The Ninth of Av
There’s a maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” America is broke, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put it together again. For that it will take God.
I have never understood why the Jews fight so hard about accepting Jesus as their Messiah. It is their pride.
More and more people are having prophetic warnings for America. I think the collapse will come next year, in 2015.
It has been prophesied that people will be so imbued with the Power of God that they will walk through hospitals and nursing homes and patients will be healed. Such is the Power of God on Earth.
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20
When I am to do something, my heart chakra opens up and my instincts say yes. When not, it shuts down and my instincts say no. It is part of my Divine Guidance.
Condone no evil, in ourselves or others. It is part of doing things differently.
Corruption is evil, lies and deceit are evil. We condone it in our politicians. We accept it in our institutions. The IRS and VA scandals prove it.
Our President ignores our laws. He is part of the problem. He must be swept from office. Another must take his place. It must not be Joe Biden. A new Speaker of the House is who I have in mind.
God sustains those He ordains.
This is about showing God’s Power on Earth. We ignored the Four Blood Moons and the Harbingers. God is warning America and the world.
God has always worked through people.
Some churches are not supporting Israel. It is apostasy.
Sometimes I am given glimpses of people’s past lives. Sometimes I am given glimpses of what their lives could be. I see destruction for America unless she changes her ways.
God has appointed people to help me along my path. No one does anything of greatness alone, save the LORD.
God has cut loose wickedness on all Humanity to drive them back to Him.
Nothing random and everything earned. The Day of Judgment is here.
It will be different than expected. A Woman to judge the Earth. God has no favorites.
All work is to honor God. We thought it was to make money.
I have been planting seeds. One day they will come to fruition, and God will have the glory and nations turn to Him.
God is warning Israel.
In hindsight is all revealed, and sometimes in advance.
It was prophesied that Barack Obama would be elected President twice. God unleashed evil upon America.
Things are coalescing in America to open our eyes.
I still wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, and why his school records are sealed. Personally, I think he put Kenya as his birth place and Muslim as his religion.
God weaves a rich tapestry with the thread of our lives. The black makes the colors more vibrant, the pain makes Transformation possible. Man has always needed motivation to change.
“For He has brought low those who dwell on high, the unassailable city; He lays it low, He lays it low to the ground, He casts it to the dust.” Isaiah 26:5
Is that Washington, D.C.?
This is about God showing God’s Power.
Democrats worship a false god, the god of big government. Republicans worship greed. Libertarians worship themselves. We must find common ground. It is found in God.
Rhetoric is useless. Results count.
The Ninth of Av? If I were Israel, I would proclaim a National Day of Prayer and Fasting.
“…For when the earth experiences Your judgments the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.” Isaiah 26:9
The land of the free and the home of the brave. We have lost it. It must be regained.
Dear God, forgive us our trespasses. We thought we could do it alone.
Lucifer still wants to overtake God, even on Earth.
God granted Satan permission to test Job. Some things we will never understand. God restored Job. God can restore us.
Forgive us our trespasses. It starts with us. We must repent.
Republicans and Democrats. This is not about politics. This is about God in America.
The Middle East will continue to self-destruct until they turn to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Any peace process is futile. It is Satan versus God.
Humans are arrogant. Some profess to know Christ yet they ignore His ways. He taught love, forgiveness, and compassion. He taught morality.
God placed before us blessings and curses. We chose curses when we ignored God.
The spirit of bitterness is not from God. Neither is the spirit of poverty. We must evolve.
In the world but not of it. It is time to come out.
As a child of God, I represent God. I do not take that responsibility lightly.
A paradigm shift is needed by the world.
The Democrat Party is not what it used to be. It has become a leftist organization for Socialists and atheists. We must open our eyes.
The Republican Party has stagnated in the status quo. We need Reform.
Evolution is a hoax. It is scientifically untenable.
We have been deceived.
“…And the multitude of the ruthless ones like the chaff which blows away; And it will happen instantly, suddenly.” Isaiah 29:5
As if in a day.
Co-create with God according to God’s purposes. It is a secret to a balanced life.
A lot of churches got drawn in to Socialist ideology. It does not support the Bible.
Many fault America for her imperfections, but she is still the best available.
“…Those who err in mind will know the truth, and those who criticize will accept instruction…” Isaiah 29:24
“…In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…” Isaiah 30:15
There is a God. We must return.
I dreamt there was a huge stream of smoke waving from the ground. It was Israel. Israel must repent.
Barack Obama thinks he is an excellent President. He is blind. May he open his eyes.
With politicians the truth is usually somewhere in the middle, untold.
Sometimes one has to start down one direction before one realizes it’s not the direction one wants to go.
Over and over in the blog I have pleaded for repentance and revival in America. I have pleaded for Reform. I have given thoughts and wisdom that were Divinely inspired. More I cannot do.
Thank God He has a Plan to redeem America. He is the only one who can.
The status quo must crumble first.
One can always do things differently, people, and nations. Nothing is in concrete, nothing in stone. The world can be changed. It starts within in the hearts and minds of men.
Stop cursing. Stop yelling. Stop lying. It is a place to start.
Everyone sees Reality differently. It is because it is so distorted. We distort it with ideology. We distort it with lies, cover-ups, and spin. It is a cause of hatred and war.
Government perpetuates it.
A childhood friend recently told me we didn’t know we were poor growing up. We weren’t poor. We had everything we needed to become responsible, mature adults.
People think everything is random. Only to the uninformed.
The secular world is not familiar with the Four Blood Moons or the Harbingers. May that change.
“And the work of righteousness will be peace, And the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Then my people will live in a peaceful habitation, And in secure dwellings and in undisturbed resting places…” Isaiah 32:17-18
Isaiah still speaks to us today.
Satan versus God. That says it all. That is the bottom line.
Is America racist? Yes. Attacking Paula Deen was racist.
We are upside down.
Maybe Paula Deen could start a new restaurant, “God’s Table,” featuring only whole foods, nothing fried. And no pork, catfish or shellfish. Maybe even vegan fare.
There are many bright 20 and 30-year-olds. They know what’s going on. They want a different future. We must all work together to achieve it.
Socialism is outdated. Capitalism, properly monitored, is the wave of the future. The seed of liberty and prosperity is contained in it. Small business is the engine that drives America.
Repeal Obamacare, reform taxes. Prosperity beckons with righteous leadership in the Halls of Congress and the White House. Two out of three is a place to start.
There are no sacred cows in America, only the Constitution and the Bible. Lady Liberty holds both, the Ten Commandments at her feet.
How can we write the Ten Commandments on our hearts if we don’t know them? They form the basis of morality. They form the basis of Western civilization.
It is a new Era.
God is warning America. It will continue until we listen.
Bill Clinton has made over $100 million since leaving the White House. Does he really need a taxpayer-funded pension? Does he really need us to pay for his office?
Much is made of Obama’s inexperience as the reason for his failure. It is his arrogance. We elected a man based on a hollow promise of hope and change.
To her credit, Hillary disagreed with many of Obama’s decisions, but Benghazi was her Waterloo.
Raw, naked power is ruthless. Only God’s Power heals.
America’s power has sometimes been ruthless. May those days be over. There is a Higher Authority. It is not the Supreme Court.
America must seek God in a spirit of humility, preferably before the next Great Shaking in 2015. God is a God of order. It is not a matter of “if” but only of how bad it will be.
The opening bell on Wall Street did not ring in 2008. It was an omen, but unheeded. Nothing has changed.
Our economy is unsustainable. Only a fool could not see.
There is no safety in the stock market. There is only safety in God.
People commit suicide when they lose their fortunes. It is a tragedy. God can make All Things New.
God provides for His people. He gives them the steps through the Wilderness.
America will tithe when I am President and God’s blessings will chase us down.
The Ninth of Av. What will it bring? Curses for Israel. They have yet to repent.
We have made some very poor choices when we chose based on personality. What about ethics? What about character? What about morals and integrity? These are relics of the past in a dying world. We need to revive them again.
If he had been properly vetted, Obama would not have won, but the media was complicit. He served God’s purposes. It is time for him to step down.
Michelle has gotten a free pass. She doesn’t deserve it. She is more radical than he is. Valerie Jarrett controls them both.
God raises up and God casts down, sometimes in a day.
Male and female, God created them both, to complement each other, not to war. Bisexuals, transgenders, and homosexuals were not part of the mix.
Satan seeks to destroy what God made good.
God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son. It is time to take Him off the cross. He walks among us.
Will He come down in the clouds? He is already here, in every kind gesture, every healing, every prayer lifted up to God in reverence.
More I do not know.
Man’s knowledge is finite. God’s is infinite. There is overlap. No one knows it all.
Can you have it all? Perhaps. It depends on what you want. We must choose wisely.
Four Blood Moons, the Harbingers. It is time to listen. God is warning America and the world.
I have been wary of our Government for a long time, before this Administration and before the Patriot Act. We are moving toward a totalitarian state. We must change course. Republican or Democrat, it will be the same. The status quo must be ruptured. Evil is in it.
Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Kathleen Sebelius. The scandals are too numerous to count.
Generations will remember these names. Benedict Arnold is remembered as well as George Washington.
Dinesh D’Souza did us a favor. He has been harassed ever since.
Hobby Lobby was unfairly targeted. A private company has every right to offer whatever benefits it chooses.
Religious freedom is part of America. Freedom of speech does not stop at the pulpit.
Income inequality? Government regulations helped suppress wages. It stifles entrepreneurship.
Government mandated health care was a huge breach on the private sector. It overreached its authority. It violates our freedoms.
The people had to wake up. A slowly boiling pot is sometimes ignored.
Barack Obama would never have been elected had he not been Black. Or would he? He was charming and had charisma, just like JFK.
God wants the best for me. It is to become all I can be. That is only possible in America. We must save her for posterity.
God is showing us justice and mercy. God is giving us a second chance. There is evil in America. We must take it.
We turned to laws instead of God. We have declined ever since. Common sense and simplicity, we must take our country back.
Simplicity and common sense. 2+2 still equals 4.
Nuns being required to cover birth control? One size does not fit all. Only in Socialist countries.
We have crossed the tipping point. Only God can bring us back.
This is about God showing God’s Power, recognized by the world.
Socialism and Islam. They control America more than we know. Their foot is in Congress, their foot is in the White House. Can the Supreme Court be far behind?
Too many Supreme Court decisions are 5-4. It was supposed to be apolitical. It was supposed to follow the Constitution. Justices were not given lifetime appointments.
We have been too passive. We must take action. Had the colonists acted like this, we would still be under British rule.
Democracy or tyranny? Poverty and Socialism? We are becoming a Third World nation. We must open our eyes.
Let the pen be mightier than the sword.
God will have the glory. This is all humanly impossible, just like an unknown Black man becoming President.
What was meant for our harm was part of God’s Plan.
America would never have been founded without God. It can never survive now without Him.
God provides for the Righteous. God is faithful.
We all have gifts. I am a good listener. Now I must practice the piano.
Paul and the Disciple John had entirely different personalities. John’s purpose was to nurture. Both are remembered.
Do the next right thing. It never ends. Prayer and meditation will show the way.
“For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.” Luke 12:2
All is as needs be. This is about God showing God’s Power to the world. Everything else is an illusion.
We exist in the world of man. We exist in the world of Satan. We must come out of the Darkness. Our Light must shine.
No one knows us better than God. Only He has our best interests at heart.
At our deepest level we are spiritual beings. That is why the world will never satisfy us. Wealth, possessions, fame, is meaningless if the hole in the soul is not filled with God. Only God transforms.
The world is in chaos, but I’m optimistic. This is about God showing God’s Power.
Our Government exceeds its authority. It has become a tyrant. What do we intend to do about it? Republican or Democrat, it is the same.
In an effort to feel safe, we relinquished more and more power to the Government. Safety comes in God, not from man.
Laugh twenty times a day for good health? Does anyone really laugh twenty times a day?
God intends to build a church based on the 12-Steps of Spiritual Healing and Well-Being. Much must still unfold.
Everything affects everything else more than we realize. Diet creates sickness or health. Faith creates peace or war.
Peace of mind. Everything good radiates from it.
We stand at the Abyss looking in. Will we continue our downward spiral or return to God? There is no Plan B.
God intends to change the Constitution. He intends to change the course of America.
Let me be the soul of America, let me be its conscience. Let me be the beacon back to God.
God is kind, God is loving, God is patient. Otherwise He would have destroyed us long ago, just like Sodom and Gomorrah, but for the righteous few.
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes, until he learned the truth. Satan versus God. The rest is an illusion.
There is a mystery to Life. We can never comprehend it. We are here to grow in the image and likeness of God.
There is a Spiritual Realm. There is Infinity. There is God.
The enormity of Life is overwhelming. We have experienced only a small fragment. Let there be peace! Let there be joy! Let love surround the world.
Everyone has their message, I have mine. It is to transcend politics and religion to touch the Mind of God.
God has plans for America. I can’t even remember them all. That is why books have been written for future generations.
The bear cub was playing in the meadow. The hunter took his shot. They call it sport.