with a price, the blood of Yeshua Jesus. Obey God. God works in mysterious ways, His glory to portray.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24-25

The Bible is a book of instruction for life. Much will occur to try men’s souls. God is in charge.

The Church of the Blessed Mary. You are never to be forgotten. God thinks differently than man. George Washington in another time to resurrect America from bondage.

These are the good old days. We just didn’t know it. America is changing forever through trials and tribulation. We abandoned God. All lives matter.

I see the battle before me. It is the LORD’s. I once thought Jesus was just a highly evolved being, but now I know the truth. He was the Nazarene, the Son of God, the Creator.

“I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:1-4

We live in a world of illusion. The only authority is God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit has yet to occur, but I have all I need. I rewrote my subconscious mind into alignment with God. It only took three years. It was an investment in my future.

l hope this is the last diet and weight loss book I have to read, “The Skinny Gut Diet” by Brenda Watson. I hope I will finally get my cravings under control. Steppingstones to optimal health.

I just keep moving forward into eternity, my permanent home with God. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Matthew 24:7-8

Is it not occurring?

Will the youth rebel when they realize the government and Supreme Court stole their future when they outlawed God?

I have always felt that the best was yet to come, but I don’t know if I believe that anymore, there’s so much on the horizon. It’s all a trust God issue for America. God prunes those He loves. The Father disciplines the child.

“So I will give them a prophet like you, who is one of their own people. I will tell him what to say, and he will tell them everything I command. This prophet will speak for me; anyone who does not listen when he speaks will answer to me.” Deuteronomy 18:18-19

It is the greatest gift.

God intends for us to transcend religion, but Messianic Judaism is the closest to ideal. One step at a time all is revealed.

I have observed that Jews are no healthier than anyone else. That should not be. They eat processed food.

We worship Satan publicly. How long do you think God is going to tolerate it? We need to fear God more than we fear man. The Bible is an instruction book. Nations were torn apart for Baal worship.

God knows whose heart is His. His sheep know His voice.

I believe in the power of God to fulfill prophecy according to God’s intent, not Satan’s. The Bible was centered around Israel, not America. I read Revelation but don’t understand it. God’s wrath is coming, but also God’s triumph. It’s frightening to think of living without God. Evil surrounds us. One’s life is just a segment in time, but God is eternal.

There is only one true God, the living God of Israel, whose Son is the Messiah Yeshua Jesus. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, who was, and is, and is yet to come. Let this be our motto: In God we trust.

Sometimes prophecy is given to change outcome. Revelation need not be fulfilled. Repent and turn to God. The victory is His. How will we know when the nation has turned to God? When Obama steps down. Catastrophe will do that. America will be cursed until she returns to God.

God is holy, God is righteous, God is faithful. America will receive what was earned. Blessings and curses will be poured out. Please heal the apostasy in America. Prayers are answered. Sometimes it takes years. Pray that America and the world see the error of their ways.

Dear God, please purge evil from our land.

If My people who are called by My Name will turn from their wicked ways, I will hear and heal their land. God is the same yesterday and today.

There is always more than one can do in a day. Spend time with God.

Let hatred, like mountains, be cast into the sea. Let love, on the wings of eagles, cover the earth. Let the dove settle in every heart. Then we shall know God.

Let Jews be honored, Muslims contrite, Christians relieved. We serve a righteous God.

I am an unknown woman, here to do the work of God. And the meek shall inherit the earth. Every day serves its purpose known only to God. Satan is not omnipotent, Satan is not omniscient. God will win.

The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want. First it must be done in the 99% before it comes to earth. Too many people puff themselves up. Jesus was a humble man.

Dear God, forgive us our flaws. Forgive us our sins of commission as well as our sins of omission. We forgot how great You are.

“So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.” Malachi 3:18

God sees things differently than we do. Always will it be so. Satan is counterfeit. God is real. What seems right in the eyes of man is abomination in the sight of God. Of all the plans for reform I have heard proposed, God’s is the most sweeping. It changes the future, the others simply slow the demise.

Grace covers many sins, otherwise humanity could not be saved. But many think grace is enough. It is not. Many have backslidden, many have wandered from the faith. Grace is not enough. Jesus is Savior, but also LORD and Master.

We are in the world but not of it. We must live it.

Elul 29 is right around the corner. Will America change forever? Repent and turn to God. America is a house of cards. Only God can save her.

The school sign welcomed the students back. “We are glad you are hear.” Our education is a disgrace.

Yeshua Jesus will return in the clouds. There are false Messiahs.

“No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.” Psalm 25:3

God knows who they are. The best is yet to come when God is honored. Isaiah repeats itself until the lesson is learned.

“…I sit as queen; I am no widow, and I will never mourn.” Revelation 18:7

America will be humbled. They will go merrily on their way until the day of calamity. Then they will know there is a God.

I believe Elul 29 is God’s appointed time. Nothing random. The criminal is only contrite when caught. Then they will believe your words to them.

God will provide for the remnant when they stand for Him. There is joy in the LORD and He adds no sorrow to it.

2016 will be different than people expect. God is sovereign and this He will prove. The 2016 Presidential race aborted, Obama to step down and rescind Obamacare. God is a tough taskmaster. Only God can change the future.

Cleanse my words, God, let there be no error in them. And mountains will be moved. They will go merrily on their way until the day of reckoning at hand. This is about revival. God wants none to perish without Him.

Dear God, strike me down if my words are not true. Let me not spread false doctrine. That comes from Satan, the true comes from You.

Music, beauty, and wealth. We were seduced from the message of God. We were entertained. Repent and see the error of your ways. Our Founding Fathers knew the power of God. We forgot. Jesus is LORD.

We are incapable of experiencing love, peace, and joy without God. Jijad or Christ? Peace or war? America was the most favored nation on earth until we forsook God.

My word does not return to me void when God is in it. Help me exemplify peace, love, and joy. Faith and wisdom is the fruit. Let there be holy fear, the fear of being away from God. We live in an evil world, a world of chaos. The only hope is God.

The Western Wall in Jerusalem was not part of the Temple. Jesus said not one stone would be left standing. Jesus never lied.

Gay clergy are an abomination to God. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes and rebelled against God.

“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” Mark 7:8

America has many enemies, some within our gates. All good is attacked. Evil will triumph unless we repent. People are hoarding food and water. Don’t they know the government is keeping track? Their supplies will be confiscated under martial law.

The Bible does not contain all knowledge, but it is the pathway to it.

Dear God, Thank-you for insights and awareness. It takes miracles to get the world’s attention.

I believe in the power of God to change my life forever. I live in a world of illusion. The only power is God. As it was in the days of Noah, purge humanity’s DNA. It could be a quarter of the world’s population.

Let me trust, day by day, it is enough to be under Your wing, under Your aegis of protection, the Holy One of Israel. God thinks differently than us. Our task is to grow strong in the LORD.

A third of the angels in heaven fell to earth with Lucifer. How could there be peace? Not until every heart belongs to God. The Great Commission incomplete.

Our culture values youth. We must respect wisdom. This is the story of my journey. It has yet to begin. Years spent in preparation are not wasted when one has a worthy destination.

Believers have the seed of God within them. It must be cultivated and nurtured to grow. The carrot and the stick revealed. Repent or perish with the choices now made.

Satan controls America. Except for the remnant she would fall. The wheat and the tares have grown together. God is about to tear all asunder. God intends to rupture the status quo. It is the only way to get our country back. To be forewarned is to be prepared. The prayers of the righteous are heard.

Dear God, help me stand in the gap for America, me and millions of others who have not bended the knee to Big Government.

How can books be published if life in America is disrupted? How can blogs be read if the Internet goes down? We are interdependent. No one does anything of greatness alone.

Noah, Daniel, and Job were counted as righteous, and Rahab was the ancestress of Christ. God thinks differently than us. God’s will be done. Who knows the plans God has for us when we obey? God works in patterns for all the world to see.

Jesus never begged. He never begged others to accept salvation, He never begged for food. God provides. God will orchestrate everything perfectly. My job is to have faith. We must obey.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10

Judgment is coming. Judgment is at the door. We are a rebellious nation. We defied God, the Creator. The watchman’s job is over. The handwriting is on the wall. That means it’s irreversible. Repent and pray. Jesus knows which hearts can be turned to Him.

Destruction will come upon them unawares. Then they will repent. We thought we were omnipotent. God will show His hand. Everyone stands or falls on his own. This is about their relationship with the LORD.

The post-Christian era is an abomination to God. Its time will come and go. The Muslim era will wane. Messianic Judaism is the new frontier. Love will win.

The coming storm is for the wicked and profane. Let the righteous be unscathed. Let them honor God in word and deed. We must repent and pray. Nineveh was spared. Gay marriage was the final straw. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for less.

Marriage was sanctified by God between a man and a woman. What God made holy the Supreme Court profaned. It is grounds for removal. Supreme Court Justices hold their position predicated on good behavior. They violated the trust of the American people and the intent of the Constitution. It is not a co-equal branch of government.

“…They provoked the LORD to anger by their wicked deeds, and a plague broke out among them. But Phinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague was checked. This was credited to him as righteousness for endless generations to come.” Psalm 106:29-31

God did not turn His back on me, just on America.

“I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the LORD, declares the Sovereign LORD, when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.” Ezekiel 36:23

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 8:07 am

March 24, 2015

People of God

God’s people were always to flourish to draw others to God. We faltered when we became just like them. God is giving us another chance.

“Religious” has gotten a bad name. It has become synonymous with prejudice and doctrines of men. “Spiritual” has become tainted, including the occult. Let us now be known as people of God.

People of God transcend all boundaries of politics, religions, countries or ethnicity. There are people of God in all walks of life all over the world. Let us bond together, one people under God. It is to do a great work that we are here.

There are Muslims who believe in Jesus. There are Jews who believe in Yeshua as their Messiah. They have seen a great light.

In the world but not of it. That is our goal. Let us be known for truth, honesty, and integrity. Let us be known for kindness and hard work, bold and powerful. Cream rises to the top.

Some seek to conform the Constitution to their own agenda. Ted Cruz was not born in America. Canada is no different than Kenya. It is not the United States.

“I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

“Yes, I will delight in doing good things for them, and with all My heart and all My soul I will in truth plant them in this land. For thus says the LORD: “Just as I have brought all this great evil on this people, so I will bring on them all the good that I have promised them.” Jeremiah 32:41-42

It is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.

“The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the LORD shall raise them up.” James 5:15

This is about showing the power of God.

Relatively few people know about the Shemitah or four blood moons. They have never heard of Elul 29, but everyone remembers 9/11 and the financial collapse of 2008. They just never knew they were warnings from God to return to Him.

Some people dedicate themselves to their jobs or career, some to their families. Few dedicate themselves to God. What does it mean to dedicate oneself to God? Put God first. Religious doctrine counts for nothing if one cannot hear His voice. Praise His holy name. The darkness will win if we do nothing.

God gave us the power to create wealth. We preferred the government give us a stipend. God gave us the power to overcome the enemy. We ignored it. We enslaved ourselves.

In an effort to feel secure, we gave more and more power to the government. We must take it back. The government will never stop ISIS. More hatred will only be born.

A two-state solution is not the answer for Israel. We must stop pushing her toward annihilation. One cannot make peace with another dedicated to their destruction. God would have kept Israel safe if she had not strayed. Israel is more secular than America. She paid a price.

War, rumors of war, calamity all around us. It is the Last Days. Are you prepared? God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We must change. God will not.

We are gnats in the great cosmos. We thought we did it all ourselves. Evolution, the theory of man’s arrogance. The proof that he could not see.

Ideology, one’s worldview, is paramount. The government or God? Whom do you trust? We must be blunt. Political correctness will not do. It evades the truth. America cannot win under its present leadership.

God blesses those who bless Israel. God curses those who don’t. Barack Obama curses America. His administration is steeped in lies. Politics cannot save America. It must be God. We must humble ourselves before God does it for us. I call America to repentance. We must change our ways.

We have six months before Elul 29. It will be worse than anyone can imagine, but God will provide for His own. This is about showing the power of God that we not stray again. God has warned the churches. Some will come tumbling down. They were built for men and not for God.

Sports. We waste our time on statistics when souls are going to hell.

The status quo will be ruptured. God wants to rebuild according to His principles of justice. They are different than ours. God has given us a blueprint. It is contained in the Addendum to the Constitution. Congress will not vote on it. The states will not ratify it. Consider these the days of Moses. God intends to lead us out of bondage.

The minority has always ruled. Sometimes it was by force. Now let it be through God. History hangs in the balance or World War III. Strength is power. We must not give it to Russia. We have already given it to China. She owns our debt.

I perceive things differently. War benefits no one, not even financiers. When all debt is cancelled, then they will understand. It is God’s intent. It is part of leveling the playing field.

To God be the glory from sea to shining sea. We must stop polluting the earth. She is our temporary home.

The Jewish people will have a friend in the White House. They do not now. We see darkly through the lens of man’s understanding. God seeks to take the blinders off. All are one, all loved equally by Him.

Yeshua Jesus is the key. Obedience comes next. We must submit our will to God’s to bring heaven to earth. The Beatles sang of peace on earth through a totalitarian state. God prefers individuals dedicated to Him.

We all have lessons to learn. Mine was to learn to own my power as a woman in a man’s world, and to submit my will to God.

We owe a great debt to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. He brought knowledge and understanding to the world. He and Benjamin Netanyahu are giants in our time. History will remember them. They do the work of God. Insights and awareness. May it be enough to change the world.

Republican and Democrat, both are tainted. We must turn to God for direction and guidance. I am not a theologian, but let my life honor God.

Is it true that G20 rules gave our money to the banks? America lost her sovereignty. We just never knew. Is that why Hillary held her news conference at the UN? When will we wake up?

Bill Clinton socializes with a known pedophile and he’s one of the most respected men we have? Our leaders are a reflection of society. How far we have sunk. The Founding Fathers gave their lives, fortunes, and honor to birth this great nation.

According to the signs, we have already had the prosperous years. God is constantly talking. We just refuse to listen.

“Let kindness and truth never leave you — bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will gain favor and a good name in the eyes of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4

The further we get from God, the darker it gets. Help me lean not on my own understanding. If I could say one more thing it would be this: Repent, turn to God, God is not mocked.

…”It is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only shall you serve.'” Luke 4:8

Every scene of Jerusalem shows the Dome of the Rock. It is an affront to God. What is Sharia law but Satanic rule? Ignorance is not bliss. It is suicide. Darkness controls the earth. God intends to take it back. The earth is His footstool.

Everything has a time and a season. Ecclesiastes.

By miracles is it known. Signs and wonders point the way toward God. The false prophet does not perform signs and wonders. They enrich themselves.

The rainbow was the sign of the covenant that God would never destroy the earth by water again. The gay community usurped it. The tolerant let the intolerant control them. God will heal us. Only God can. Collectively and individually, we must turn to God.

“For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor secret that shall not be known and come into open view.” Luke 8:17

Many mistakenly think they can be saved once and they’re saved for eternity. They must follow the LORD until the end. Even good works are not enough.

Drinking, gambling, vices. The Catholic Church condones it. God does not. This will be the last pope. Are not most mafia Catholic? The Catholic Church carries much darkness. Kings and queens, popes and bishops and imams. Some thought they were to be worshiped.

Women are to be devoted to their husbands. Husbands are to love and protect their wives. God is the head of both. God still speaks.

“Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Sometimes God gives prophecy to warn and to prepare His people.

“For the Kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17

The tower at Ground Zero will be felled unless it is dedicated to God. We are falling into the Abyss. Atheists are behind much of America’s woes. We are in spiritual warfare. Will we open our eyes?

Christians thought salvation was only for the future. It is the foundation for a rewarding life. People turn to gold in uncertain economic times, but the Bible says gold will be worthless. Man counts on money to supply his needs instead of God. God’s intent is for us to evolve into our Christ consciousness. We are to emulate Yeshua Jesus in all we do.

Humility starts in the heart when one seeks God. Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no.” It is time to honor God.

Passover. God delivered His people, in different times, in different forms.

The Shemitah, four blood moons on Jewish feast days. God is trying to get our attention. The chosen are awake. The rest will come. The minority has always ruled a nation. God does not intend to lead. God intends to rule.

This is about healing the heart of all pain and sorrow, cleansing the mind of error thoughts. Then it is easier to commune with God. Man is stubborn. God will break his will. A contrite heart belongs to God.

The past is irrelevant. It cannot be changed. The future is what counts. It is molded by thoughts, words, and deeds. Transformation begins within. God will do more to change a life than any college or entitlement program. We have been deceived. This is for the ones with no future in a totalitarian state.

The agreement with Iran is treason. It is grounds for impeachment.

“Who will rise up for Me against the wicked? Who will stand up for Me against evildoers?” Psalm 94:16

The watchman is afraid to keep silent.

Who is it that coordinates the heavens? Only God. Passover, Easter weekend, the blood moon, everything coinciding.

I have heard that bankers all over the world are committing suicide. They see the financial collapse coming. They placed their faith in mammon instead of God. Get in the Rock. It is Yeshua Jesus. Only He can save us from what is to come. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In Hebrew there is no word for coincidence. That means it does not exist. God’s intent be done. God always gives one an opportunity to bless others before one is blessed. Let my words be a blessing to others.

It is the days of Elijah. Repent and turn to God.

My thinking has changed a lot over the years. I once believed in a two-state solution in Israel, I was pro-choice, and ambivalent about gay marriage. I occasionally voted Democrat. Through prayer, meditation, and studying the Bible, I grew closer to God.

Not teaching Revelation is deceiving the people. It is the only book in the Bible that promises a blessing if read and heard. The people must be warned.

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times. Always has it been so.

Teach me Thy will, O God, so that I may not falter, so that I may not trip and fall. Teach me Thy ways so that my life will be filled with peace, joy, and satisfaction. Teach me Thy love so that I may share it with all, regardless of circumstances. Teach me in all things to do Thy bidding and give me the courage to obey.

Find someone you admire and emulate them. Don’t look for flashy personalities or mere wealth. Look for integrity, honesty, and valor. God has people hidden in all walks of life.

The third blood moon occurred and there were no seismic shifts. Only a gradual march toward Elul 29.

Some speak of a new Holocaust in Europe, and America follows in Nazi Germany’s path. How long can we ignore the warning signs?

Sometimes I think that God could just strike Obama, but Joe Biden would step in, the blind leading the blind.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:7-8

An immoral nation cannot survive.

We thought the Bible was outdated, the Ten Commandments obsolete. Grace does not cover apostasy.

There is power in strength. It draws not from man. It draws from God. Obey God 100%. It is the only palliative. We’ve done it our way for two thousand years. We are in bondage.

Radical change is necessary. We are in the Abyss. That is where hope and change lead without God’s direction and guidance. Elul 29 will prove it. God has shown us His pattern.

The Twelve-Step Program for Spiritual Healing and Well-Being will help draw one closer to God. The booklet comes in two covers, pink roses and a cross.

Transformation is coming. It starts at the top and flows down.

We are further into Revelation than I thought. Things I thought were yet to be have already occurred.

Help me open my hands to release the old and bring in the new. God has always worked through people. Satan does too. God will give them a chance to repent.

Are events unfolding or is the world unraveling? It depends on one’s perspective.

A house divided cannot stand. America has become a pluralistic nation. We must return to the God of our Founding Fathers.

God is a God of justice. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. He cannot ignore America.

Who knows the majesty of God?

Sometimes I wonder if Elul 29 will be the catastrophe I expect, but then I remember, God told me twenty years ago that the status quo would be ruptured.

Under President Obama persecution of Christians grows, Israel is abandoned, and America’s way of life is threatened. He pulls us further from God. Is he not the Antichrist in modern form? Skin color is irrelevant. From the heart actions are born. Evil denied no more.

God speaks to His prophets to make His plans known.

The Middle East impacts the entire world. So does America.

When all crumbles let us turn to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of America. The Bible was a blueprint to get us to the point where we could hear God for ourselves.

Israel is secular. Many abandoned God. America follows in its footsteps, to be reborn.

Israel erred when it gave control of the Temple Mount to the Palestinians. God wants it back.

A two-state solution is not the answer. Evangelism is. Start with prayer and fasting.

Simple solutions to complex problems make for a firm foundation. Israel’s woes go back to Abraham, when he didn’t trust God. Ishmael was born.

Jihad is not the way of God. Swords will be beat into plowshares, weapons, too. Wisdom without courage is impotent.

Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jew. There is one God under Whom there is no other. Yeshua Jesus is His Son. All power and authority rest in Him. He gives it to His followers as they are ready to receive.

Sometimes God pushes people into their future. It is better to volunteer. Ask to become all you can be. It is more than you can imagine. Give God the credit. He made the design.

Psalm 91. There is nothing to fear. God never left us alone.

The steps to optimal health include many things, nonGMO food among them.

Health and a love of God. It is necessary for a fulfilling life on earth. Body, mind, and spirit. I am concerned for the whole person.

Deformed organic produce. The soils are depleted. The land has not rested. God is concerned about the earth.

I am an imperfect vessel, but I have perseverance, I have moral fortitude. It is enough to do God’s will on earth. It is in God’s hands.

What I intend to do is humanly impossible, break the power structure.

Our politicians are little more than front men for corporations and lobbyists. It must be ruptured. The bureaucracy is abusive.

We abrogated our power to the government. We must take it back.

Islam is not benign. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just like the federal government. Just like the United Nations.

No matter how dark it gets, focus on Yeshua Jesus. He has overcome the world.

The world was created on the illusion of separation from God. It will be shattered to be reunited with Him.

Pope Francis has a Communist bent. Most don’t see it, but some in South America do.

God always sends mercy before judgment.

“Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?'” Ezekiel 33:11

That also applies to America. Do not say God is unjust.

God is winding up the Gentile age. Messianic Jews will evangelize the world.

Words create reality.

Blessed be the LORD of peace. War is man’s option. Submit yourselves, therefore, to God.

There could be rioting in the streets, martial law, a complete breakdown of society. Satan has plans. We must turn to God. Only He can override them.

Sometimes the trumpet is sounded and ignored. The military seems to be more aware of the danger than Homeland Security or this administration.

Preachers still preach prosperity while Rome burns. They should be preaching repentance for straying from God.

Most people are ignorant of their surroundings or current events. God intends to wake them up. The people in Noah’s day were eating and drinking until the rains came.

The masses eat whatever they want, oblivious to consequences. Obesity and ill health are a sign of neglect, body, mind, and spirit.

Gluttony in all its forms is death.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Then there will be no room for hatred or fear to dwell.

God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, but we must do the rest. A whirlwind is coming. We must turn to God.

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned, but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:17-18

The darkness only makes the light brighter.

God is powerful. God is supernatural. Only God knows the heart, if it can be turned. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit has yet to come.

Is America the Mystery Babylon?

Sharia law in America? We curse ourselves.

It takes dedicating one’s life to God to become all one can be. We don’t believe in the power of God to heal. We believe in doctors. It will take a paradigm shift. God will winnow the wheat from the chaff.

This is not the Second Coming, but it’s leading up to it. Jerusalem must welcome Yeshua Jesus back.

“Forget not all His benefits. He forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.” Psalm 103:3-4

Poverty is a curse. Some thought that others owed them a living. Some worship false idols.

Some think money is the lifeblood of an economy. It is God. God will carry His people. Get in the Rock. It is Yeshua Jesus. The grooming of a President begins behind the scenes.

“Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not brag, it is not puffed up, it does not behave inappropriately, it does not seek its own way, it is not provoked, it keeps no account of wrong, it does not rejoice over injustice but rejoices in the truth; it bears all things, it believes all things, it hopes all things, it endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love.

The Spirit of the LORD is on me. I am an ordinary woman with an extraordinary future. God works in mysterious ways.

“Comfort or truth?” I had never heard it phrased that way, following our own desires or the Word of God.

George Washington was protected by God. Maybe one day our history books will tell it.

Barack Obama refused to meet with Israel’s Netanyahu, yet he met with Cuba’s Castro. We are normalizing relations with a country with ties to Iran.

How can a country embrace a person like Hillary Clinton after all the scandals she’s been embroiled in, Benghazi among them? It is a sign of our moral decay. Our media betrays us.

God’s people must not be taken by the enemy. It is within. God’s people are supposed to lead, following the Word.

We think we must push so hard for what we want, but sometimes, when we do the next right thing, it’s dropped into one’s lap.

Jim Bakker talks openly about his five years in prison. I respect him for that.

The flesh is weak. The Spirit must rule. The LGBT community is in open rebellion against God.

The Bible is not quaint. It is the blueprint to align us with God.

Organic coconut oil can reverse dementia? Why isn’t that known?

I’m reading “Signs and Wonders” by Sister Maria Woodworth-Etter. It was promised that whoever read it would have the power to heal.

We understand in part. More will be revealed.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 9:58 am

February 11, 2015

America the Lost?

The Caliphate is Satan’s plan for world domination. It will not succeed if we own our power and return to God.

We are heading toward Armageddon. God knew this would happen if we abandoned Him.

God gave us power over the demonic. It comes through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Obama is the Antichrist. He leads us further from God. The Great Deceiver deceives through him.

The Shemitah. God will show His sovereignty. America must take hers back.

America grew complacent. She strayed from God. There is a consequence to everything. We will pay the price.

America has a void in leadership. It must now be filled. It will not be by politicians. It will be by a servant of God’s.

Women must own their power to help prevent war. Only God can save us. Churches and synagogues must become a House of Prayer.

Repent. It is the first step. A National Day of Prayer and Fasting could be the next.

Revival will come. All things work for good to them that love the LORD.

God is a God of Love, Compassion, Forbearance. God is a God of Justice. God is good.

No one comes to the Father except through the Son, Yeshua Jesus, the Messiah of Israel.

America has decayed from within. She must be restored the same way. Politics and religion. America was founded on God.

It made her exceptional.

A whirlwind is coming. We can harness its energy or it will destroy us. Continue our present course and destruction is inevitable. Man is powerless without God’s intervention.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

The destiny of America hangs in the balance. Do not be afraid to stand for God.

We are being guided, regardless of the appearance of things. Have faith. Repent and turn to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel.

America has a chance to do things differently. So, too, the world.

Four blood moons. God has messages to tell.

A true leader has attributes of God. Anything less is a dictator.

The masses have never wanted to change. It had to get painful enough to motivate them.

Satan intends to fell America. God intends to raise her up. Believe or not. The wise will believe.

God used Babylon to humble ancient Israel. Will God use ISIS to humble America?

Everyone has a purpose. It is to become the best they can be. It is to draw closer to God.

“50 Shades of Grey” is symbolic of America’s decay. Evil is portrayed as good. Need I say more?

“Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause.” Psalm 25:3

A curse without cause cannot come. Neither can a blessing. We are a proud and arrogant people. We will be humbled.

The Jubilee is coming. God will make all things right.

I am grateful God intends to step in. It’s sad what America has become. My job is to synthesize information and wisdom into a form anyone can understand. Simplicity and common sense.

I pray that America will be blessed when she restores her ties to Israel.

Muslims know they worship a different god. They know it’s not the God of Israel.

“If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.” Jeremiah 18:7-10

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God will show His power in a way that will not be forgotten.

When will Yeshua Jesus return? It could be another hundred years. But will He return in physical form or will our spiritual eyes be opened?

There is work to be done.

Liars lie. The righteous tell the truth, even if it doesn’t want to be heard.

Barack Obama leads us to destruction. That should be obvious by now.

Sometimes war is inevitable to protect peace. The draft will be reinstated. Muslims will not be in the military.

Thank-you, God, for insights and awareness. It is enough to change the world when You open their eyes and perception. Thank-you for dominion over evil in all its forms.

There is power and authority in the name of Yeshua Jesus.

Congress will never get anything accomplished of value. God is taking it out of their hands.

God is handing us a lifeline. The Shemitah seen differently. The status quo must be ruptured to make America whole.

Make no mistake. Anti-Semitism is a tool of Satan, forgiveness and mercy a tool of God.

God is stepping in through me and everyone who accepts the Call.

In a crisis the leader surfaces.

“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21

There are false shepherds. God will pull them down.

We took God for granted. God is not mocked.

When God works through ordinary people, it shows His greatness, not theirs. This is about God reclaiming America. For such a time as this.

Will Christmas and Easter fade away in lieu of Jewish tradition? They are not Scriptural.

There is a synergy when people work toward common goals. Let it be to restore America. Let it be to put God back on the throne.

For such a time as this God stepped into history through ordinary people.

The past is over but the consequences remain. Let us create a new future with the choices now made.

God never gives us more than we can handle with grace and diplomacy. We must walk softly and carry a big stick. We are surrounded by evil, but God will prevail when we repent and turn to Him.

We neglected the Bible and its precepts. We thought we knew better. The Koran is from Satan.

Dear God, open their eyes. Let them discern Truth.

“…Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself…” Matthew 22:37-39

America could be transformed.

Purim, the story of Esther, the story of God behind the scenes.

God works in mysterious ways. The Jews are Messiah’s brethren, God’s first born.

The Bible is a history book, and a book of instruction for life.

God is coach, mentor and friend. Anything is possible when God steps in.

Revelation is not written in stone, just the part that God intends.

No personal photographer, no press corps, few interviews. The media lost its credibility.

I move forward in faith, Forsaking All I Take Him.

Twenty-one Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. Bless those courageous people who refuse to denounce their faith.

I once thought it was a weakness to be dependent on God. Now I know it is a tremendous strength.

I watched the preacher on TV. He preached his heart out. It was not a “feel good” message, but it needed to be heard. The congregation was not moved. They were cold.

I believe in the power of God to change lives forever, and only for the better. I believe in transformation.

What I have observed is that it’s not so much what people ask of God but what God asks of people that makes the difference.

Our food is addictive, tainted, and it’s killing us. We can not do what we are called to do as a sickly nation.

Pray daily, study the Bible daily, meditate and commune with God daily. Make God a priority. Turn off the TV.

True joy comes from doing the Will of God, serving one’s fellow man.

New Age spirituality and God. There is a difference. Some seek enlightenment for their own benefit. Some seek it to serve God.

We are in spiritual warfare. Much has been veiled. Our government deceives us. They protect themselves.

Black or white, there is no gray. We chose poorly. We chose the broader path that leads to destruction. It leads to judgment.

Hard Work, Self-Responsibility, Ethics, and Love. These are not attributes of ISIS or Socialism. They are attributes of God.

To whom much is given much is required, nations, as well as people.

We are here to save souls from the Evil One. Example is the best tool. Create your life in joy to honor God and be a Testament to Him.

This book is eight years of my life. May it be the blessing it is meant to be.

Religion and God form the basis of morality without which America falls.

Politics and religion. Both fail without God’s influence, democracy and freedom hang in the balance.

God is judging America. God has given us warning. We were too blind to see.

Muslim, Christian, Jew. Only two worship the true God. Look to the fruit.

Step by step, my book shows how God has been working behind the scenes to save America. It’s a matter of consciousness.

God is a Supernatural God. He can make people whole. God can work through anyone whose heart is His.

Where are the miracles? We made God too small. God created the Universe. He can make us whole.

“Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.” Proverbs 3:13

The Shemitah serves a purpose. So does this book. God reveals some of who He is.

The memory of Barack Obama will be blotted out unless he repents. He will just be a footnote in the annals of history. The first Black President and the last.

If he was born in Kenya, he is an illegitimate President.

God intends to fell a President and raise one up. Then all shall see the Power of God, dormant no more in man’s consciousness.

There are people who know that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. May they have the courage to step forward. God always works through ordinary people who obey Him.

Barack Obama is a Muslim at heart. That explains a lot.

We made Government our god. It was a mistake. There is evil in the White House. God intends to get it out.

Dear God, heal us in the Mighty Name that is above all names, Yeshua Jesus, Your Son. Amen and Amen.

Politics and religion, two fascinating subjects that need to be discussed in partnership with God.

I have been told I’m too nice for politics. I prefer to think of myself as a statesman. I ignore political correctness. I call a spade a spade.

God is a God of order. There are no coincidences.

John Paul Jackson is gone. He was a tremendous Being of Light. There will be more because he was here.

Gifts that are not acknowledged are wasted. The sacrifice of Jesus was a gift.

Tomorrow cares for itself. Make the best choices today.

Church doctrine is a millstone around one’s neck.

Instincts, more accurately described as one’s 6th sense.

Everything affects everything else. Disobedience in one area has repercussions in another.

Do not let the world tame you. You tame the world by transcending it. That is only possible with God.

I see a new America after she has been rebuilt according to God’s Principles of Justice and Reform.

How bad will it get? Bad enough to bring America to her knees.

America’s economy has been surpassed by China. We are a debtor nation. Russia flexes its muscles. We are not immune. We lost the hedge of protection some never knew we had.

Satan intends to fell America permanently. God intends to fell her and raise her back up.

The year of the LORD’s favor is the Jubilee. The day of reckoning is Elul 29.

The world needs a role model. Let it be me. I do not lie, steal, or cheat. I love God with all my heart.

“Be sure, the evil will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.” Proverbs 11:21

The Constitution has been violated many times. We have a rogue Government.

Our education is a disgrace, our values and our honor. I first wrote those words twenty years ago. It has only gotten worse.

I knew things were headed in the wrong direction in the ’80s, with all the leveraged buyouts and corporate cannibalism. I perceive things others don’t.

Snow is symbolic. God is cleansing the Earth. He is showing His Power.

It snowed in Jerusalem.

If God always was and there is no beginning or end, why couldn’t there have been other galaxies and solar systems before ours?

A red heifer need not be sacrificed for the new Temple. Yeshua Jesus paid the price. He was the Ultimate Sacrifice.

Whatever befalls, God’s Plan will be carried out. First, it must be revealed. That is one purpose of this book.

Carry me forward, God. You did it with George W, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. God raises up and God casts down.

This is about showing God’s Power.

I have wondered if God intended for Barack Obama to turn out as he has. Did God know about King Saul? He replaced him with David.

And the first shall be last and the last lifted up. It is part of God’s Plan for America.

The serpent is trampled underfoot.

If we could come to God without Jesus, Jesus would never have been sent. God wastes nothing.

It is about saving souls.

People fear relinquishing all of who they are to God, as if one were giving up a part of oneself. It is a delusion. God will make them more of who they are.

Jeb Bush is in favor of citizenship for illegal immigrants and Common Core. I could never support him.

Purim, God is working behind the scenes. Barack is the modern-day Haman.

It is a new season. God has plans for America.

Polls say 70% of Americans believe in God. It is enough if they return to Him.

God works in mysterious ways. God blesses me as I bless others.

One step at a time, miracles created in the consciousness of America, and then out to the world.

My future is linked to the Jewish people. It is intertwined with America. That’s hard to admit with the rising tide of anti-Semitism, but Israel needs a friend.

God will make all things right.

God is grafting Gentiles into a Jewish tree.

Churches cater to the emotions and intellect. God wants to connect Spirit to spirit, through the heart.

Freedom is the ability to do God’s Work on Earth. Be careful lest we lose it.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

We weakened ourselves depending on the Government. God wants to empower us.

I serve a Supernatural God who does Supernatural things. Amen and Amen.

“Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying,”Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” ‘ ” Zechariah 8:23

Many prophecies are yet to be fulfilled.

The Shemitah and the Four Blood Moons are just the beginning, signs too obvious to ignore. Nothing is coincidence, nothing by chance. God is in charge.

God intends to fell the Clintons. There will be others.

The Supreme Court could end marriage as we know it. Will man overrule God?

May America open her eyes and repent.

Sometimes fear is the basis of respect, and respect the basis of love.

Transgender sexuality is not normal. We must stop treating it as if it is.

“But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6

The new math? It is to distance children from parents, but 2 plus 2 still equals 4.

The physical world is only the manifestation of the unseen realm.

Daylight Savings Time. Millions of children go to school in the dark so men can play more golf.

Words translate poorly into English. “Law” translates from “doctrines of men”. It also translates from “Laws of God”. They are not the same.

“…If any man wants to be first, he shall be least of all and the servant of everyone.” Mark 9:35

God thinks differently than us. God is faithful, God is holy. God is not a man that He should lie.

We are falling into the Abyss. Only God can save us.

A military advisor has said he feared that if America were attacked, Obama would surrender. Satan would win.

The world is in chaos. We forgot the Power of God.

Dear God, raise up a holy people unto You. Let it be America.

Israel won the Six Day War because God was with them. America won the war in Kuwait. Will God be with us this time? No, not unless we repent.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

God is faithful.

The day will come when all God’s people will honor the three feasts of the LORD, the Feast of Passover, Pentecost, and Sukkot, God’s moadim. And America will be blessed.

9/11 was a warning. It was ignored. Then came 2008.

History is repeated until we learn the lesson, people, and nations.

Who knows God’s appointed times? Passover, Pentecost, and Sukkot, the Shemitah and Elul 29.

The people do not see the signs of God. Let me trust that the Chosen Ones do.

According to Jewish writing, a prophet is one who speaks for God. I guess I am a prophet.

God is faithful. He will validate me. No one else can. Elul 29 will be the first test. It will be cataclysmic in its effect.

All must repent.

Debt is bondage. The Jubilee will come, for nations and people, the slate wiped clean. Then God will have the glory.

Times of crisis are coming, but we can handle it with God by our side. How bad will it get? Worse than we can imagine, but God is on the Throne.

There is a price for disobedience. May we never forget God again.

“You shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty. But in righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.” Leviticus 19:15

Politics and religion. God is in both.

Income disparity is a ruse for control. The middle class is vanishing but no one seems to know.

We need a prosperous middle class for political and social stability. We need Reform.

With a wicked ruler the people groan. Call a spade a spade.

We have wandered in the desert long enough. Capitalism and the Bible are our home.

We have trusted in deceptive words that are empty. It is the Democrat Party.

Make it your intention to serve people. We are here to serve each other in honesty, integrity, and hard work. It is independent of race, gender or ethnicity.

No one is above the law. Everyone is under the Constitution. This is still America.

Republican or Democrat, it will be the same. America will be humbled. We must return to God.

God is not mocked.

“To God belong wisdom and power, counsel and understanding are his. What he tears down cannot be rebuilt…” Job 12:13-14

Let it be the corruption in America and the world.

Even though you may die tomorrow, plant a tree today. It shows optimism, it shows hope. It shows faith in God.

God has never been dormant. It’s just that the blind could not see.

Let me gather Your children under my wings as they are ready to come. Deliver them from bondage, the bondage of self.

My future is intertwined with the Jewish people. They are the apple of God’s eye.

God will fell whom He pleases and raise up whom He pleases. God is Sovereign.

Israel’s election is Tuesday. If God intends for Netanyahu to be re-elected, he will. If he isn’t, it bodes ill for Israel.

The Gospel must be preached, the blood and crucifixion of Yeshua Jesus. His sacrifice was needed to reconcile us to God.

His people strayed. They taught the prosperity gospel instead, along with social justice. They were holy in their own eyes.

The Evil One deceives churches, not just politicians.

When people have an experience with God, they never forget it. We need more experiences with God.

I weep for America. Sometimes I fear that she has gone too far to be redeemed.

Her currency is being intentionally devalued, her economy and military weakened. What good can come of this? The shining Beacon on the Hill has been darkened. We are but a glimpse of our former selves.

I call a spade a spade. The day of reckoning will come. We are becoming a totalitarian state. Can no one see?

Do not look at rhetoric. Words can deceive. Look at results. Look to the fruit of the tree.

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:13-14

Dear Yeshua Jesus, please save America. I lay her at Your feet.

God has a plan, details I know not, but I am part of it. May God open our eyes before it is too late.

God is judging the world.

America was given much. She squandered it. Will the rest be taken away? Yes, if we continue our present course.

America and Israel sink or swim together. We are the only countries I know founded on God.

The power of life and death is in the tongue. Help me speak death to the Old and life to the New.

Where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom. Let the Spirit of the LORD return to America.

Dear God, send a Revival. The proof of God’s Presence is miracles.

Churches taught that God didn’t perform miracles anymore. They were mistaken. The masses have always needed miracles to believe in the Divine.

The day will come when limbs are restored and the dead raised up. Such is the Power of God. It is happening now.

We live in a world of illusion. God is in control.

And I saw stadiums filled with people, lit candles, and silent prayers. Instead of rock, there were choirs softly singing hymns of worship. God was there.

We are delicately made. We just never noticed with all the chaos around us.

The Shemitah, blessings and curses. This is about showing the Power of God.

Blessed be the Name of Yeshua Jesus.

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Whose God is your god? Mine is the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Friday, March 20th, is the solar eclipse. It is the midpoint of the Shemitah. God is judging the Gentile nations.

Some think we’re already in the Tribulation. It will get worse.

The Earth has a consciousness. I have known people who could hear her groan. She groans under the weight of sin, not our carbon footprint.

We took a detour in the Garden of Eden. We have followed that trajectory ever since.

I believe I am unlimited because God directs my path. It leads to the White House. A woman President with Native American blood. God works in mysterious ways.

Restore the years the locusts have eaten and call it good. All is Yours to do. Two thousand years is but a weekend to God.

Others have prophesied that Obama would fall. I am not the first. America will be humbled. She is in for a great fall. She strayed from God.

People rarely return to God when they prosper. God is tired of the lies and deceit.

Hank Kunneman, Larry Randolph, Glenda Jackson. They are the witnesses to what God intends to do.

I am healthy, wealthy, and wise. I am a vessel for God’s love. Words are constructs of reality, of things hoped for.

Democracy has its flaws when the ignorant vote and illegal immigrants are given legal status. It was just the best available until now. God is on the throne, and God thinks differently than us. Much will change and not stay the same with politics out of legislation.

“Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” Psalm 37:1-3

God is faithful to the righteous. Stand on God’s Word.

I don’t expect the wicked to change overnight, but I expect God’s people to step up to the plate and hit a home run.

Sometimes salt is worthless. We must begin again. It starts in the White House and filters down. President Obama served his purpose. He brought America to the brink of destruction, but we can turn her around. Only God can save her. Congress never will.

The Supreme Court usurped God’s authority. They tried to overturn His laws. The slate must be wiped clean. God is judging the Gentile nations. America is first.

Pray for God to touch President Obama’s heart that he will step down. It is necessary for the country to survive. I serve a “now” God. Never has He been dead. Remember Nebuchadnezzar. God is able to humble the proud.

Dear God, protect me with the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the feet of peace. My words go before me in truth and love.

In hindsight is all revealed.

Nuclear war is coming unless we change. We must pull our head out of the sand.

Satan’s plan is to eliminate Israel and the Jews. Next will come Christians and those who refuse to worship him. It is in the guise of Islam, Sharia law, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas, and terrorism. It is in the worship of the occult. It will come through Socialism, the antithesis of God.

One crisis and we could be under Martial Law. Do not forget this warning. Our Government ignores our Constitution and our laws. We already have a form of dictatorship.

Politics and religion, the synthesis of God with Humanity.

The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, our LORD, not the prosperity gospel and not social justice. Equality of opportunity will come with love. It is disguised in hard work, self-responsibility, and ethics, not laws.

All wisdom comes from God. Man just claimed it as his own.

Difficult times are coming, there is no denying it. The piper will be paid for years of arrogance. Return to God in prayer and supplication. Repent. It is the wise thing to do.

Worship God with no ulterior motive. It is a novel idea.

I write for the masses, and anyone else who will listen.

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

To God be the glory. Satan knows Scripture but he does not know the future. That belongs to God.

If one believes in the validity of the Scriptures, “lo, I am with you always,” Jesus is already here. And He will return in physical form.

God will give us the desires of our heart, but in His timetable, not ours.

I am all that I am because God is.

Much has been distorted. It needs truth to sort it out.

We will never know everything for that is not ours to know, but we can create peace. It comes from God.

Laws come from man’s lower consciousness. God seeks to bring us up higher. We are a Judeo-Christian nation that has been persecuted enough.

One never knows what the future holds. Have faith in God. Iran is playing us the fool.

Yesterday is washed away. Let us learn from it, heal it, and move forward. Mistakes have been made, that is inevitable, but the wise will correct them according to results seen and knowledge gained.

Hindsight is 20-20. Only the blind would not change course.

Let me trust that when the house of cards comes tumbling down, I will be fine. My house is built on rock.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

This is about showing the Power of God. That is the bottom line.

2008 was a precursor of what is to come. The lesson was not learned.

The written word has always changed the world. Remember Mein Kampf.

I once thought that tent cities would be avoided. I don’t know anymore.

God raises up and God casts down. God will do it publicly so that all will know there is a God.

Yeshua Jesus came the first time as a Lamb. He will come the second time as a Roaring Lion.

Life, lived to its fullest, is a Trust God issue.

Now is not the time to focus on one’s desires. Now is the time to worship God that He may return to His people.

Dear God, help me worship You, body, mind, and spirit. Help me transcend the flesh.

Everything affects everything else. Let me trust that each word serves its purpose.

Put God first place in your life. You will never regret it. Shalom and Amen.

The goal is to align with God in thought, word, action, and deed. The goal is optimal health for our country and our souls.

The pinnacle of Enlightenment is obedience 100%.

Passover is in two weeks. It coincides with Easter and the next Blood Moon. God has a story to tell.

Man has many ploys to keep man down, taxes and laws among them. God intends to raise us up to become all we can be. It is to honor Him.

God prunes those He loves to make them more fruitful. Obedience to God automatically makes one more fruitful.

Obedience is a form of pruning. Man would rather go his own way. He would rather blame others and make excuses than take personal responsibility.

Hard Work, Self-Responsibility, Ethics, and Love. Morals. It would create Transformation on Earth.

We limited God, thus we limited ourselves. It was the toehold for Satan to enter. We turned to humanism, psychology, and the occult instead.

We war not against flesh and blood but demonic forces. God will win. He knows the Beginning from the End.

Pseudo-spirituality is the rage. Some who claim to know God do not. They ignore Jesus Christ’s blood which washes away sin.

I ask to stand in the gap until America’s people return. All I ask is heard.

“He shall reign over the house of Jacob for all eternity, and His kingdom will be without end.” Luke 1:33

Do we like what we have created apart from God? Let us begin anew, a different end in view.

God sustains what God ordains. The rest will perish. Stay in the moment and trust God.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 9:35 am

December 22, 2014

Prayers of Abundance

“Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people.” Exodus 33:13

“…If you confess with your mouth Jesus as LORD, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” Romans 10:9-10

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you…” Ephesians 4:32 & 5:1-2

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Ephesians 1:17

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

“…Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me! And God granted him what he requested.” I Chronicles 4:10

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; but the glory of kings to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

“…O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant and I have done all these things at Your word. Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again.” I Kings 18:36-37

“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3

We got accustomed to Darkness. Let there be Light!

The only safety is in God, the God of Israel, Yeshua Jesus. God is faithful to those that love Him in worship and obedience.

“He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do… so that the Father may be glorified…” John 14:12-13

It is Scriptural.

Can one really be successful without a knowledge of God? Where is the healing? Where are the miracles?

Life, lived to its fullest, is a Trust God issue.

Show us Your Power, God. Show us Your Glory.

I see the future before people if they do not change. It is one of sickness and disease. It is one of bondage.

God can set us free, but we must do our part. It’s called Transformation. It starts in the heart with wisdom.

Barack Obama was re-elected, in part, because people thought he cared about them. He leads us to a totalitarian state. We cannot deny it.

Only God can open our eyes.

Help me, God, to stand in the breach with this rebellious nation.

The reality is we have been killing ourselves for generations. Now it is time to live.

Freedom. Nothing is free. Only the illusion of it. Return to God. It is time.

Many think they are saved. They are not. The Great Deceiver deceives. Only God’s Truth is real.

God works in mysterious ways, His love to reveal.

This is the story of the Redemption of a nation. Only God can heal.

There are consequences to everything. Not to think so is naive.

2015 is here, the Year of Change. God impacts every area of our lives. Only the blind cannot see.

God is making Himself known.

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:13

Much will happen to try men’s souls. We must grow our roots deep.

Much occurs outside of our awareness. Our thoughts are not always our own.

Study the Word. It is the only book with prophecy fulfilled.

The Church became more concerned with living a satisfying life than doing God’s Will on Earth.

God rebukes those He loves. He prunes to make more fruitful.

People must be willing to change if they want to improve their lives. God has been pruning me for years.

How interesting that Cherie Calbom and Jordan Rubin are both on TV this week. God wants His people healthy.

I am here to pick up the pieces. God is Just. God is Sovereign. And evil is never satisfied.

Repent, love your brother as yourself, and love God more.

Dear God, help me not pray in desperation, but in authority. You hear my words. You are near.

In the Name of Jesus are miracles done. It is time for God to speak on Earth. As they believe and receive, is it done unto them.

God has done many things I did not ask to show His Presence in my life. May now be the same.

May there be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Earth and we will know joy. Some will curse God, but others will soar.

The kindest atheist is closer to God than the most judgmental Christian. All is not as it seems. The mind conceals many things.

Hell was never meant for people. It was for Satan and the Fallen Angels, but we strayed.

Jews brought God to Earth. They are part of our Salvation. Let them be honored. Jesus is a Jew.

Homeostasis is the goal, mind, will, and emotions aligned with God. Everything else will take care of itself.

Spend time with God.

Massacres in schools. Did we not invite it when we pushed God out? Laws will never change things. It must be God.

America lost its hedge of protection. We can get it back. Prayer vigils in schools. It is a start.

America must protect herself from evil. One does not ignore it. It will only grow. It will metastasize like cancer.

The world is upside down. I want to help right it, our values and our honor.

We are a Christian nation, even if Barack Obama says otherwise. A house divided cannot stand. We must unite in God.

No one knows the future but God, but we affect it with our words, actions, and deeds.

Only one person has read my book and known that God was in it. She was ahead of her time.

A God-less nation is evil. There will be repercussions. There will be consequences.

As I said the Lord’s Prayer, suddenly I heard people all over the world saying it too. It was reassuring. I hope it comes to pass. I serve a marvelous God who wants a relationship with us.

I spent over 20 years as an atheist. I’m glad I returned to God. I saw prayers answered.

I found God in a 12-Step program, not religion. I recommend mine, The 12-Steps for Spiritual Healing and Well-Being. Everyone is welcome. My goal is to lead people to God. Everything else will take care of itself.

Dear Father, whatever is for my highest good, please facilitate it. Whatever is not, please block it. Therein lies peace.

Life is a gift. We just need to learn to navigate it with God.

Dear God, please protect America and Israel.

Whoever blesses Israel is blessed. Few people have understood the relationship between Israel and God. I do.

Instincts, intuition, gut feelings, prayer. Conscience. We can return to God.

We are powerful, but our lives became unmanageable when we strayed from God and Biblical principles.

Faith and honor will work miracles. Have faith in God and honor Him.

When everything is lined up, my life will shift forever. It is to honor God that I am here. In return, I will live the life of my dreams.

Some people take the high ground only when it is convenient. They are hypocrites. They will come tumbling down.

People are lazy. They want everything given to them. They will never accomplish anything. They will die with their song unsung in their heart.

People think they are unworthy to approach God. Repent. It is the first step.

One day tomorrow will be today. Transformation is near.

Where two or more are gathered in God’s Name, God is there.

Protandim, coconut oil, True Vitality protein powder, and NutriBlasts make a difference. I have more energy with Go, Ruby, Go. The cravings decreased with sauerkraut. I intend to continue.

I live my life in peace, harmony, and joy, and others only benefit. Such is the Will of God.

The singer was told not to sing of blood and the cross. That is apostasy.

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have various diseases, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8

Jesus paid the price and God is not mocked.

I have goals and dreams that only God can satisfy. I asked to become all I can be. I let go and let God determine my life. I just do the next right thing. I am Divinely Guided.

It is all a Trust God issue.

Government is supposed to protect us. It failed. Now it’s God’s turn.

Karma has taken its toll, so have bad decisions. The worst was when we chose to ignore God.

Alkalinity promotes a healthy body, acidic does not. A plant-based diet is alkaline, a meat-based diet is not. God wants His people healthy.

Nothing is neutral. It either harms you or benefits you. Not to think so is naive.

A leader with the compassion of a woman. Who better than a woman?

I have changed my mind about many things over the years. Humans are not static. We are supposed to change, but I haven’t changed my mind about the Keystone pipeline.

The bud is only temporary. We are meant to blossom. Consistency counts. The garden must be watered.

If you have children, your first responsibility is to them, to be sure they are well-cared for, nurtured, and grow up in the Ways of God. God is only good.

In the Name of Yeshua Jesus, I claim the gifts of God. They are for Humanity to do God’s Work on Earth.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let the wicked turn and see the evil of their ways.

I can’t think in the Bible where any Philistines were converted, but the Gentiles came to know God. Are the Muslims today’s Gentiles? The Philistines died out.

Muslims plagued America in George Washington’s day. This is nothing new.

Muslims terrorize the entire world while the Muslim community remains silent, in tacit agreement. We must call a spade a spade.

Evil encroaches where God is not.

A plague will decimate the Muslim world until they repent and tear down mosques worldwide, especially the Temple Mount. It is to show the Justice of God. The world will know that God leads the leader, just like in Days of Old.

“The LORD preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy.” Psalm 145:20

Thank-you, God, for Your promises in the Bible. They stand firm.

God is a Supernatural God. God does Supernatural things. God is unlimited through us.

Some point to the Bible for Socialism, when the church members sold all they had and shared. But everything was brought to the church, not the state.

America said “No” to the United Nation’s recent attempt to create a Palestinian state. France said “Yes.”

Regret counts for little unless one learns from it, for men and nations.

Repentance and conviction need to be the theme for this year. We have strayed. God wants us back.

I decree and declare God’s Power on Earth. It is to draw people to Him. It is for nations to turn to Him.

It was the “Last Days” over a hundred years ago. God’s Time is different than ours.

Repent. It is to save our nation.

Abortion, atheism, gay marriage, the Liberal agenda. America has much to repent for.

People come to church and their heart is not right with God. All must repent, atheists, Jews, and Muslims. God wants none to perish.

Liberals talk about sensitivity training amid the massacres in Paris. I shake my head. Will they ever get it? This is about God and Satan.

The greatest blasphemy is that we fear God, the greatest heresy that we do not know our power, through God, through the cross.

Sometimes I feel like Believers are outnumbered. Surely not in America. Let this be our rallying call.

Poverty is a curse, addiction is bondage. Let them be healed in the Name of Yeshua Jesus. Let there be Power in the Word.

Stay in the “Now.” It is where God resides.

And I saw a bridge. Beneath it was the dirty water of my mistakes being carried away, and I could see the clean, sparkling water of the river coming toward me. It represented the future. The past was swept away. It is a New Day.

This is about showing God’s Power.

The Stigmata, the Presidency, the Muslim plague. Let them know there is a God. All unseen before it is done.

Is Transformation a single moment or the sum total of a life well-lived? My books show my failures as well as my eventual success.

God sustains what God ordains. Anything else will crumble.

The gun never healed a thing, but it protected many. Second Amendment rights must be protected.

God is only good. Can we say the same for our Government?

People are flawed and make flawed decisions. We must trust a Higher Power, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God is unlimited by man’s shortcomings. A solution can come out of the blue.

This is not about Conservative versus Democrat. This is about America returning to God.

Is Romney the best candidate? Is Hillary Clinton? God thinks differently than us.

Each day is fresh with new opportunities. It will not be found in the status quo. It will be found in God.

Holy is he who pursues God.

Jesus came not only to reconcile us to God but so that we could have life more abundantly and to the fullest. We neglected ourselves when we neglected God.

Sometimes cynics are just disillusioned. May they have hope of change.

Man loses his soul for diamonds and gold, but it can be reclaimed. True happiness on Earth is an illusion unless it comes from God.

Families are important to God. We treat them carelessly. They are to be nurtured. The seed of civilization is in them.

If each community cared for its own, there would be no need of public welfare. We grew dependent. We were supposed to mature.

Good health is a gift, not a right. We must do our part.

God is a just God, and I tremble.

“…So the LORD God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” Isaiah 61:11

God is not mocked. We do it in our laws, in our courts, and in our justice. We conformed to the world of man instead of creating the Realm of God.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the only adult on the world stage. I intend to be another. Black is black and white is white. There is no grey. One is for God and Israel or one is not.

Evil is in America. I intend to help blot it out.

In 2008 I didn’t vote for either Barack Obama or John McCain. I knew they were both incompetent to handle the crisis we were in. Worse is coming. Man cannot handle it alone. We need God by our side.

Who can find an honest man? They exist, honest women, too. Honesty is an attribute of God. Anything less is not.

America has watchmen. They have been ignored.

Government will continue to grow larger until it engulfs everything in its sight, including our freedom and way of life. Do not be deceived. America hangs in the balance. She is lost without God.

God weaves a tapestry with our lives when dedicated to His Work. It is to save America and proclaim joy on Earth. It is to save nations.

No one ever went to a Muslim or Communist country unless it was to make a profit. No one ever went there for freedom. America is exceptional.

America is in birthing pains. Either we will birth a new nation or we will die trying.

I am a housewife with a story to live. Only God transforms.

Barack Obama intends to transform America. Only God can stop him.

No one has my path. It is to turn America around, politics and religion, back to God.

If I fail, the tale is told, but if I succeed, God is real.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

All is well. God is on the Throne. It is another reference to Revelation.

Government’s job is to protect us. Our job is to pray and seek God’s Will.

“Give to a wise man, and he grows still wiser; teach a righteous man and he will learn still more. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, the knowledge of the holy ones is understanding.” Proverbs 9:9-10

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Christians were grafted into a Jewish tree. Yeshua Jesus is the Root. We must stand together to resist evil.

Only Believers can save the world. Laws will never do it, treaties will never do it, and wars will never do it. It must be love found in God.

Love does not always turn the other cheek. David protected his people. He was a warrior king.

I wish that it were easy, but we must do our part before God will do the rest.

Satan is in many churches. We got seduced. Our Light is dimmed and our salt worthless.

God will show that He answers prayer. God will bring America to her knees. We must repent and pray.

Some dreams will never be attained, but others will be gained along the way.

No one knows what’s coming. A total collapse of the economy? Do not put your trust in money. Put it in God to save Humanity.

Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, calamity on all sides. The only safety is in God. The Tribulation is coming. Is it too late to change outcome?

God is revealing much to His people.

Mean-spirited people are not of God, regardless of what label they wear. And liars lie, be it nations, people, or religions.

Humanity took a detour in the Garden of Eden. They listened to Satan instead of God. They have been doing it ever since.

Judgment, the Tribulation, the Shemitah. You have been warned. No one knows the hour. Return to God.

Jesus did not come to start a new religion. He came to fulfill prophecy. It was time to evolve from the head to the heart.

World Wars I & II were linked to the Shemitah. Will World War III?

Woe to them that call good, evil, and evil, good. May America awaken.

I’m amazed at how ignorant the public is about these things. But then, I have always been ahead of my time.

Focus on obedience to God. It is the path forward.

I like simple piano pieces, but the piano can do so much more. So, too, with a life. Most of us are playing chopsticks, but there is Beethoven.

I have an old boyfriend who still sends me birthday cards. It is bittersweet, but I enjoy them. Life never goes as we had hoped, but we must trust God to have our best interests at heart.

One day the cards will stop, but we will meet on the Other Side.

I feel like the book has crescendoed and now it’s winding down. One is never too young or too old for a fresh start.

“Who is a God like You pardoning iniquity, overlooking transgression, for the remnant of His heritage? He will not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy.” Micah 7:18

Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and we shall know peace.

Ancient Israel never repented and was destroyed. Let the same not happen to America.

Politicians put their needs ahead of the people. God won’t.

God will winnow the wheat from the chaff. Being politically correct is the devil’s work.

I don’t intend to watch Obama’s State of the Union address tonight, but I will watch the rebuttal.

I am a powerful woman, completely dependent on God. God bless America and Israel.

Let it occur as written if You be in it.

Validate me, vindicate me, reward me. It must be in public. All I ask is heard. They will form their own opinions.

All things work for good for those that love the LORD.

Let me soar on the Wings of God and never come down. Help me lift others up.

The Messianic synagogue I attend recognizes the importance of Gentiles. It is part of God’s Plan.

All the nations of the world worshipping God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It will come.

Dear God, help me not open a portal to the Darkness. Help me stay only in the Light.

Today is a new day. The water under the bridge is clear. Awareness, acceptance, change. It is the key to success.

As I recited the 23rd Psalm, it took on a new meaning. I realized that my life would exemplify that passage. I am content.

Life is a journey. Where you are now is only temporary unless you refuse to change.

Teach me Thy Will, O God, and give me the courage, strength, and wisdom to obey.

Where we are is our ministry. It is to set a good example of kindness, truth, and integrity. It is to share Love and Light through service to others.

Money is a false indicator of wealth. It can vanish overnight. Prosperity is more important. It takes many forms. It is health, happiness, satisfaction with one’s life. It is friends that last a lifetime. It is faith in God.

God will carry us Supernaturally when we turn to Him.

Humans are capable of Transformation. It comes with hard work and discipline. The Bible is full of examples.

We live in a toxic world. We must take care of ourselves. It starts in our thoughts. We are Divine, made in the Image and Likeness of God.

Let me trust that each day serves its purpose to align one with God’s Intention. Some of it is outlined in this book.

Who would be great must serve. Find a need and fill it. The possibilities are endless when aligned with God’s purposes.

An educated public is necessary to preserve Democracy. A moral nation is a prerequisite. That is one reason the Bible was taught.

Poverty and greed. There is a middle ground. It’s called self-sufficiency, dependent on God and not the Government.

Wealth can vanish overnight. That is prophetic and true.

Transformation is inevitable. This is the year of the Shemitah.

The apple does not fall far from the tree. As a child Barack Obama went to Muslim schools and was mentored by a Communist. Perhaps that is one reason he says ISIL when everyone else says ISIS. He incriminates himself.

We were too blind to see and the Liberal media covered it up.

Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to America and our President does not intend to see him. It is more than a slap in the face. He curses America.

God is showing God’s Power for all the world to see.

God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, restore Democracy to America. I would rather restore a Republic based on the Constitution and Biblical principles.

God wants us to be nurtured. God works in mysterious ways.

We went to see American Sniper. I kept asking myself, “Why were we there?” We could never win.

Dear God, I pray for peace in Jerusalem, I pray for peace in America. I pray for peace in the Middle East. I pray for peace wherever Yeshua Jesus is praised.

Make no mistake. The God of Israel and the god of Islam are not the same. The Great Deceiver deceives.

“But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days” – it is a declaration of ADONAI – “I will put My Torah within them. Yes, I will write it on their heart. I will be their God and they will be My people. No longer will each teach his neighbor or each his brother, saying: ‘know ADONAI,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest.” It is a declaration of ADONAI. “For I will forgive their iniquity, their sin I will remember no more.” Jeremiah 31:33-34

The Bible refutes replacement theology.

God is the God of the Jews. God is the God of the Gentiles grafted into a Jewish tree.

Some say Moses was just an ordinary man. I disagree. He was groomed for his calling. He was born for it.

What makes a good leader? When God leads them.

I’ve tripped and fallen a couple of times and landed with a thud. One never knows how hard the fall until one has fallen. I was thinking of Obama.

God raises up imperfect people to suit His purposes, but sometimes He casts them down.

People perceive things differently. It is a cause of controversy, it is a cause of war. I hope we will get on the same page, aligned with God.

In hindsight is all revealed.

May the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding envelop America. We are on higher ground.

People never saw the Hand of God in Barack Obama’s amazing rise to power. They will in mine and God will be praised. When it is time, I will be catapulted forward into politics and religion.

People who know me will never think I am exceptional. For that it will take strangers. I was never voted “The Most Likely to Succeed” in high school. I never made a lot of money, but God can do anything with a life.

Dear God, descend upon America. Cover us like a mantle that she may turn from the evil of her ways.

There is evil in America but we can turn it back.

Look, see what’s working and what’s not. There is decay within. Bureaucracy can never fix it. It must be God. Give our children’s children a better future than is possible now.

A total collapse of the economy is coming. There will be rioting in the streets or Revival. Choose your destiny.

Wall Street is little more than legalized gambling. It is built on sand.

God has blessed many people. He is about to withdraw it. They did not honor Him. They thought they did it all themselves.

The proud will not stand. The humble will be lifted up. The humble know all good comes from God.

To God belong the power and the glory forever, Amen.

Seeker Friendly churches preach only what people want to hear. Such is not the Way of God. One cannot pick and choose.

“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible day of ADONAI. He will turn the hearts of fathers to the children, and the hearts of children to their fathers – else I will come and strike the land with utter destruction.” Malachi 3:23

God will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, those that serve God and those that don’t.

Too often people do not value what they have not worked for. That goes for grades and job opportunities. That goes for welfare.

As it is Above, so it is Below, everything can be Redeemed.

The bottom line is this is between God and Satan. There is an invisible world. God will win.

If God can make the sun and the moon line up perfectly on Jewish holy days, God can make anyone President. Even someone from Kenya.

The book will be finished tomorrow. I’ve already been given the ending.

The Muslim nation seeks to overthrow by sheer numbers. Only God can thwart them without bloodshed.

Mexicans seek to conquer America the same way.

Iran threatens world peace. Russia, China, and North Korea. America is outnumbered without God.

As America goes, there goes the world. A wise people would try to bolster her up with prayer and sacrifice.

One New Man, One New Woman. We must become all we can be.

Sacrifice comes in many forms.

Spirit told me my Destiny on my birthday. They did not want me to forget.

January 26, 1995. It was twenty years ago today that Spirit told me I would be President. I have been groomed ever since.

Without a vision the people perish. The mind is powerful, the heart more powerful still.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 12:03 pm

September 11, 2014


9/11. I hope nothing happens but I won’t be surprised if it does. God wants to get our attention. God works in mysterious ways.

Let doubt and fear be ruptured forever. God bless America and Israel.

Our society has grown coarse and vulgar. We are immoral. We will reap what was sown. Sometimes it is better to know what to expect than to be caught off guard.

God used Babylon to fell Israel. God will use Muslims and Socialists to fell America.

America was supposed to lead the world. We became a follower instead. We will become a captive unless we return to God.

The handwriting is on the wall just like in Daniel’s day. None of it random, all of it planned to show God’s glory to man.

Sometimes it is best to think of outcome and not process. That time is now. The next few years will be difficult, but the ending could be entirely different being led through God.

Transformation or annihilation. The choice is ours. Return to God.

Barack Obama is a cult figure, not a leader. I have said that before. Someday someone will listen.

A woman threatens the status quo. It is to rupture the patriarchy. Women are more intuitive than men. It is a gift from God. Age is just a number when one is healthy.

9/11, a day of fasting and prayer that America repent and turn to God.

We worship many false idols, money, sports figures, entertainers. Carnality and sexual pleasure. We are a nation in decline. Laws cannot save us. It must be God.

God was America’s moral compass. We stumbled and fell. It started with Roe v. Wade. It started when we took prayer out of schools and the Ten Commandments from courthouses.

Republican and Democrat. I think differently than both. Corporations are not people and babies in the womb are.

Government has no place in some decisions. It is between a woman and her God.

We are in Spiritual Warfare, disguised as Conservative and Liberal.

Jonathan Cahn heralds the Shemitah, Mark Biltz the Four Blood Moons. I herald political reform.

A tidal wave is coming. It is best to be prepared. Know God from the heart, not the intellect. God wants a relationship with us.

Pride has always been man’s downfall. Humility kept us safe.

9/11 was symbolic of America’s decay. We didn’t learn the lesson. Will we now?

By the fruit is the tree known.

Insights and awareness. It is a tool to help the world heal.

And they will know there is a God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not Ishmael.

And I saw the borders dissolving in Israel, the Gaza strip and the West Bank. Palestinians will be allowed to remain, but without voting privileges. Israel belongs to God.

Let this be as powerful as I hope it will be. Let it change hearts and minds.

Be obedient. Give your life to God.

God never gives us anything we can’t handle with grace and dignity. Anything less is not of God.

It is time for God to claim the Earth. God is Sovereign and this God will show.

God has given us power over evil. We must show it by our actions, words, and deeds.

The Tribulation is coming. It is contained in the Shemitah. We have been warned. It has been 2,000 years. Repent and turn to God. He can be trusted. God is faithful to His own.

All we like sheep have gone astray. Return to the fold. Return to the Shepherd.

The days will be cut short lest all should perish. The Elect will save America.

God bring peace, God bring security. It is needed on Earth. It comes from You.

Much is revealed to me through my writing. It is inspired.

The Scent of the Rose will herald Humanity’s shift in consciousness. It is a gift from God to help us help ourselves. It will bring in more common sense. It is superior to man’s IQ.

God has many highly evolved people in all walks of life to help us get through this transition. That’s all it is. Money is not the meaning of life. True joy is found in God.

Rocking chairs are soothing. I recommend that every household have one.

America has sown a whirlwind. The only safety is in God.

God always knew we would self-destruct without Him. That is why He is stepping in. We have a Divine Appointment. It is now.

This has been written for all levels, the politicians and the masses. God makes no distinction. All deserve freedom of opportunity. It comes from God, not from bureaucrats.

LBJ’s War on Poverty created more poverty. FDR’s New Deal created an entitlement nation. Some seeds take years to come to fruition. Only then can one see the poor yield.

The Department of Education will be abolished. It was created to buy votes.

The wise will allow God back in schools through prayer, Bibles, and crosses.

The border crisis? It will resolve itself when immigrants receive no Government assistance.

Mexico allowed them to pass through unimpeded. They are Mexico’s responsibility.

There is an Evil Spirit in America. Only God can save us.

Can there be blessings within the Tribulation?

The world will be turned upside down. It is to right it again.

I step out in faith. My writing gets more and more profound and more and more unbelievable.

I was admiring the beautiful sunset, but then I noticed the shape of a serpent. It looked so real, but to its right was a huge cross in the sky. There is evil in the world but God will triumph.

I have written many things I am unwilling to reveal. Let me just trust God’s Will be done.

God is moving upon the Earth.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, sacred on Earth. God is within.

Humble yourselves and repent.

Many prophets are intense. They know how much needs to be done. So do I. One step at a time I will do my part. God will do the rest.

Don’t ever think one must be perfect to do God’s Will on Earth.

Everything is a reflection of consciousness. Everything is a reflection of good or evil. Not to think so is naive.

God bless America from sea to shining sea, and God bless Israel with peace.

Every culture served a purpose. Every religion served a purpose, but now it is time to transcend them to honor the one true God of the Bible, not the false god of the Koran.

Let today serve its purpose known only to God.

The mind loves chaos and distraction. It is not aligned with God. The heart seeks peace and tranquility. It is the better master.

I’m grateful America got through 9/11 unscathed.

I was raised Southern Baptist but drifted away as a teenager and became an atheist. I found God in a 12-Step program, not in church. God wants a relationship with us. One hour a week is not enough.

This is about showing God’s love.

9/11/2001. So many more could have been lost than were. God is Love.

The love of money is evil. It puts it on a par with God. God is Love. Nothing is greater.

The next five years will be tough, but we can get through it with God’s help.

God is taking America back, whatever it takes to get our attention.

I call this nation back for God.

“For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory.” Isaiah 66:18

If one would lead one must serve.

God will make the pundits irrelevant. There is no Authority but God.

No one knows what to do about our current situation, not Republican or Democrat. They only see the symptom, not the cause. We strayed from God.

Know what you intend to do, then do it. It is by the grace of God you are here for such a time as this.

I awoke at 4 a.m. with these messages. I trust they are for others, not just myself.

Destruction awaits. We’re following in the path of ancient Israel.

The Harbingers, Four Blood Moons, the Shemitah. God is more powerful than we know.

Man thinks he controls his destiny. It is God.

God intends for us to help others. It is why we are here.

There is sanctity in work. Even Adam and Eve had chores.

Government harms us tremendously with welfare programs. It robs the soul of growth and dignity.

Hard Work, Self-Responsibility, Ethics and Love. We could change lives without Government interference.

God will humble America. It is to bring her back to Him.

We fiddle while Rome burns. The status quo will be ruptured. The Phoenix will rise again.

I call upon God to bless America, her faithful and righteous. They will help us weather the storm.

We are in a time of transition, from the Old to the New, from abandoning God to walking with Him.

Prophecy is meant to warn, not just to predict. We must change our ways to avoid Armageddon.

Elijah comes before the return of Christ. People forgot.

And I saw Jesus descending from Heaven in power and authority and settling in Jerusalem. The Third Temple will be built.

God has given us many signs of His Power and Glory. Only the foolish would not believe, and the ignorant are not wise.

We waste our time on many things. Satan distracts us from God.

There is evil in the world and there is good. We must choose which to pursue.

Anyone who reads my books will be wiser. They will learn from my mistakes. Just keep moving forward. Never stop.

America is under judgment. We must return to God.

The Word and the Cross. It is enough to save America when we humble ourselves and pray. God will heal our land when we obey.

Government robs us of many things, opportunity and freedom among them. God seeks to restore them.

God has been pruning for many years. Now it is time to bloom.

The Shemitah is coming. Buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride. The outcome is assured if we follow God.

This is about God showing His Power to save His people, just like in ancient Israel.

“But now, O LORD, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.” Isaiah 64:8

God never overrides free will.

“And it shall be from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath, all mankind will come to bow down before Me,” says the LORD.” Isaiah 66:23

The Heavens are for signs and wonders. There is joy in the LORD.

God does not strike us with disease. We do that on our own. Processed food is the vehicle. Drugs, smoking, and alcohol contribute to it.

A nation cannot be vibrant with a sickly people.

We can no longer condone others’ foolishness. Health is part of self-responsibility. It is part of maturity.

We have been very foolish. Our current status proves it.

Four Blood Moons, the Shemitah, the Tribulation. This will never occur again.

The watchman warns. Is anyone awake?

Our life is not our own. It belongs to God. It was bought with a price. God will redeem us.

We each have a sphere of influence. No one is insignificant in God’s Plan.

God allowed abortions to prevent cursed children, but now it is time to end them. Abstinence outside of marriage is a virtue. Contraception within it is OK.

When people weave a tangled web it comes back to ensnare them. It is better to be honest.

Politicians lead by poll numbers. Is that what we elected them for? Surely two terms is enough of this duplicity.

True faith in God is peace of mind.

What is the source of true health? Aligning with God, body, mind, and soul.

Does modern medicine keep us alive longer just to die slow, painful deaths?

When will Jesus return? I have no idea, but I intend to be ready, not asleep in the world of man.

Instincts, hunches, conscience. The still, small voice within. We’re entering the world of Spirit. Our lives will never be the same.

Wisdom, common sense, and practical advice. Let the people learn.

I can’t even imagine the world without God. We have a glimpse of it with ISIS.

God intends to knock Barack Obama from his pedestal. He harms America. We know Muslims are crossing the border and he has done nothing to stem the flow.

Obama has a different agenda than God.

Life is an expression of love or a cry for it. Hatred is the absence of it. Love is God.

People wither and die when they don’t grow. It is a slow, painful death.

America is dying, but we can revive her, with God steering the ship.

The Shemitah is the manifestation of God’s Power — and judgment.

Repent, lest we regret.

Humans think in terms of sequence, A + B = C. God doesn’t.

I could never function if I didn’t spend time with God. The world is in so much turmoil. It is upside down.

Some things we will never know, but it is time to move forward. We have gone backward long enough. It is no longer the 20th Century. It is the New Millennium.

Darkness has permeated our world and our Government. It is time for the Light.

Excuses avail nothing. It is time for action. Conservatives must mobilize. They must carry the banner.

To enjoy your life is how man views it. To be a blessing to others is how God views it.

Nineveh repented and was spared.

It doesn’t mean that the Shemitah won’t occur, or that America won’t be humbled or the status quo ruptured, only that America can survive if she repents.

Ignorance is not bliss.

God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, but we must do our part, repent and turn to Him.

God loved His people, the Israelites, but He eliminated the rebellious.

Spend time in the Bible, ask for the Holy Spirit to indwell you. It will transform lives. It will transform nations.

As Above so Below.

This is about showing God’s Power and Glory, and His love for His people.

All we like sheep have strayed. God intends to bring us back into the fold.

Do not forget, America is treading the path of ancient Israel toward destruction. Do not be fooled by what others say.

“I know the plans I have for you. It is to give you a future and a hope.”

God is faithful.

California has some of the lowest consciousness in America. Do not be surprised if catastrophe strikes there first.

The Shemitah is about returning to one’s foundation. America’s foundation is God.

On 9/11 as the Towers fell I prayed and asked God what to do. “Be at peace and pray” is what I heard. It was part of His Plan to draw us back to Him. It failed. This time it will be worse.

The only safety is in Yeshua Jesus.

Will God require the Jews to leave America? This I do not know, but America is the New Israel. The New Jerusalem is Washington, D.C.

The Bible is the story of Israel, not America, unless we follow in the same steps.

The next right thing. Some people have no idea what it is. We need a Higher Consciousness to help lead the way.

The Bible was written at the consciousness level of Humanity. Fear was the greatest motivator. Now let it be Love.

Sometimes the tree needs the storm to grow stronger, or the drought to grow deeper roots. Has America learned its lesson or must it be repeated?

“But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit became so proud that he behaved arrogantly, he was deposed from his royal throne and his glory was taken away from him.” Daniel 5:20

History repeats itself until they learn.

Trey Gowdy would make a good interim President, as the new Speaker of the House.

God lifts up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.

To whom much is given much is required. America was given a lot, peace within her borders, prosperity. It is being withdrawn with our rebellion against God.

The Shemitah starts September 25.

Shaking will come to America. It is to wake her from complacency. Surely this is warning enough.

Revival must come to America. Then will come political reform.

The Shemitah, a time of collapse.

Bless the Gideon Bible Society. They helped spread the Word.

Live your life in gratitude. It is all a gift. Sometimes circumstances show us what we’re doing wrong so we can right it. We are upside down.

Evil is called good and good is called evil in the Last Days before Reconciliation with God.

The Universe values kindness. We must evolve to bring more love to the world.

Love is an attribute of God.

America once isolated herself. Now she allows herself to be violated. That happens when a people ignore God.

Study the Bible. It is the path Home.

God intends that none should perish but have everlasting life. The rest is up to us.

Who flung the stars into Heaven and calls them all by name but Almighty God?

There are no excuses for disobeying God.

Alcoholics hurt themselves and then others. So do all addicts. Nothing is in isolation.

Once only the prophet could hear God’s Voice, now He is speaking to all. Few listen, fewer obey. It is a cause of war.

God is faithful to give us a hope and a future if we will repent and turn to Him.

Put your faith in the LORD. He will not disappoint.

One’s irresponsibility affects others. It is irresponsible to live below one’s potential.

We have gifts yet to be unwrapped.

I write in thoughts, rarely paragraphs. I hope to have a greater impact that way. Consider them tweets to the world.

Remorse only counts if one does things differently.

There are never any excuses for not obeying God.

The Government officially sanctioned the killing of unborn children. America has blood on her hands. So, too, the world.

This is hard for a pro-choice advocate to write. We need better birth control and more virtue.

Hitler was Evil Incarnate. Now it’s ISIS.

God intends to change hearts and minds. Sharia law is an abomination.

Dear God, deliver us from evil, inside our borders and out.

Evil takes many forms. Corrupt politicians contribute to it. They do not have God’s interests in mind.

I’m interested in the younger generation. The future of America hangs in the balance. They are too liberal, a product of their misguided education.

The children reap what the parents sow. We sowed debt.

The path toward destruction is wide, but the narrow, lighted path is the better option.

No one had a perfect childhood, no one has a perfect life, but we can have a better future when aligned with God.

Samuel was the last prophet to guide Israel before they had kings. I always liked Samuel. His devotion to God was unwavering.

When one has deceived and one has been true, should they be treated equally? I think not.

Many have deceived America, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

Judge me to see if my words ring true. Trust your instincts, not the rhetoric you hear.

Politics will never save America. Economists won’t. It must be God.

The Shemitah begins in a few days. Will we be able to tell? Things shift in the unseen world before they are made manifest on Earth.

The passage of Obamacare signaled the helplessness of the people over Government. It is a harbinger of things to come.

Is America not only imploding morally, but financially as well?

It is better to have a plan than chaos. It is better to return to God than face judgment.

Education is not misguided. It is more sinister than that. They tried to remove God from the public square.

The Shemitah, Revival, Political Reform. They can all occur at the same time to honor and return to God.

That which one learns is never wasted if it expands consciousness. It takes an open mind willing to learn, but sometimes God must motivate with fear and pain.

All have lessons to learn.

Atonement requires sacrifice of self to do God’s Will on Earth.

Much must change and not stay the same.

I know a preacher who I think once played on vaudeville and in honky-tonks in previous lifetimes, the soul constantly evolving.

Who or whom? I would like help with grammar.

The Shemitah, Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. God has shown His Power. There are no excuses.

In the world but not of it, God’s people forgot. They tried to have both, salvation, and worldly pleasure. It will not work.

God is a Holy God. He wants the same for us.

The Shemitah. It is to get our attention. It is a year of collapse. It harbors the Judgment.

O LORD our God, forgive us our sins, for they are many. Let us come before You with a contrite heart, on bended knee. Only You can save us from the destruction that awaits us if we do not turn from our wicked ways.

There is nothing more to be said.

“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul, He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:1-3

Truth never changes. The Great Unfolding is here.

The Great Unfolding is about showing God’s Power, Dominion, and Sovereignty on Earth.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and we shall know peace.

God’s intent is to care for us from cradle to grave, not the Government. It tried to usurp His Authority. God is taking it back.

The duty of Government is to protect its people. It failed. We rejected God.

Trust God to know us better than we know ourselves. We can reclaim America for God.

We are in Spiritual Warfare, the Darkness versus the Light. We must step forward and own our power. It comes from God. We are here to be of service. It is time.

Atheists will never claim America. They will destroy it first. God will remove His blessings. The rest will fall.

Republican versus Democrat, Progressive versus Conservative, this is about God.

“The Harbinger” had a message for America. It was ignored. The Shemitah won’t be.

Youth is overrated when one squanders one’s time. Build your future well. Learn about God.

“I, God, am a Holy God.”

God wants the best for His people. We are all His people, some just don’t know.

We are misguided. We thought this was all there is. This is just one chapter. The soul never dies.

There is much I don’t know. Let us learn together as we align with God.

God is a Holy God, not to be mocked. God will show us His Power. It is unlimited on Earth.

History repeats itself when nations do not learn.

God has not been dormant. We were just too blind to see.

The Shemitah year, the leveling of America. It is to rebuild again.

Changes are coming to the world. It is to show the Power of God. There is safety in nothing outside of Him.

Natural disasters. Open your eyes. Many were linked to Israel, God’s Promised Land.

Climate change is nothing compared to the wrath of God. Theology got it wrong.

The Middle East will continue to self-destruct until they turn to God, the God of Israel.

Homeland Security will never protect us without God’s intervention.

America has been warned. There is decay in America. We brought it on ourselves.

The Shemitah. I have the feeling this is God’s play and we’re all just actors.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 10:54 am

September 3, 2014

Transformation 2014

Our Government cannot be trusted. I have been wary of it for years. When Government is afraid of the people, there is justice. When the people are afraid of the Government, there is tyranny.

God will do what we cannot do for ourselves. That is why there is a God, to guide, love, and protect us. God is good.

What does the future hold? More than we can even imagine. It is best to stay in the moment with God. Repent and pray.

Learn the Lord’s Prayer, repeat daily, at home, at school, and at church. It is a beginning.

Atheists have bullied America. No more. The lion must roar. It is the silent majority who believe in God.

A tidal wave is coming. Nothing will stand in its path. It is best to be on the right side with God.

People of God must be on the alert.

Some say the mega-church is finished. I don’t think so, only the ones that bear no fruit. There are churches where God is not.

God promised that if His people would repent and turn from their wicked ways and seek His face, He would heal their land. God is faithful. We must do our part.

America must be reborn. It is in our consciousness, and then our laws.

America will have a woman President. It will be me. I think it will be in 2016. Then they will know there is a God.

No one will do what I intend to do, obey God 100%. It starts at home and radiates out.

We have amnesia. We forgot many things. It is time to Awaken. God is calling us back.

Ancient wisdom says one is not wise until one is 60. Humanity cannot afford to wait.

Youth is wasted on the rebellious, middle-age on the narcissist. Wisdom must be learned. It must be valued. It begins at home. It is contained in books.

Some people think India is a spiritual country. Poverty is not a sign of it.

What avails worship if it is to a false god?

I have often wondered how God will deal with overpopulation.

Funding for AIDS will cease. Things will be different when I am President.

Roe v Wade will be repealed. It brought on national judgment. Abstinence is a virtue outside of marriage.

Planned Parenthood will lose its funding and charities will be treated differently. All must pay for the streets.

God is color blind. So must we be. The best person for the job is the most qualified.

The Liberal agenda will be dismantled. It runs counter to God’s plans.

The Federal Reserve? We will get around to that. Nothing is sacred in the world of high finance.

The economy? Repealing Obamacare and reforming taxes will do wonders.

Will I have the authority to do all this? Yes. God will give it to me. It will come with the Stigmata.

God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.

I am part of God’s Plan to redeem America.

There is only good and evil. We will serve the one and hate the other. We cannot serve both, but sometimes we do in our ignorance.

Illness is not of God.

Most people think the physical world is more real than it is. It was created by thoughts put into deeds.

“Arise, O LORD, do not let man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your sight. Put them in fear, O LORD, that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” Psalm 9:19-20

Rebuke the devil and stand before God in peace, harmony, and love.

God’s Word is true. God is faithful to the Faithful. God rewards the Righteous.

God only wants our best. The Darkness leads to ruin.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit — fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:16-17

God is powerful, God is holy, God is on the throne.

One day nations will bow at God’s feet, not to Baal, but to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel, the God of Love.

Words are more powerful than we know. Angels or demons catch them out of our mouth. Cursing must stop. It does the work of the Evil One. It promotes Darkness.

Let all curses be broken. Let God reign Supreme, the Darkness ruptured for, lo, a thousand years.

God is moving upon the Earth.

Life is not about denial, just obedience. God thinks differently than us.

Humans harm themselves greatly. God has a different perspective.

“I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known.” Isaiah 48:6

“There is no peace for the wicked,” says the LORD.” Isaiah 48:22

Blood cries out for justice in Iraq and Afghanistan. America will withdraw her troops when we trust God to protect us. The Muslim people will destroy themselves until they turn to God.

Jesus gave us authority over evil. We must claim it.

Insights and awareness. It is enough to do God’s Will on Earth.

Dictatorships create poverty. Authoritarian regimes create poverty. God gave us the power to create wealth. He did not give it to Governments.

The Darkness versus the Light. Will we open our eyes? God is our Coach, Mentor, and Friend. Angels do God’s bidding, on both sides of the Veil.

I once prostrated myself on the floor to worship God. “Just be obedient,” is what I heard.

Sometimes the joy is not in the plowing of the field but in the harvest.

For a moment, I thought I smelled roses.

Let there be no gossip among you. It is not God’s purposes that you serve. Love one another. Then there will be no room for hatred to dwell.

Transformation comes from within. Anything else is an illusion.

We must own our power. It does not come from the Government. It comes from God.

I have laid everything out, the Presidency, the Stigmata, God’s Plan. There is nothing to do but wait.

“Thus says the LORD, “Preserve justice and do righteousness, for My salvation is about to come and My righteousness to be revealed.” Isaiah 56:1

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8

God’s Word does not return to Him void.

I will walk in joy regardless of my circumstances. I am blessed in the LORD.

Everything is a matter of consciousness. Some never knew.

The Bible raised consciousness. So will this.

God looks to and fro seeking those He can reward. Here am I.

All drops in the ocean, all loved equally by God. All with lessons to learn.

The goal is to evolve into our Christ consciousness.

We live in a Supernatural world. God is revealing Himself.

God will do for us what is humanly impossible, rupture the status quo. God is leveling the playing field.

There is no safety in money. Only in God.

People sell their soul for fortune and fame. It is too much to give.

Does the child tell the parent what to do? God is the parent.

God will rebirth America and the world. Lemonade from a lemon.

Drastic measures are needed in times of crisis. We are in crisis.

God is faithful unto Himself. God’s Will be done on Earth.

“And you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.” Isaiah 58:12

Bureaucrats justify their jobs. We must make them obsolete.

We wouldn’t need welfare with no poverty. We wouldn’t need jails with no crime. Am I too idealistic? God can do all this and more.

This is not a time for rest, but for action.

I never heard of the Four Blood Moons until a few months ago. I never heard of the Shemitah. I never had a tallit or attended a Messianic synagogue. God is moving upon the Earth.


9/11 is this week. I will fast and pray.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Why are we still struggling? Because we strayed from the Word of God as contained in the Bible.

The error thoughts of mankind are many. We thought we were separate from God.

“I formed you in the womb.”

Roe v. Wade brought national judgment. Children born out of wedlock are cursed. We must pray. We must repent. We must change our ways.

There is much we do not know. We have been an arrogant nation. God is humbling us. That is the bottom line.

“Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.” Psalm 41:13

The Spiritual Realm affects our daily lives. Our choices bless or curse us. We have been blind. We must open our eyes.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will walk through the Halls of Congress blowing the shofar to welcome God back. Then will come the White House.

I asked to become all I can be. It is unlimited when guided by God.

Abraham had faith and it was counted to him as righteousness. We must have faith. Turn to God.

God works through imperfect people. Always has it been so.

Statistically, gays and lesbians are a small percentage of the population. The minority rules.

Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, has passed. What a great, generous man. He was a shining example of what a businessman could be.

The wicked borrow but do not repay. The Righteous give generously.

Will bankruptcy laws be annulled? We must take personal responsibility.

One thing I have learned is that I can convince no one about politics or religion. I have yet to persuade anyone to my way of thinking.

I won’t shop at Walmart. They harmed America. One day their stock will plummet.

The FDA approves drugs with dangerous and fatal side-effects yet they are trying to ban MMS. Whose interests do they serve?

The Shemitah, the Jubilee. Change is coming to America. Revival must, too. God has plans for America. It is to lead the world.

Transformation will come. So will the Tribulation.

God is within. We must listen to a Higher Authority. It is not the Federal Government. It is not the Supreme Court. They dwell in the world of man. We must transcend them seeking Fairness, Justice, and Truth.

Radical Islam wants to destroy us. Moderate Islam wants to control us. God wants to set us free.

The Koran never mentions Jerusalem. The Bible mentions it repeatedly. The Darkness seeks to destroy what God owns.

The Bible is the only book ever written that contains fulfilled prophecy. That validates its authority as the Word of God. We have been blind.

God’s Will be done on Earth.

Elul 29, 2015. We must be prepared for catastrophe. We must have faith in God.

There are many things I don’t know, but I know enough to repent and pray.

Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. The Shemitah contained in the Lord’s Prayer.

Stand fast. There is no safety outside of God.

Four Blood Moons on Jewish Holy Days, the Shemitah and Jubilee. God is elevating the Jewish people. He is calling them back to Him.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the only one with any common sense in the Middle East. We must listen to him.

Our State Department favors the Muslims. So does our President. They are on the wrong side of history.

We elected a man based on charisma and hollow promises, one who deceives and lies. We knew it after the first term. Why was he elected again?

America will get what she deserves.

Focus on these things: Whatsoever is good, whatsoever is holy, whatsoever is true. Focus on Love and Light.

Paul admonished women to be silent, submissive to their husbands, not to be in authority. Paul was a patriarch in a patriarchal world.

Insights and awareness can be painful, but we must learn. The world is upside down. We must right it.

God desires that none should perish, even members of ISIS. God thinks differently than us.

When I was a child I spoke as a child. It is time to put away childish things. Hatred and war are childish. We are made in the Image of a loving God.

The Spiritual world is more real than the physical. It will never pass away.

The steps of the Righteous are ordered by the LORD. Every day serves its purpose known only to Him.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 3:54 pm

August 9, 2014

God Stepped In

The Sabbath. A day of rest. A day of worship. We serve an ancient God. We could solve the problems of the world if we listened to Him.

Love your neighbor as yourself. It is a place to start. Then there would be no lying, stealing, or cheating on tax returns. There would be no adultery. We could not exploit each other. Our world would change, and with it our politicians.

Know what you want and what you don’t want. You don’t have to please others. Just please God.

God is with Israel. America must be, too.

Men and women are different. We are all unique. Let us honor our diversity instead of fighting over it.

Justice and Fairness demand a Higher Code of Ethics, one that man is incapable of achieving alone. For that it will take God.

Mosques must come down. They are altars to Baal. History repeats itself in a myriad of ways.

I am a flawed person, as we all are, but God has promised me joy if I obey Him. It comes in the form of my heart’s content. It comes in the form of opulence, lives changed around the world, and here at home in America.

I am free, free to be all I can be, by the grace, power, love, and authority of God, only in America. May her ideals spread throughout the world to bless other nations as God has blessed us.

We have lessons to learn.

God has given us options. We will decide. Let us build bridges instead of weapons.

Let me become all I can be, unfettered by the limitations of man. Let me soar on the wings of God and never come down. Let me only lift others up.

My vision for America? To align with God.

Twists and turns, I never know where my writing is going. A Higher Power writes through me.

The status quo will be ruptured. It is to rebuild with God.

2015 will be a rough year. We must get right with God.

Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. God is warning us. This is once more.

The watchman warns in vain unless God be in a nation. God is in America. We must rally to the call.

I spend at least two to four hours a day with God. It is enough for a firm foundation. I will not stray. I am here to do the Will of God.

Only a fool thinks we evolved from the slime. We are wondrously made in the image and likeness of God.

Abortion is murder, but to bear cursed children is a travesty. Unwed mothers are not to be glorified. They harm society as well as themselves.

Do not expect me to be politically correct. Only those who seek to deceive are.

Black has called white black for long enough. Evil has called good evil for too long.

Homosexuality is rebellion against God. There are to be no homosexuals in the pulpit. They have healing to do. Homosexual marriages will be annulled as if they never occurred.

Everyone did what was right in his own eyes until God stepped in.

The Titanic is sinking. It is America. Let those who have eyes open them and see.

America tried to be all things to all people. She lost herself in the process with porous borders and deceit in the White House.

What was meant for our harm God will use for Reform.

We squandered the opportunity God gave us for greatness. He is giving us a second chance. Let us take it for the next generation.

God is calling us back to Him. We have strayed long enough.

Man values the intellect. Common sense is a Divine gift.

We are upside down when our education does not teach values, and morals are considered old fashioned.

Man serves his own purposes and forgets God.

We study the past. Now let us prepare for the future.

I co-create with God and God will have the glory. What I intend to do is humanly impossible, change the course of America.

Democracy has become tyranny. It must be swept clean. Who better than a woman with housekeeping skills?

God thinks differently than us. I have my priorities straight. God comes first.

God is a good God. Everyone has a life plan known only to Him. It is to prosper us and not to harm us. Satan does that.

God stepped in to save us again.

I don’t feel the need to hoard food or guns like some do. I trust God to provide for me in the days and years to come. America is an entrepreneurial people when dedicated to God.

When people enter a nursing home unable to care for themselves, keep them comfortable and safe until they are called Home.

I don’t want any surprises with what I intend to do.

How much of “Scandal” is fact and how much is fiction?

God is tired of the game of lies and deceit.

I see what can be, not necessarily what will be, but as long as I do my part, God will do the rest.

I feel motivated to really clean up my diet after hearing Dr. Joel Fuhrman on PBS last night. The research is undeniable.

JJ Virgin helped me discover food sensitivities I didn’t know I had. Dr. David Perlmutter revealed the link between diet and dementia.

Obesity correlates with fast food and fast food restaurants. We are responsible for what we eat. Our health or sickness is on our plate.

Food is addictive. I know from experience.

Taxpayers should not have to pay for one’s carelessness. One’s health is one’s responsibility, not the Government’s.

We have become an entitlement nation. That’s what happens when one expects the Government to care for one from cradle to grave. It weakens everyone.

Obamacare will be rescinded and taxes reformed. The IRS will be abolished. Let the people take notice. It is a beginning to new opportunities in America.

God has plans for America. It is to lead the world. But first we must repent and change our ways.

Bless you, all those who read my words and believe. We are the sheep.

Chaos will continue until the Light breaks forth. The groundswell has begun. One person can make a difference when aligned with God.

Evil attacks good, but good persists. People of God must return to the public square.

It is said that sheep bite. We must not bite each other. It must be the Federal Government.

Power abuses when it is not the Power of God to change lives.

Transformation is needed in America. Then we can help change the world. Do not proselytize in Africa. Transformation begins at home.

Some run to help others when their own life is a mess. Clean up your house first before you tell others how to do it. That can also pertain to foreign affairs.

It is easier to preach truth than live it. That is why so many preachers fall. Heal thyself first, then become a beacon.

Treat others with courtesy and respect, even if you disagree with them. The same goes for the White House and Capitol Hill.

Those who sling mud will eventually get dirty.

More laws will not help America. They only suffocate her. Laws come from man’s lower consciousness. We must evolve.

We will look back at the perfection of it all. In hindsight is all revealed. We are at the crossroads. Will we turn Right back to God or to the Left toward Socialism?

God has given us opportunities. They are found in challenges. Some things take a lifetime to prepare for.

God gives us the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. I trust that will be evident in my life.

Not a sparrow falls to the ground without God’s awareness. Let that give us comfort in the days ahead.

I feel like this book is winding down. May it touch lives and bring them closer to God.

God knows best. Someday we will learn.

It always amazes me when someone claims to be led by God but then they lie and deceive. It is not God that leads them but Satan.

God is not a man that He should lie. God does not violate Himself.

God has given us a conscience to help discern good from evil. The hardhearted do not feel it.

Only God touches the heart.

Own your power even when others disapprove.

Empowerment is the power to live the life of one’s dreams. It comes with obedience to God.

It is time for a silent revolution. It will come at the ballot box. It will come in one’s heart.

Tough love must be practiced at home before it can be practiced abroad.

Why do we allow chemicals in our food supply? It only harms us and adds to the manufacturer’s bottom line.

We fight not with flesh and blood but with powers, principalities, and demons. We have authority over demons. God will handle the rest.

I learn from others. May others learn from me. Let me be coach, mentor, and friend into the unseen.

God seeks to guide us not with laws but with instincts and intuition.

I exercise more than most people, and I fast. I intend to be productive in my Golden Years.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

It is time to pray.

Homosexuals were not created that way. It is time to heal our land.

Are feminists really feminists, or Progressives in disguise?

Planned Parenthood does not help families plan their families. They encourage promiscuity.

Don’t be afraid to stand for your convictions when God is on your side.

Disease is abnormal. We take it for granted. We are upside down.

Sickness is big business. God would rather us be healthy.

People long for Christ’s return but they forgot Elijah will come first.

Christians don’t believe that God works in miracles anymore. The Church has grown cold.

God is bombarding the world with knowledge and wisdom. It is a time for miracles.

I think everything has been written that needs to be written. I have talked about the economy, the future and the past, politics and religion. I have mentioned inflation and the media. I have talked about health. I have talked about me. I have talked about chaos and peace. I have talked about Muslims and Jews, the Bible and the Koran, Israel and the Middle East. I have talked about God and Satan. Is anything else necessary?

Robin Williams committed suicide. Fame and fortune are no guarantee of happiness.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16

May suicide be a thing of the past. There is always hope in God.

Martial law will come to America unless we change course. It is better to trust God than our federal government.

Financial collapse is imminent. The warning signs are all around us. It is better to have a plan than rioting in the streets.

Jesus was the fulfillment of the Jewish Scriptures. He did not intend to start a new religion, but perhaps it is good that Christianity evolved apart from the laws of the Pharisees.

It is time to transcend politics and religion. God wants to reign supreme.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

“Shall I acquit a man with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights? Her rich men are violent; her people are liars and their tongues speak deceitfully. Therefore, I have begun to destroy you, to ruin you because of your sins.” Micah 6:11-13

America take heed.

And I tremble. I sense a worldwide collapse. Money will not save you. It must be God.

I believe in the power of God to change lives. I believe in the power of God to change America, and then the world.

We are facing crises on many levels. That’s what happens when man forsakes God’s principles and teachings. Our present course is unsustainable.

Body, mind, and spirit, we must align with God.

Body: Eat whole foods, exercise.

Mind: Think thoughts of peace, joy, and love. Be optimistic. Learn the Ten Commandments.

Spirit: Follow your instincts, gut feelings, and intuition. Follow your conscience. Pray and meditate daily. Study the Bible. Ask for divine guidance.

Simple things anyone can do for transformation.

Wisdom made simple.

“I am the way, the life, and the truth.” No one comes to God but through Jesus Christ.

Sananda is Jesus’ new name. It is the days of Revelation.

“From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.” Revelation 11:15

God is giving us a second chance. We must take it.

It’s dangerous to be a Christian. No one wants to hear what we have to say. Darkness entangles us, it ensnares us. It starts in the White House and filters down.

I’m beginning to think our President is a pathological liar. We must voice the truth while we still have freedom of speech.

Totalitarian governments take over health care, control guns and education, they stifle religion, then speech and freedom of assembly. That has already happened in America.

We are one step away from dictatorship. We are one crisis away from martial law. Darkness controls America until God steps in.

Democrats seek to control Congress. They seek to maintain the White House. Liberals sway the Supreme Court. It must be ruptured to take America back.

We are not a theocracy, but we were founded on God. Our future depends on it.

Islam is more of a threat than Communism ever was. Communists want to control us. Islamists want to kill us. Both are anti-God.

We are in Spiritual Warfare no longer denied.

As a believer, I am grafted into the chosen people of God, the Jews. Abraham therefore becomes my spiritual father and I am entitled to all the blessings promised to his seed. God is uniting the Christians and Jews.

Some Jews feel superior with their covenant from God. Some Christians feel superior through their belief in Christ. They are cousins with the same root. In a sense, that makes them related to Muslims, whose patriarch is also Abraham.

The seed of man, united through Abraham, children of God.

If one would lead, first one must serve. We have it upside down.

I will be President. It has been ordained. God will have the glory. This is about nations turning to Him. What has been ordained, who can take it out of God’s hand?

“He who planted the ear, does He not hear? He who formed the eye, does He not see? He who chastens the nations, will He not rebuke, even He who teaches man knowledge?” Psalm 94:9-10

“For the LORD will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance. For judgment will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.” Psalm 94″14-15

A tree planted in God will never be uprooted.

Muslims and Jews are half brothers. Christians are cousins. The fighting must end. We are the family of man.

No one takes anything out of God’s hand.

God wants us to be prosperous, successful, and happy so we can do His work on earth and enjoy the process.

We thought we existed for us. We exist for God.

Financial independence is part of freedom to become all one can be.

A paradigm shift is needed by the world. Maybe this book will facilitate it.

“Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servants; I have formed you, you are My servant, O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me. I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud and your sins like a heavy mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 44:21-22

The longing of God’s heart apparent.

“Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, “I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone, causing the omens of boasters to fail, making fools out of diviners, causing wise men to draw back and turning their knowledge into foolishness, confirming the word of His servant and performing the purpose of His messengers.” Isaiah 44:24-25

Let it be done.

God has many prophets. I am one.

Birthing pains will come. We will birth a new future. We will birth a new nation.

Walk with God. Accept Jesus. In that is the only safety.

We all want miracles. Sometimes we just have to go through it.

When something has served its purpose it withers away. Let the Darkness do the same. It woke the people up to return to God.

God is trying to prepare us for what is to come.

Stingy Christians will regret it. All will be made known.

I serve a supernatural God. God meets us where we’re at. It is not the words I write. Only God can open eyes. Only God can touch hearts and minds.

We live in a world of illusion. The only joy is God.

Teach me Thy Will, O God, so that I may not falter, so that I may not trip and fall. Teach me Thy Ways so that my life will be filled with peace, joy, and satisfaction. Teach me Thy Love so that I may share it with all, regardless of circumstances. Teach me in All Things to do Thy bidding. And give me the Wisdom to obey. Amen

I have smelled the Scent of the Rose when I was alone. I have seen miracles and experienced blessings. May they be shared with the world for its healing.

Align with God. Your life will never be the same, only different and better. It is for this that we are here.

God is just and God is fair. God is giving us the rules. This time they are not shrouded in the Bible.

I have known healers who healed people, but if they did not change their thoughts and behaviors, the disease was re-created. Medicine does not heal. We must heal our thought forms. We must think thoughts of peace and love. We must be proactive, not passive, in our lives.

The food industry is not our friend. Neither is the AMA. We must do things differently for a different outcome.

How long you live is not the goal. How well you live is.

No sugar, no flour, no potatoes. It will make a difference. They’re addictive for some people.

Poverty is a curse. May it be broken. Laws will not do this. Raising the minimum wage will not do this. It starts in the mind. If one feels entitled, one is already cursed.

Allah and God are not the same. We have been deceived, not only by religion and the Muslim Brotherhood, but by the media and our government.

Allah is a god of war. God is a God of peace.

Books can change lives. Readers are leaders. Start with this.

There will always be temptation. Our will or God’s? This we must learn. This we must overcome.

My greatest temptation is food. I went to Florida State University and Georgia State. I have been married twice. I have nothing to hide. God knows it all.

God has a plan. I know some details. More will be revealed. We must repent. Lives will be changed, lives transformed, including my own.

Never think one must be perfect, just keep moving forward into the light.

Some think the end-time transfer of wealth will include African-Americans for the debt of slavery. But hasn’t that already been done through welfare and entitlement programs?

The role of money is not to feel secure. That is the role of God.

I have never heard a financial adviser recommend tithing. America has many false idols.

Every act of kindness is rewarded. From an acorn a giant tree grows.

I am the only person I know my age not on medication. I haven’t had hip replacement surgery. Diet made the difference.

The only way to true peace of mind is to obey God, your instincts, intuition, and conscience.

God never gives us anything we can’t handle with dignity. This we must practice.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Riots are an expression of frustration. They are also an excuse for vandalism.

We cursed a generation when we took God out of education. We must welcome God back.

Everything is irrelevant if God doesn’t confirm the words of the messenger.

And God stepped in.

Obedience to God is a form of humility. America must humble herself.

Let me be wiser today than I was yesterday, and more obedient. Let me walk humbly with my God, not in fear but in love.

God is Love.

I read that in Biblical days grains laid in the fields for weeks and sprouted. That made them more nutritious and phytates were not a problem.

Corn had more protein.

God seeks to turn back the hands of time.

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.

I’m sorry to see David Gregory leave “Meet the Press.” He was so proud of it.

No white flour, no white sugar, no chocolate, no alcohol. No processed food. It is the beginning to vibrant health.

Let the food industry crumble. Simple solutions to complex problems make a wiser community. We have been eating poison for years. God wants His people healthy.

God intends for His people to be set apart from the world. To do that we must think differently, act differently, and eat differently to align with Him.

Let our Light so shine that we will attract others to God.

Humans have free will. That will never change. I prefer to be protected by God than on my own.

Addictions are a curse. They come in many forms. America is cursed. We strayed from God.

9/11 was a warning, then came 2008. What will 2015 bring? The watchman has warned.

Sunday is powerful. It is the Christian Sabbath, but in the Bible the Sabbath is Saturday.

The LORD is my Provider. In Him will I trust. He is El Shaddai, He is Jehovah Jireh. I am blessed. According to consciousness is it done.

Society needs all its people, but it needs them vibrant, productive, and healthy, not sickly and dependent. We have more information about health and wellness now than ever before. There are no excuses. It is a lifestyle choice.

Food is fuel. To use it for anything else is addiction.

We are an obese nation. We have neglected ourselves morally, spiritually, financially, and physically. We need Reform.

“…O restore me to health and let me live!” Isaiah 38:16

Sickness and disease or health and well-being. Each person decides for himself. We have whined long enough.

Tough love takes many forms. We are responsible for our brother only to help him help himself, not to enable him to do nothing.

We need medical care for the acute, not for chronic illness.

Many profit off the misfortune of others. We have made a business out of poverty and disease. The Democrat Party needs it to maintain power. They enable people to do nothing.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton benefit by keeping the Black nation down. So does Barack Obama.

Truth to power. We must be willing to stand on our own two feet. God will help us. God will point the way.

Addictions are tools of Spirit to bring us to our knees before God. What was meant for our harm, God will use for our good.

We got addicted to food, we got addicted to power, we got addicted to sports. The only benign addiction is to God.

Many have experienced miracles. Why don’t we hear about them? Because we are a cynical nation. That must change to become all we can be.

“…There is no other God besides Me, a righteous God and a Savior; There is none except Me. Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth…” Isaiah 45:21-22

We have a long colon. We weren’t designed to be meat eaters. We were designed to be vegetarians. We were designed to be holy.

I don’t cook, but I make great salads.

Sometimes I think the whole world is under a curse, and then I remember, it is. Only God can save us.

The beans were boiling on the stove. I had forgotten. That’s one reason I don’t cook. I have ruined many pots, even a microwave oven. I don’t use them anymore. I am a housewife, until God steps in.

School needs to resume in September. Metaphysically, August is not a good time to start anything new. It’s best that Congress is out of session.

Rick Perry is being demonized. The left will stop at nothing.

I have changed my thinking. I don’t need to just stay close to God, I need to stay under His wings.

Man looks to himself for answers. He will never find them. He must look to God.

Know what you intend to do. It is the first step of creation. Align with God’s Will. Then you can do it and joy will be the result.

Anyone can create. Most people create havoc and pain.

It is a time of miracles. God wants us to help ourselves. In the Darkness the Light shines brightest.

Doctors study pills and procedures, rarely nutrition. Most doctors are no healthier than us. Why trust them with your health?

God is Holy. I, too, am holy, set apart to do His Work on Earth. One must be bold enough to proclaim it. Then God steps in.

Jesus reconciled us to God. We must accept Him before blessings will return to America. We must repent. America needs a Revival.

Jesus taught many things, compassion, forgiveness. But He was blunt. He rebuked hypocrites.

I have tried to fit in all my life. Now it is time for them to change. Dear God, open their hearts and minds that they may see. They have been blind.

No one knows what the future will bring, but it is best to align with God now. I can help show the way.

What might have been is irrelevant. We squandered many things, our values, our honor, our democracy. We must regain them.

Homosexuals should never have been allowed in the Boy Scouts or in the pulpits. I have opinions on many things.

God is constantly teaching us lessons. Some people get angry and resentful. Some people fight. Others are grateful to learn how to do things differently next time.

Mysticism has always intrigued me. I intend to study Jewish mysticism.

“The Spirit of the LORD is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God…” Isaiah 61:1-2

I have a different perspective. We are unlimited when we obey God.

There were tremendous disparities of income before the Great Depression. There is now. History repeats itself when nothing is learned.

Consciousness determines outcome.

The wise will learn. The fools will perish under mounting debt.

Some seek to maintain the status quo. They are the fools. They are in both political parties.

Much of Africa’s woes are because of corruption. We are not responsible for her. She must change from within.

Sometimes missionaries are more important than foreign aid.

America has enabled. She has weakened other nations. She was supposed to lead by example.

I have been broke many times but I have never been poor. Being poor is a state of mind. Being poor is when one thinks one has no future.

With God all things are possible. It also takes Hard Work, Self-Responsibility, Ethics, and Love.

We live in a world of instant gratification. Instant gratification is the antithesis of God.

Technology distracts us from God. So does social media. Nothing is as it seems. Now you know.

This is about showing God’s Power and Love. God has many messengers. I am one more.

Find the best people you can find and then let them do their job. That’s what I intend to do as President.

I heard a doctor say that patients who believed in God died peaceful deaths but those who didn’t were tormented. There is more than we know.

I am here to help people trust God to have their best interests at heart.

People knew God was with Abraham by his prosperity. Let it be so with me. Let me create the life of my dreams according to God’s Will and Promises.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2

God is a good God. Justice is skewed in America.

Our President is impotent. He would rather play golf.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. That goes for a nation.

Wise people have common sense. We can do a better job of governing our lives than the Government ever can.

We must become wise. Wisdom can be learned. That was one purpose of the Bible. That is one purpose of this.

Nurture your heart. It is your link with God.

Rejoice in other’s victories. Then you have more joy.

Relationships serve a purpose. Sometimes it is to show what not to do again.

People who cannot control their emotions cannot control their lives.

God lifts up and God casts down. It is to show His Power. Man cannot intervene. Who takes anything out of God’s Hand?

As pain is released, peace flows in. It is the peace that surpasses all understanding. It is the Peace of God.

God is giving us wisdom and knowledge. It is the End Times.

The thief comes to steal and destroy. God comes to reward the Righteous.

Who are the Righteous? The ones who honored God. Actions speak louder than words.

God is sifting Humanity. The nuggets of gold will appear. Some are mentioned in this book.

I tithe what I have. It will grow and expand. God has projects planned all over the world.

It is the Last Days. God is uniting the Christians and Jews. Muslims will come.

God is a Supernatural God. He will do what humans never could, bring peace to Earth. That is God’s Intent.

Humans sabotage themselves. They undermine each other. It is not God’s Work they do when they settle for less than they could be.

They are made in the Image of God.

Accept what is, then work to change it. Start with yourselves. You are your best investment. The housewife knows.

Coach, Mentor, and Friend. God is it all.

I never understood how the son of a President could run as an outsider. The people are too easily deceived, like when Barack Obama was elected to heal the nation. He tore it further apart.

We live in a patriarchal society. I hope that ends.

You are Love, Loving, and Beloved. That is God’s message to the world.

Christians are made to feel guilty because Jesus died for them. Can a gift not be accepted without guilt? Not according to theology.

Is baptism in water still necessary? Baptism in the Holy Spirit is more important.

Salvation is not the end point of Christianity, it is merely the beginning. Fruit must come.

Let Christ be manifested in others. It comes through the heart. Kindness, compassion, and power are its fruit.

The Torah is a book of instruction, not just law. Much has been misinterpreted. God is a God of Love.

Israel became secular. They have paid the price ever since. God raised up Hamas to warn them. ISIS will be next.

God is judging the Earth.

“Remember the former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure’…Truly I have spoken, truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it.” Isaiah 46:9-11

Everything has just been laid at God’s feet.

God told Isaiah he would have an impact in the latter days. He was right.

The purpose of going up the mountain is to come back down and lead others up.

I know things about people they would never guess. I know some who have been persecutors in past lifetimes. All are here for Redemption, all to do God’s Work.

Millions have been Angels in Spiritual Realm. It is time to Awaken. It is time to answer the call. America needs Revival. Let it begin now.

God wants a relationship with us. Let me lead the way.

God is giving us hope. Let this give you a different perspective on life.

This is all humanly impossible. It will be obvious. There is a God.

This has been freely given. It can transform lives, it can transform nations. God is a generous God. May we see more clearly.

God intends for us to prosper. We deny God’s goodness when we don’t.

God told me years ago when I started my journey that all I had to do was meditate every day. I pass that wisdom along to you.

The circle is complete.

God can heal your heart of pain and sorrow. He’s the only One who can.

I pray every day, I meditate every day, I do the 5 Rites of Rejuvenation. It is a minimum.

Ignorance is no longer an option.

Come from Love and Service. God will do the rest. Be a blessing to others and God will be a blessing to you.

God raises up and God casts down for all the world to see. Then there will be no doubt there is a God.

Even our allies are worried about the course of America. That will end. God is in control.

It’s a beautiful sunrise.

We are in Spiritual Warfare. Satan controls the Earth. God controls the Universe. Who is more powerful? God will win.

Insights and awareness. It has helped me over the years. Now it will help others.

What was meant for your harm God will use for Reform.

Jews have always been persecuted and yet they prosper. They have wisdom to teach us. It is part of knowledge being made known.

Was God Jewish or did He just favor the underclass? We must examine our prejudice.

God bless Israel. Nations will prosper that bless her. Maybe it’s part of the peace process. God thinks differently than us.

North, south, east, and west, over and under, may God be recognized supreme.

I met a man at synagogue today who doctors say should be dead. God has already blessed him.

I am now attending a Messianic synagogue. I can always learn.

They said if she lives long enough, her mind will be completely gone. What a horrible prognosis! And it’s preventable through diet and nutrition.

I spent three years rewriting my subconscious mind into alignment with God. That’s why I think differently. It’s been so long ago I had almost forgotten.

All is well, all is well. God goes before me preparing the way.

When I wake up with a thought, I know it’s from Spirit. Much of this book has been written like that.

Peace and harmony pervade my countenance. It is a gift of God.

We have appointed times with God. This is one of them. The Four Blood Moons prove it.

No one knows the plans of God. It is to save us from ourselves.

Another day of fasting. What will it bring? It all serves its purpose to draw me closer to God.

A spiritual life examined, a spiritual life revealed.

“For Tyre built herself a fortress and piled up silver like dust, and gold like the mire of the streets. Behold, the LORD will dispossess her and cast her wealth into the sea…” Zechariah 9:3-4

There is no safety in money, only in God.

2008 was a warning. We didn’t listen, we didn’t pay attention. America grew more corrupt. 2015 will be worse. The Tribulation will start.

America has yet to turn from her wicked ways.

The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not want. The LORD cares for His own. The sheep will know His voice.

We have been eating Pablum. Stones will come.

We will get what we deserve. God is a faithful God, but God will never give us more than we can handle with dignity, without rioting in the streets.

Outside agitators should not be allowed to come into local communities to stir them up. They bring violence, not peace.

Where are the Black leaders who exhort their people to lift themselves up? Who calls them to account for drugs, crime, and unwed motherhood? Who offers them hope other than the lie of welfare benefits? Where are the leaders to teach this generation? They are Black conservatives.

African-American, Black, people of color. Do they want to assimilate or retain their own culture? People born in America are American regardless of ancestry.

The Bible is the story of the rebelliousness of Israel. It continues to this day.

Israel and America. God was with them when they obeyed.

God is judging the nations. God is judging the world.

Knowledge is useless unless well used.

Healing is assured, body, mind, and finances, when we obey God.

God prunes those He loves. The pruning will come.

Let me be wiser today than I was yesterday, Dear Father, and wiser still tomorrow.

We have been in skirmishes. The real test will come.

Jesus prepared the way for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit prepares the way for God to be manifested on Earth.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. And we shall know peace.

The Bible is to be revered. It is the Word of God. The Koran will be burned like they burned the books of sorcery long ago.

Islam is not a religion of peace. We have been deceived. The Darkness takes many forms.

Russia and China are not our friends, they conspire against us. So does the United Nations. We must open our eyes.

America must lean on God for survival.

An ignorant electorate got us in this mess. It was spearheaded by the Democrat Party to fulfill its Socialist agenda.

Truth to power. Political correctness is a ruse to deceive. People of God must step up to the plate.

Here am I.

God will spew the unrighteous from His mouth. Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, the Clintons. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. There are too many to mention.

God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.

This is about showing God’s Power. This is about saving America.

America was built on Judeo-Christian values. People of God must save her.

I have dedicated my life to God. Friends and neighbors never knew, just God. It was enough.

This is David and Goliath. David will win.

This takes a tremendous amount of faith. No one knows my name. Surely this is enough. All has been revealed.

God gave us the power to get wealth. We have been misled ever since by politics and religion, but not by God.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 4:59 pm

August 1, 2014

Current Events

Hamas does not want peace. It wants conquest. It has no regard for life, theirs or anyone else’s.

President Obama purposely taunts, exploiting his power far beyond its Constitutional limits. It is lawlessness. It is tyranny.

The righteous must stand by God even when the evil condemn them.

The Shemitah begins soon, September 25, 2014 – September 13, 2015.

God provides for His children. I re-read the 23rd Psalm for encouragement.

The news is too painful to watch. Please help me remember this is all part of God’s Plan to drive America back to Him.

Eventually people will realize that political parties can never solve America’s problems. It must be God.

Israel is not the bad guy. We are upside down.

If I were Israel, I’d still call for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Only God can preserve them. They forgot the 1967 war. They rested on the seventh day.

God is moving upon the Earth.

“Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:3-4

God has a Plan for America, details, I know some. It gives me peace of mind. This is about God showing God’s Power in a way America will never forget.

May the world discern things differently. Let them see through my eyes.

Maybe Hillary won’t run for President. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama will step down. And maybe Trey Gowdy will be the interim President as the new Speaker of the House.

Only God knows what we need. The rest is an illusion in the world of man.

Without new information nothing changes. I hope my words will give people new information from a different perspective.

Everything is an idea before it is birthed.

When I am wealthy I intend to offer scholarships to the poor. It will not include illegal immigrants. They will return home.

America is a sovereign nation. I intend for her to remain so. It can’t be done with porous borders.

Obama intends to drag us down to Third World status. I intend to raise us up.

God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, rupture the status quo. The next few years will be rough.

God has given us the opportunity for a different future. We must take it.

“God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present and well-proved help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

We are in trouble. We must repent and turn to God. The Titanic is sinking.

God never gives us more than we can bear with Him by our side. God bless America, our Home, Sweet, Home!

Believers think that whatever happens is God’s Will. It’s not. We operate under the Law of Cause and Effect.

Garbage in, chaos out. Wisdom in, lives changed. Choices create Destiny.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

It is a New Chapter.

Become all we can be. It is our Destiny. We must obey God. Then nations will revere us and war be denied.

Satan versus God. We are playing it out in physical form.

Israel represents God on Earth. Nothing is as it seems. The Darkness must be contained.

God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.

Give your life to God. If He can handle the sun and the moon, He can handle your life.

To the ungrateful is more given or less? America has been very ungrateful.

America has become a house of cards. The cards will come tumbling down.

Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. There was no remorse.

“I, God, am a Holy God. I will be praised.” So says the LORD.

Repentance comes in many forms. We must return to God.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8

“He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.” Isaiah 40:23

Sometimes I laugh in awe, sometimes I cry, sometimes I tremble.

It’s a New Day, or certainly can be, when we do things differently from a Higher Consciousness.

Will the Tribulation start next March? The only safety is in God.

The Bible says not to divide the land of Israel. The nations will pay a price.

Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. God has warned us.

No one has your interests at heart but God. Maybe they will see.

We all stand on each other’s shoulders. May others stand on mine to find God.

Life is not about denial, just obedience.

It’s all a process to become all you can be.

Another steppingstone. One day a milestone.

Salvation is a gift, but God expects us to bear fruit. We are here for such a time as this.

I believe God can do anything at any time, but I forgot about seasons.

Jesus showed us our power. We have neglected it ever since.

God expresses through us in kindness, power, and love.

God is our Highest Moral Authority. There is no other. He reveals Himself through wisdom and common sense.

There is Absolute Truth. There is a God, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What was once 99 cents is now two for $5.00, but inflation is not a problem.

Full-time jobs are lost, part-time jobs are gained. That is apples and oranges, treated equally in the jobs report.

Laws have unintended consequences. Men look for loopholes instead of following the intent.

Regulations dampen an economy. Entrepreneurship grows it.

Justice and fairness are perceived differently in America. It is a source of conflict. It stems from man’s ideology. It is different than God’s.

A man who does not work does not eat. There will always be the poor, unless they help themselves.

The drunkard is a fool. The wise man does not commit adultery. Wisdom never changes.

“Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth!” Isaiah 42:10

“Even from eternity I am He, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” Isaiah 43:13

There will always be temptation, our will or God’s?

We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. That is why the world will never satisfy us. It must be God.

We are in Spiritual Warfare. We fight it with Truth.

People prospered even during the Great Depression. Everyone did not suffer, only the masses.

I don’t know how bad it will get, but God is rupturing the status quo. It is part of leveling the playing field so we can begin anew.

Cheerful and optimistic regardless of one’s circumstances. Remember, this, too, shall pass when we do things differently.

Some Christians hate Jews. It is apostasy. They are God’s chosen people. Jesus was a Jew. They rejected Him. They have lessons to learn.

Many Jews are hardhearted. Yeshua intends to soften them.

Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years and yet they prosper. Why? God is with them.

Do not divide Jerusalem. It belongs to God.

Some think God was invented because the weak needed a crutch. Show them Your Power, God, prove Your existence. Let the world be amazed and its healing begin.

Frankly, I thought He had, with the Four Blood Moons and the Harbingers of 9/11.

Little Israel comes to stay.

I can’t believe Jimmy Carter came out in support of Hamas, but, then, he honored the founder of the ACLU with the prestigious Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian award.

We are upside down.

History will show that Democrats have frequently been on the wrong side of the tracks.

Liberalism is antithetical to America’s values.

Conservatives are our best hope.

Communism was birthed in czarist Russia when the nobility lived in opulence and the peasants starved, but it made government its religion and dictators its god.

“I will bless nations that bless Israel and I will curse nations that don’t.” It is an easy blueprint to follow.

Apartheid. There have been many evils, but the greatest of these is atheism.

The carrot and the stick. God reveals both. Return to God or face annihilation.

Many preachers are more concerned with their own ego than with God’s Word. It is a mistake.

It is time to put away childish things.

I see what can be but not necessarily what will be. This is up to us. It is a fluid Universe.

Sometimes a strong power is needed to keep peace and stability. Let America be that power, guided by God.

For the Commandment is a lamp and the Law is light lest we stumble again in the Darkness.

Let me be wiser today than I was yesterday and wiser still tomorrow and God will be praised.

God has brought me along slowly so I would not stumble and fall. It has been twenty years.

Everyone wants peace in the Middle East but they don’t understand the dynamics. It goes back to Sarah and Hagar when Sarah disobeyed God.

There has been conflict ever since.

Most Jews think money is more important than people. It is because they never studied the New Testament.

Muslims worship a false god. It is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They do not worship the Prince of Peace but the Prince of Darkness.

The fruit tells the tree.

The Middle East will continue to self-destruct until they convert. We are in Spiritual Warfare played out on the world scene.

The world sees an ordinary woman. God doesn’t. I have devoted my life to God.

God speaks to people all over the world, not just to mystics and prophets, but to anyone who will listen. God is calling His sheep.

The Church has drifted from God. The bride is tarnished. God intends to redeem her with a new religion, one without rules and dogma. One with God at its center instead of Popes and Bishops and Imams. A religion of Spirituality based on a 12-Step program. Anyone can participate. Anyone can come to God.

There are cracks in Humanity where the Darkness has infiltrated. God intends to make us whole.

Jesus was our example, the shining Light upon a hill.

Millions of Muslims are turning to Christ. That is humanly impossible. God is moving on the Earth.

God does not condone secret societies. Darkness lurks in them. The same is true with Big Government and Bureaucracy.

True Light is transparent.

Are there some things a Government needs to keep secret? Perhaps, but the less the better.

The Government had no right to reveal the names and addresses of gun owners. And it had no right to allow telemarketers to harass cell phone users.

From the esoteric to the mundane, God is concerned with it all. The Bible reflected that thousands of years ago.

Look around you. Are you healthy, wealthy, and wise? If not, you have lessons to learn.

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I may show you My power and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16

I always found it interesting that was referring to Pharaoh and not Moses.

Could that refer to Putin today? Could that refer to Barack Obama?

My life could change seemingly overnight if someone listened to my words.

God works through many people. Some are radio commentators. Some are politicians.

Thank God for a brighter future. Wipe away the past. It was created with error thoughts that we were separate from God.

I have been planting seeds. It is up to God to water them and produce the harvest. More I cannot do.

God is a good God. He won’t tolerate evil in the hearts and minds of men, nor in their unjust laws.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 7:17 pm

July 23, 2014

The Future Beckons

By good works we glorify God. Let me glorify God and the world be changed. One must know what one intends before one can create it.

Align with God, body, mind, and spirit. It is our next Great Adventure.

Mind, will, and emotions are part of the soul, our essence, our personality. Eternal Salvation beckons.

I have yet to master my emotions. I have yet to master the flesh. It is an ongoing process.

Peace of mind is the goal. From that flows the River of Life.

I see what people can be. May they see the potential in me.

God raises up and God casts down for all the world to see.

Things will be different when I am President. America will be respected again.

Who can believe what God will do? No one, and then the world.

God works from within. It is to change the world, hearts and minds aligned with Him.

Let my days of fear and rebellion be over.

It is hard to give up one’s will for God’s, but one gets so much more in return. One gets promises fulfilled.

Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and then the world will come to you. Others have already proved it.

No one else has my path. No one else can do what I am here to do. It is to lead America back to God, politics aligned with Him.

In boldness is success. Americans have been meek long enough.

We must support Israel. She must stand on her own two feet. She, too, strayed. She must return to God.

Israel and America, God’s chosen people, here to lead the world. Example is the best way.

God has always worked through people. Now is no different.

Teachers have teachers and coaches have mentors. No one does anything of greatness alone. We stand on each other’s shoulders to sink or swim.

We need to laugh more. God has our best interests at heart. The Jubilee will come. It is part of rewarding God’s people for returning to Him.

Mortgages wiped clean, credit card debt, student loans. It is part of leveling the playing field and rupturing the status quo. It is part of restructuring Wall Street. God intends to do what the Government never can.

The Shemitah year. Let it be seen with eyes of hope.

Our lives will be so much different in a year. Or maybe tomorrow.

Twenty years. I knew in 1993 I was to be a Spiritual Leader. I knew in 1995 I was to be President. Some things are worth working toward.

I don’t go to church. Sometimes preachers confuse me. I think differently.

Evolution was one way to disprove God. All the violence in the world was another. There are many ways to divide us. Let us now unite.

Thoughts are creative. They are pieces of energy. They helped create our world. Let us bathe it in Love and Light. We will create miracles. Love and Light are aspects of God.

Massive changes are coming. God is preparing His people lest they destroy themselves.

There is enough for everyone. We just must do things differently. We must share and not hoard. We must contain poverty. And we must return to God.

Our future will be different than our past. It can be better or it can be much, much worse. We will decide with the choices now made.

The future beckons.

The Bible records the story of man’s rebellion against God and God’s forbearance and judgment. Now is no different. God has been patient. God is wise and God is just. Let the world tremble.

The power of man corrupts. Only the Power of God lifts up.

God has given power to many. Some used it to help others. Some used it to destroy. Some used it wisely. Most squandered it for themselves.

God intends to level the playing field.

Know what you intend to do. It is part of creating reality. We are fragments of God. We just never knew.

I have been mistaken about many things. Sometimes success brings a false sense of independence. Sometimes failure draws one closer to God. The wise are dependent on God.

The Ninth of Av. What will it bring? We must wait and see.

I ask for something new and different, and all I ask is heard. I’m tired of chaos and war in the world. I’m tired of lack and limitation. God can do better than this.

We give God lip service and little more. Few are willing to align themselves for His purposes on Earth. It is to bring peace, harmony, and joy. It is to redeem us from the error thoughts of man.

As the butterfly flaps its wings storms are created. We are interdependent. One person can create war. Can one person create peace?

God knows the plans He has for us. It is to prosper us and give us a different future. We must repent first.

We must change course.

This is about more than the Tea Party. This is about returning to God and Biblical principles. This is about bringing honesty and integrity back to politics.

Sometimes cancer gets in the best of causes. This is not an endorsement for every Tea Party member.

Controversy serves its purpose. We must not be afraid to stand firm in our convictions.

People say one thing and do another. The serpent speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

Addiction keeps one from becoming all one can be.

Processed food is addictive. The food industry is interested in their profits, not our well-being.

Big Business owns America, and big campaign donors in both parties.

We must take our country back for the people.

Mean, vindictive people, don’t associate with them. Poison is in their hearts and on their lips.

The silver-tongued can also beguile. Look at results.

The intellect can never know all the facts. Listen to instincts.

We thought the physical world was all there was. We forgot that everything was once an idea.

I think, therefore, I am. But who really had the thought?

There are many planes of existence. We are on the Third Dimension.

God is a higher level of consciousness. We can aspire to it when we align with Him.

God is neither male nor female. God is Love. That is how God can be everywhere all at once.

God’s Energy is moving upon the Earth. It moved upon the still waters and created at will.

God is creative, just like us.

We pigeon-holed ourselves in a small box. Poverty is the smallest, wealth and philanthropy the largest, but a box nevertheless.

We are here to do the Will of God on Earth. Then a round peg will not be forced into a square hole.

The Government wants cookie-cutters. God wants eagles.

Common Core? God is not in it.

Paul Revere warned, “The British are coming!” I warn, tyranny is here.

The border crisis? It is a distraction welcomed by the White House. It is an invasion ignored by Democrats.

The Sleeping Giant must awaken. It has been lulled to sleep by Government handouts.

A country divided is conquered. Was that Lenin’s playbook or Saul Alinsky’s? Wasn’t he a community organizer like Obama? And didn’t Alinsky mentor Hillary?

The Radical Left seeks to overthrow America. It is the Democrat Party.

God has placed before us blessings and curses. We will decide.

Sometimes the end must be known before one can change it.

The future beckons with promise and sun if we return to God.

Know what you intend to do and do it. I intend to follow God, and I intend to help people become all they can be.

Minnows will be forgotten when the whale arrives. Small things will seem insignificant when all is revealed.

The Third Great Awakening. It is needed by the world.

I can’t imagine people reading all of this in a blog, but I can in a book, “Wings of God.”

All is well. Each day you get to start all over again to know God. We have a chance to do things differently.

People forget, Palestinians don’t want peace. They want conquest. The Koran says so.

Awareness, acceptance, change, equals Transformation. Let this book raise awareness through insights and wisdom.

“Ye are gods,” Jesus said so Himself. Jesus never lied.

Terrorists don’t want peace. They want world domination. The war on terror will never be won until their hearts and minds turn to God. Prayer is the best strategy. We need a strong defense.

I don’t have a Ph.D in economics or foreign affairs, but I have common sense. What we’re doing isn’t working.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” John 10:10

Islam is the thief.

Muslims have never been peaceful people. We ignore history to our peril.

Socialism and Islam, the greatest threat to America since World War II. Our President ignores both. He would rather fundraise.

Capture your thoughts in alignment with God. He thinks differently than us.

There are many religions because everyone is at different levels of spiritual growth. God seeks Evolution. He wants to align our consciousness with His.

Prophets led God’s people before they had kings. They ignored God’s warning.

The embryo of the next Great Awakening is here. It just must be nurtured.

If Adam and Eve were the only people on Earth, who did their sons marry? A paradigm shift is needed so we can evolve.

The Bible is the history of the Jewish people.

Heretic I will be called, but only until God steps in.

The Evolution of Humanity. It is a step toward Enlightenment and world peace.

Let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, let them have hope.

People forget that the Clinton prosperity was the result of a Republican Congress. We have selective amnesia.

I read once that the difference between fat people and thin people was that fat people ate under stress and thin people didn’t. Let us turn to prayer instead of food.

Whole foods are holy and have a Life Force other foods don’t. Let me not forget. I must nourish my body well to remain healthy. I have been preparing for this all my life.

Body, mind, and spirit. We can align with God.

We exploit each other for personal gain. “Win-win” is better. God is in it.

May I be seen differently. I am more than just a housewife, me and women of the world.

A Women’s Movement, Spiritual Revival, and Political Reform. We can change the world.

Everything counts, nothing is neutral. It is a Secret of the Universe.

She had a cough so they took her to the hospital. What happened to home remedies? We were healthier back then.

We live in chaos. We need reform. It starts in the mind.

When I see the way people live their lives, sometimes I think it’s hopeless. I must have faith.

Words are constructs of reality. Lies distort it. We are more powerful than we know.

We are upside down. I hope to help right us.

We honor the rude and crude in the guise of entertainment. We tolerate immorality and deceit in our leadership. We got what we deserved. We must own our mistakes before we can correct them.

It will take massive restructuring to save America, but without it she will crumble anyway. The signs are all around us. We must open our eyes.

It is humanly impossible to do what needs to be done. For that it will take God.

I have been planting seeds for a long time. They will bear fruit.

The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away, at His appointed time.

“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22

Only God can save us. The rest is an illusion.

The Scent of the Rose. Common sense will be more common. The Stigmata. When I am ready to be President.

It’s all a Trust God issue. God is faithful.

By the authority of God, all is well in my life. I shall not want. God is El Shaddai.

Let the nations watch as America rises from the ashes, and know there is a God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God for a New World centered on Him.

God is faithful to lead His people.

God wants to lead us into the Promised Land. I’m just the messenger.

At the appointed time my life will change forever. God can do that in a life, Transformation at hand.

I obey God 90% of the time. I’m working on the final 10%. It is a process drawing near to God.

I have tried to answer questions before they were asked.

I have learned enough to be healthy. Let me share what I know, body, mind, and spirit, aligned with God. Miracles of healing will occur.

Let go and let God. It is a start.

All is well, all is well, miracles occurring. It starts in the mind and flows to the heart. The body then responds. Action must occur. Forgive others, obey God.

I am a role model. No one knew.

Is this the End? Or just the Beginning?

God is opening doors that no man can shut. God has brought us to the Abyss.

We are in uncharted waters.

Homosexuality, abortion, abandoning Israel. God is judging America.

Dear God, please break any curses that have unknowingly been placed on America that we may return to You. Amen and Amen.

I am not to enter any mosques. They are to be torn down.

May any curses on my finances and work be broken. May the curse of addiction be broken. I serve a powerful God who is more powerful than the Darkness.

I feel fear. I am afraid to live without God.

I serve a Living God. Let the world rejoice.

Let the religions crumble. It is time to evolve. Dogma is antithetical to God.

God, the Great Unseen, yet knowable. God is Love.

Another day of fasting, prayer, and a detox bath. The day is almost over.

We must not divide Israel lest God strike us in return.

Why did we support Morsi when we knew he planned to conquer Jerusalem?

God bless Israel, and with it, America.

There is an unseen component to everything. Not to think so is naive.

American textbooks need to be rewritten. This time with the truth.

FDR had no intention of creating a Jewish state. Harry Truman did.

Barack Obama has no intention of following God. I do.

God affects the physical world.

I have learned much. Everyone else had the same opportunity.

I rarely watch TV. I read a lot. Knowledge is power when guided by God.

I have often wondered if the stars falling from the sky are the satellites and junk we have circling around the Earth.

Feelings are different than emotions. Feelings are tools of Spirit, emotions can be destructive tools of man.

August 1st is Friday. The Ninth of Av is next week.

I have wondered about Israel’s borders. Originally it was larger.

We face major calamity. It is part of the judgment and part of the warning to wake us up.

“If My people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways…” God gave us the formula thousands of years ago. We must repent.

“That’s just the way I am,” is an excuse. Anyone can change. Intent is a powerful thing.

Demons exist. Believers have power over them in Jesus’ Name.

“Draw near, O nations, to hear; and listen, O peoples! Let the earth and all it contains hear, and the world and all that springs from it. For the LORD’s indignation is against all the nations…” Isaiah 34-1-2

Supreme Court Justices use other country’s laws as precedent when deciding our own, and ignore our Constitution. That is not good behavior. That is grounds for removal.

“And the ransomed of the LORD will return and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads, they will find gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” Isaiah 35:10

And there will be a Highway of Holiness.

Everything passes away, but we are here for a purpose long denied. Let the blind see and the deaf hear. Let wisdom prosper in the hearts of men.

The gold on the Dome of the Rock is not to be used in the Third Temple. It is tainted.

Thank God for Restoration in all its forms.

All have lessons to learn. We can learn them in the Light of understanding or in the Darkness of pain. We will decide.

God wants a relationship with us. We have been adversaries long enough. It is time to honor Him. It is time to worship Him as Coach, Mentor, and Friend.

That, too, is part of Transformation.

We are the Remnant. God will not tolerate sin.

Democracies contain the seed of their destruction when they allow everyone to vote.

Republics are not ruled by the majority. A Constitution is the final authority. We are a Republic.

We must contain immigration.

Muslims and Hispanics are hijacking America. They do not have America’s best interests at heart.

To whom much is given much is required. That’s something the younger generation doesn’t seem to realize.

Socialism, Islam, poverty. The Darkness takes many forms.

The typical American will end up feeble, broke, and alone. God did not intend that for His children. We did that on our own.

God raises up and God casts down, just like Babylon, just like Nebuchadnezzar. And just like Jezebel.

When you doubt, remember that God brings peace, joy, and love. The Darkness never can.

America is in crisis. Only the blind cannot see.

People who come to America illegally or for subversive purposes do not deserve the fruit of America’s labor.

“We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covers us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.” Jeremiah 3:25

“Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the LORD.” Acts 3:19

The Bible still speaks to us today.

Man thought he was in charge. It is God.

America was built on rock. It has become quicksand.

Some have seen visions of military tanks on America’s streets. It will come unless God intervenes.

Prophets say the Tribulation will start next year. Frankly, I thought it had already begun.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 12:39 pm

July 12, 2014

The Ninth of Av

There’s a maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” America is broke, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put it together again. For that it will take God.

I have never understood why the Jews fight so hard about accepting Jesus as their Messiah. It is their pride.

More and more people are having prophetic warnings for America. I think the collapse will come next year, in 2015.

It has been prophesied that people will be so imbued with the Power of God that they will walk through hospitals and nursing homes and patients will be healed. Such is the Power of God on Earth.

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20

When I am to do something, my heart chakra opens up and my instincts say yes. When not, it shuts down and my instincts say no. It is part of my Divine Guidance.

Condone no evil, in ourselves or others. It is part of doing things differently.

Corruption is evil, lies and deceit are evil. We condone it in our politicians. We accept it in our institutions. The IRS and VA scandals prove it.

Our President ignores our laws. He is part of the problem. He must be swept from office. Another must take his place. It must not be Joe Biden. A new Speaker of the House is who I have in mind.

God sustains those He ordains.

This is about showing God’s Power on Earth. We ignored the Four Blood Moons and the Harbingers. God is warning America and the world.

God has always worked through people.

Some churches are not supporting Israel. It is apostasy.

Sometimes I am given glimpses of people’s past lives. Sometimes I am given glimpses of what their lives could be. I see destruction for America unless she changes her ways.

God has appointed people to help me along my path. No one does anything of greatness alone, save the LORD.

God has cut loose wickedness on all Humanity to drive them back to Him.

Nothing random and everything earned. The Day of Judgment is here.

It will be different than expected. A Woman to judge the Earth. God has no favorites.

All work is to honor God. We thought it was to make money.

I have been planting seeds. One day they will come to fruition, and God will have the glory and nations turn to Him.

God is warning Israel.

In hindsight is all revealed, and sometimes in advance.

It was prophesied that Barack Obama would be elected President twice. God unleashed evil upon America.

Things are coalescing in America to open our eyes.

I still wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, and why his school records are sealed. Personally, I think he put Kenya as his birth place and Muslim as his religion.

God weaves a rich tapestry with the thread of our lives. The black makes the colors more vibrant, the pain makes Transformation possible. Man has always needed motivation to change.

“For He has brought low those who dwell on high, the unassailable city; He lays it low, He lays it low to the ground, He casts it to the dust.” Isaiah 26:5

Is that Washington, D.C.?

This is about God showing God’s Power.

Democrats worship a false god, the god of big government. Republicans worship greed. Libertarians worship themselves. We must find common ground. It is found in God.

Rhetoric is useless. Results count.

The Ninth of Av? If I were Israel, I would proclaim a National Day of Prayer and Fasting.

“…For when the earth experiences Your judgments the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.” Isaiah 26:9

The land of the free and the home of the brave. We have lost it. It must be regained.

Dear God, forgive us our trespasses. We thought we could do it alone.

Lucifer still wants to overtake God, even on Earth.

God granted Satan permission to test Job. Some things we will never understand. God restored Job. God can restore us.

Forgive us our trespasses. It starts with us. We must repent.

Republicans and Democrats. This is not about politics. This is about God in America.

The Middle East will continue to self-destruct until they turn to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Any peace process is futile. It is Satan versus God.

Humans are arrogant. Some profess to know Christ yet they ignore His ways. He taught love, forgiveness, and compassion. He taught morality.

God placed before us blessings and curses. We chose curses when we ignored God.

The spirit of bitterness is not from God. Neither is the spirit of poverty. We must evolve.

In the world but not of it. It is time to come out.

As a child of God, I represent God. I do not take that responsibility lightly.

A paradigm shift is needed by the world.

The Democrat Party is not what it used to be. It has become a leftist organization for Socialists and atheists. We must open our eyes.

The Republican Party has stagnated in the status quo. We need Reform.

Evolution is a hoax. It is scientifically untenable.

We have been deceived.

“…And the multitude of the ruthless ones like the chaff which blows away; And it will happen instantly, suddenly.” Isaiah 29:5

As if in a day.

Co-create with God according to God’s purposes. It is a secret to a balanced life.

A lot of churches got drawn in to Socialist ideology. It does not support the Bible.

Many fault America for her imperfections, but she is still the best available.

“…Those who err in mind will know the truth, and those who criticize will accept instruction…” Isaiah 29:24

“…In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…” Isaiah 30:15

There is a God. We must return.

I dreamt there was a huge stream of smoke waving from the ground. It was Israel. Israel must repent.

Barack Obama thinks he is an excellent President. He is blind. May he open his eyes.

With politicians the truth is usually somewhere in the middle, untold.

Sometimes one has to start down one direction before one realizes it’s not the direction one wants to go.

Over and over in the blog I have pleaded for repentance and revival in America. I have pleaded for Reform. I have given thoughts and wisdom that were Divinely inspired. More I cannot do.

Thank God He has a Plan to redeem America. He is the only one who can.

The status quo must crumble first.

One can always do things differently, people, and nations. Nothing is in concrete, nothing in stone. The world can be changed. It starts within in the hearts and minds of men.

Stop cursing. Stop yelling. Stop lying. It is a place to start.

Everyone sees Reality differently. It is because it is so distorted. We distort it with ideology. We distort it with lies, cover-ups, and spin. It is a cause of hatred and war.

Government perpetuates it.

A childhood friend recently told me we didn’t know we were poor growing up. We weren’t poor. We had everything we needed to become responsible, mature adults.

People think everything is random. Only to the uninformed.

The secular world is not familiar with the Four Blood Moons or the Harbingers. May that change.

“And the work of righteousness will be peace, And the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Then my people will live in a peaceful habitation, And in secure dwellings and in undisturbed resting places…” Isaiah 32:17-18

Isaiah still speaks to us today.

Satan versus God. That says it all. That is the bottom line.

Is America racist? Yes. Attacking Paula Deen was racist.

We are upside down.

Maybe Paula Deen could start a new restaurant, “God’s Table,” featuring only whole foods, nothing fried. And no pork, catfish or shellfish. Maybe even vegan fare.

There are many bright 20 and 30-year-olds. They know what’s going on. They want a different future. We must all work together to achieve it.

Socialism is outdated. Capitalism, properly monitored, is the wave of the future. The seed of liberty and prosperity is contained in it. Small business is the engine that drives America.

Repeal Obamacare, reform taxes. Prosperity beckons with righteous leadership in the Halls of Congress and the White House. Two out of three is a place to start.

There are no sacred cows in America, only the Constitution and the Bible. Lady Liberty holds both, the Ten Commandments at her feet.

How can we write the Ten Commandments on our hearts if we don’t know them? They form the basis of morality. They form the basis of Western civilization.

It is a new Era.

God is warning America. It will continue until we listen.

Bill Clinton has made over $100 million since leaving the White House. Does he really need a taxpayer-funded pension? Does he really need us to pay for his office?

Much is made of Obama’s inexperience as the reason for his failure. It is his arrogance. We elected a man based on a hollow promise of hope and change.

To her credit, Hillary disagreed with many of Obama’s decisions, but Benghazi was her Waterloo.

Raw, naked power is ruthless. Only God’s Power heals.

America’s power has sometimes been ruthless. May those days be over. There is a Higher Authority. It is not the Supreme Court.

America must seek God in a spirit of humility, preferably before the next Great Shaking in 2015. God is a God of order. It is not a matter of “if” but only of how bad it will be.

The opening bell on Wall Street did not ring in 2008. It was an omen, but unheeded. Nothing has changed.

Our economy is unsustainable. Only a fool could not see.

There is no safety in the stock market. There is only safety in God.

People commit suicide when they lose their fortunes. It is a tragedy. God can make All Things New.

God provides for His people. He gives them the steps through the Wilderness.

America will tithe when I am President and God’s blessings will chase us down.

The Ninth of Av. What will it bring? Curses for Israel. They have yet to repent.

We have made some very poor choices when we chose based on personality. What about ethics? What about character? What about morals and integrity? These are relics of the past in a dying world. We need to revive them again.

If he had been properly vetted, Obama would not have won, but the media was complicit. He served God’s purposes. It is time for him to step down.

Michelle has gotten a free pass. She doesn’t deserve it. She is more radical than he is. Valerie Jarrett controls them both.

God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.

Male and female, God created them both, to complement each other, not to war. Bisexuals, transgenders, and homosexuals were not part of the mix.

Satan seeks to destroy what God made good.

God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son. It is time to take Him off the cross. He walks among us.

Will He come down in the clouds? He is already here, in every kind gesture, every healing, every prayer lifted up to God in reverence.

More I do not know.

Man’s knowledge is finite. God’s is infinite. There is overlap. No one knows it all.

Can you have it all? Perhaps. It depends on what you want. We must choose wisely.

Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. It is time to listen. God is warning America and the world.

I have been wary of our Government for a long time, before this Administration and before the Patriot Act. We are moving toward a totalitarian state. We must change course. Republican or Democrat, it will be the same. The status quo must be ruptured. Evil is in it.

Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Kathleen Sebelius. The scandals are too numerous to count.

Generations will remember these names. Benedict Arnold is remembered as well as George Washington.

Dinesh D’Souza did us a favor. He has been harassed ever since.

Hobby Lobby was unfairly targeted. A private company has every right to offer whatever benefits it chooses.

Religious freedom is part of America. Freedom of speech does not stop at the pulpit.

Income inequality? Government regulations helped suppress wages. It stifles entrepreneurship.

Government mandated health care was a huge breach on the private sector. It overreached its authority. It violates our freedoms.

The people had to wake up. A slowly boiling pot is sometimes ignored.

Barack Obama would never have been elected had he not been Black. Or would he? He was charming and had charisma, just like JFK.

God wants the best for me. It is to become all I can be. That is only possible in America. We must save her for posterity.

God is showing us justice and mercy. God is giving us a second chance. There is evil in America. We must take it.

We turned to laws instead of God. We have declined ever since. Common sense and simplicity, we must take our country back.

Simplicity and common sense. 2+2 still equals 4.

Nuns being required to cover birth control? One size does not fit all. Only in Socialist countries.

We have crossed the tipping point. Only God can bring us back.

This is about God showing God’s Power, recognized by the world.

Socialism and Islam. They control America more than we know. Their foot is in Congress, their foot is in the White House. Can the Supreme Court be far behind?

Too many Supreme Court decisions are 5-4. It was supposed to be apolitical. It was supposed to follow the Constitution. Justices were not given lifetime appointments.

We have been too passive. We must take action. Had the colonists acted like this, we would still be under British rule.

Democracy or tyranny? Poverty and Socialism? We are becoming a Third World nation. We must open our eyes.

Let the pen be mightier than the sword.

God will have the glory. This is all humanly impossible, just like an unknown Black man becoming President.

What was meant for our harm was part of God’s Plan.

America would never have been founded without God. It can never survive now without Him.

God provides for the Righteous. God is faithful.

We all have gifts. I am a good listener. Now I must practice the piano.

Paul and the Disciple John had entirely different personalities. John’s purpose was to nurture. Both are remembered.

Do the next right thing. It never ends. Prayer and meditation will show the way.

“For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.” Luke 12:2

All is as needs be. This is about God showing God’s Power to the world. Everything else is an illusion.

We exist in the world of man. We exist in the world of Satan. We must come out of the Darkness. Our Light must shine.

No one knows us better than God. Only He has our best interests at heart.

At our deepest level we are spiritual beings. That is why the world will never satisfy us. Wealth, possessions, fame, is meaningless if the hole in the soul is not filled with God. Only God transforms.

The world is in chaos, but I’m optimistic. This is about God showing God’s Power.

Our Government exceeds its authority. It has become a tyrant. What do we intend to do about it? Republican or Democrat, it is the same.

In an effort to feel safe, we relinquished more and more power to the Government. Safety comes in God, not from man.

Laugh twenty times a day for good health? Does anyone really laugh twenty times a day?

God intends to build a church based on the 12-Steps of Spiritual Healing and Well-Being. Much must still unfold.

Everything affects everything else more than we realize. Diet creates sickness or health. Faith creates peace or war.

Peace of mind. Everything good radiates from it.

We stand at the Abyss looking in. Will we continue our downward spiral or return to God? There is no Plan B.

God intends to change the Constitution. He intends to change the course of America.

Let me be the soul of America, let me be its conscience. Let me be the beacon back to God.

God is kind, God is loving, God is patient. Otherwise He would have destroyed us long ago, just like Sodom and Gomorrah, but for the righteous few.

Everyone did what was right in his own eyes, until he learned the truth. Satan versus God. The rest is an illusion.

There is a mystery to Life. We can never comprehend it. We are here to grow in the image and likeness of God.

There is a Spiritual Realm. There is Infinity. There is God.

The enormity of Life is overwhelming. We have experienced only a small fragment. Let there be peace! Let there be joy! Let love surround the world.

Everyone has their message, I have mine. It is to transcend politics and religion to touch the Mind of God.

God has plans for America. I can’t even remember them all. That is why books have been written for future generations.

The bear cub was playing in the meadow. The hunter took his shot. They call it sport.

Filed under: Transformation by Mary at 2:22 pm
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