Current Events
Hamas does not want peace. It wants conquest. It has no regard for life, theirs or anyone else’s.
President Obama purposely taunts, exploiting his power far beyond its Constitutional limits. It is lawlessness. It is tyranny.
The righteous must stand by God even when the evil condemn them.
The Shemitah begins soon, September 25, 2014 – September 13, 2015.
God provides for His children. I re-read the 23rd Psalm for encouragement.
The news is too painful to watch. Please help me remember this is all part of God’s Plan to drive America back to Him.
Eventually people will realize that political parties can never solve America’s problems. It must be God.
Israel is not the bad guy. We are upside down.
If I were Israel, I’d still call for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Only God can preserve them. They forgot the 1967 war. They rested on the seventh day.
God is moving upon the Earth.
“Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:3-4
God has a Plan for America, details, I know some. It gives me peace of mind. This is about God showing God’s Power in a way America will never forget.
May the world discern things differently. Let them see through my eyes.
Maybe Hillary won’t run for President. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama will step down. And maybe Trey Gowdy will be the interim President as the new Speaker of the House.
Only God knows what we need. The rest is an illusion in the world of man.
Without new information nothing changes. I hope my words will give people new information from a different perspective.
Everything is an idea before it is birthed.
When I am wealthy I intend to offer scholarships to the poor. It will not include illegal immigrants. They will return home.
America is a sovereign nation. I intend for her to remain so. It can’t be done with porous borders.
Obama intends to drag us down to Third World status. I intend to raise us up.
God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, rupture the status quo. The next few years will be rough.
God has given us the opportunity for a different future. We must take it.
“God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present and well-proved help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
We are in trouble. We must repent and turn to God. The Titanic is sinking.
God never gives us more than we can bear with Him by our side. God bless America, our Home, Sweet, Home!
Believers think that whatever happens is God’s Will. It’s not. We operate under the Law of Cause and Effect.
Garbage in, chaos out. Wisdom in, lives changed. Choices create Destiny.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
It is a New Chapter.
Become all we can be. It is our Destiny. We must obey God. Then nations will revere us and war be denied.
Satan versus God. We are playing it out in physical form.
Israel represents God on Earth. Nothing is as it seems. The Darkness must be contained.
God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.
Give your life to God. If He can handle the sun and the moon, He can handle your life.
To the ungrateful is more given or less? America has been very ungrateful.
America has become a house of cards. The cards will come tumbling down.
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. There was no remorse.
“I, God, am a Holy God. I will be praised.” So says the LORD.
Repentance comes in many forms. We must return to God.
“The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8
“He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.” Isaiah 40:23
Sometimes I laugh in awe, sometimes I cry, sometimes I tremble.
It’s a New Day, or certainly can be, when we do things differently from a Higher Consciousness.
Will the Tribulation start next March? The only safety is in God.
The Bible says not to divide the land of Israel. The nations will pay a price.
Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. God has warned us.
No one has your interests at heart but God. Maybe they will see.
We all stand on each other’s shoulders. May others stand on mine to find God.
Life is not about denial, just obedience.
It’s all a process to become all you can be.
Another steppingstone. One day a milestone.
Salvation is a gift, but God expects us to bear fruit. We are here for such a time as this.
I believe God can do anything at any time, but I forgot about seasons.
Jesus showed us our power. We have neglected it ever since.
God expresses through us in kindness, power, and love.
God is our Highest Moral Authority. There is no other. He reveals Himself through wisdom and common sense.
There is Absolute Truth. There is a God, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What was once 99 cents is now two for $5.00, but inflation is not a problem.
Full-time jobs are lost, part-time jobs are gained. That is apples and oranges, treated equally in the jobs report.
Laws have unintended consequences. Men look for loopholes instead of following the intent.
Regulations dampen an economy. Entrepreneurship grows it.
Justice and fairness are perceived differently in America. It is a source of conflict. It stems from man’s ideology. It is different than God’s.
A man who does not work does not eat. There will always be the poor, unless they help themselves.
The drunkard is a fool. The wise man does not commit adultery. Wisdom never changes.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth!” Isaiah 42:10
“Even from eternity I am He, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” Isaiah 43:13
There will always be temptation, our will or God’s?
We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. That is why the world will never satisfy us. It must be God.
We are in Spiritual Warfare. We fight it with Truth.
People prospered even during the Great Depression. Everyone did not suffer, only the masses.
I don’t know how bad it will get, but God is rupturing the status quo. It is part of leveling the playing field so we can begin anew.
Cheerful and optimistic regardless of one’s circumstances. Remember, this, too, shall pass when we do things differently.
Some Christians hate Jews. It is apostasy. They are God’s chosen people. Jesus was a Jew. They rejected Him. They have lessons to learn.
Many Jews are hardhearted. Yeshua intends to soften them.
Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years and yet they prosper. Why? God is with them.
Do not divide Jerusalem. It belongs to God.
Some think God was invented because the weak needed a crutch. Show them Your Power, God, prove Your existence. Let the world be amazed and its healing begin.
Frankly, I thought He had, with the Four Blood Moons and the Harbingers of 9/11.
Little Israel comes to stay.
I can’t believe Jimmy Carter came out in support of Hamas, but, then, he honored the founder of the ACLU with the prestigious Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian award.
We are upside down.
History will show that Democrats have frequently been on the wrong side of the tracks.
Liberalism is antithetical to America’s values.
Conservatives are our best hope.
Communism was birthed in czarist Russia when the nobility lived in opulence and the peasants starved, but it made government its religion and dictators its god.
“I will bless nations that bless Israel and I will curse nations that don’t.” It is an easy blueprint to follow.
Apartheid. There have been many evils, but the greatest of these is atheism.
The carrot and the stick. God reveals both. Return to God or face annihilation.
Many preachers are more concerned with their own ego than with God’s Word. It is a mistake.
It is time to put away childish things.
I see what can be but not necessarily what will be. This is up to us. It is a fluid Universe.
Sometimes a strong power is needed to keep peace and stability. Let America be that power, guided by God.
For the Commandment is a lamp and the Law is light lest we stumble again in the Darkness.
Let me be wiser today than I was yesterday and wiser still tomorrow and God will be praised.
God has brought me along slowly so I would not stumble and fall. It has been twenty years.
Everyone wants peace in the Middle East but they don’t understand the dynamics. It goes back to Sarah and Hagar when Sarah disobeyed God.
There has been conflict ever since.
Most Jews think money is more important than people. It is because they never studied the New Testament.
Muslims worship a false god. It is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They do not worship the Prince of Peace but the Prince of Darkness.
The fruit tells the tree.
The Middle East will continue to self-destruct until they convert. We are in Spiritual Warfare played out on the world scene.
The world sees an ordinary woman. God doesn’t. I have devoted my life to God.
God speaks to people all over the world, not just to mystics and prophets, but to anyone who will listen. God is calling His sheep.
The Church has drifted from God. The bride is tarnished. God intends to redeem her with a new religion, one without rules and dogma. One with God at its center instead of Popes and Bishops and Imams. A religion of Spirituality based on a 12-Step program. Anyone can participate. Anyone can come to God.
There are cracks in Humanity where the Darkness has infiltrated. God intends to make us whole.
Jesus was our example, the shining Light upon a hill.
Millions of Muslims are turning to Christ. That is humanly impossible. God is moving on the Earth.
God does not condone secret societies. Darkness lurks in them. The same is true with Big Government and Bureaucracy.
True Light is transparent.
Are there some things a Government needs to keep secret? Perhaps, but the less the better.
The Government had no right to reveal the names and addresses of gun owners. And it had no right to allow telemarketers to harass cell phone users.
From the esoteric to the mundane, God is concerned with it all. The Bible reflected that thousands of years ago.
Look around you. Are you healthy, wealthy, and wise? If not, you have lessons to learn.
“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I may show you My power and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16
I always found it interesting that was referring to Pharaoh and not Moses.
Could that refer to Putin today? Could that refer to Barack Obama?
My life could change seemingly overnight if someone listened to my words.
God works through many people. Some are radio commentators. Some are politicians.
Thank God for a brighter future. Wipe away the past. It was created with error thoughts that we were separate from God.
I have been planting seeds. It is up to God to water them and produce the harvest. More I cannot do.
God is a good God. He won’t tolerate evil in the hearts and minds of men, nor in their unjust laws.