2 Chronicles 7:14
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
God has heard our prayers.
An open book has been presented to the world. It is up to them to embrace or discard. They discard at their peril. God has heard their prayers. The rest is up to them, ignore or obey. The messenger stands before them, concealed no more.
Republican or Democrat. It will be the same. It is time for God to redeem us.
The federal government grows larger, more debt, more entrenched, more oppressive. This is not the democracy of freedom that God envisioned. This is not the democracy that was birthed.
Return to God in public and in the halls of Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Our country has strayed far enough.
Islam and Socialism seek to destroy America. God seeks to save it. We must listen. Our future requires it.
God has been working behind the scenes to prepare us for evolution. We needed to be humbled. Success in the world of man rarely does that. Repent before God and be willing to grow. It is time for the new. It is time for God to lead us.
Prayer and meditation can change lives. Knowing the laws of the universe can change destinies. We are fast approaching Armageddon, the total collapse of society. It is time to change course. It is time to come home to God. There are no excuses. Repent and be healed.
Man put too much faith in man. Man looked to wealth and greed for security. The poor looked to the government. They abandoned God.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written, full of wisdom, full of truth, full of principles. It must be studied again. We must glean its lessons. A man who does not work does not eat. A lazy man is poor and a foolish man a fool. The wise prosper. We must return to God.
The capstone of America’s faith was God. The foundation was His Word. We have faltered. We must return.
A women’s movement, a spiritual revival, and political reform. That is the basis of my work. God will be praised and nations turn to Him.
Books have been published that must be studied. They contain the seed of enlightenment, they contain the seed of transformation, they contain the seed of empowerment. The rest is up to us.
Life is a journey, a steppingstone of experiences, from darkness to light, from pain to joy, from poverty to prosperity. We just never knew. We got stuck. It is time to learn.
We don’t know the power of God. We’re about to see.
The Bible reflected many strong, wise women. There will be more. The world needs them.
Banks need to get out of the stock market and the stock market needs to get out of health care. Simple solutions to complex problems make for a wise nation.
God sustains what God ordains. That is the proof needed by the world.
I hope as a result of my work we will learn the truth about many things. Much has been distorted, much concealed. A clear conscience requires it. The status quo will crumble, but it is only to build something better. It will help to level the playing field. Fairness requires it.
It is in the hands of God. God is doing a great thing. I can see it. All is unfolding according to His plans. We will look back and see the perfection in it all. And be humbled.
Let these years be washed away and only gratitude remain. God is stepping in to save us. It will be different than we expected. The world is upside down.
I know true joy and contentment. It comes from obeying God. There are many things I don’t know, but the answers will come when needed. That is faith exemplified.
America will lead the world again in her righteousness and obedience to God. The rest will follow. And peace will come to earth and war be denied.
Atheists have controlled much, laws and public discourse. They have oppressed others. Biblical principles were overturned from man’s lower consciousness. The Supreme Court will be dismantled. Three Justices will be enough in a land of simplicity and common sense. They have yet to be appointed. Ten years is long enough to serve. Activist judges will be recalled.
From the top down and the grassroots up, we must return to God. Our destiny requires it.
God will return to the halls of power, Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, but we must do our part. Fasting and prayer is a start.
From North to South, from East to West, let God pervade the earth. The rest will follow or be left behind. Promises fulfilled.
Let understanding come to the earth. Let compassion be respected. Let hearts be mended of all rancor and discord. We are our brother’s keeper. And the rich will share and the poor will work.
Equality of opportunity and income redistribution is a ruse for Socialism. Leveling the playing field a ruse for domination and control, except according to God’s standards.
God is weaving a giant tapestry with the thread of our lives. And harmony will dwell on earth. It will not occur overnight, but posterity will prosper. And children will honor their parents.
Love and discipline, the carrot and the stick. We must seek balance to right our sinking ship, in homes and schools. The Bible to be taught again, without the sin and condemnation. It is a book of instruction.
Sometimes it is enough just to be willing. That was demonstrated with Abraham and Isaac. Be willing to obey. It will require sacrifice. It will require God’s will above your own.
We have had enough celebrity Presidents. Now we need leaders who will humble themselves before God.
If we read from the same page, if we pray to the same God, we will get the same results, peace on earth.
Be willing to take a different path. One that leads back to God. You will never regret it. We can create heaven on earth.
Have I concealed anything? I don’t think so. More will be revealed as we grow and evolve.
I am an ordinary woman by the world’s standards, but not by God’s. I listen and obey. And it was counted as courage. It was counted as righteousness and it helped the world. I am a spiritual leader first, a statesman second. And God is pleased.
Do the next right thing. Follow your instincts, follow your heart. Let your conscience be your guide.
Enough blood has been shed in sacrifice, enough blood has been shed in war. Put the guns down, lay the hatred aside. Laws and treaties can never tame man. It must be God.
Let understanding come to earth from the consciousness of God. We can never evolve alone. We will continue our downward spiral.
Heaven or hell? We created it. Let us create again, now with God as coach, mentor, and friend.
In the Old Testament women were sometimes sent to humble men. Perhaps now is no different. Give me supernatural power, God, give me supernatural strength. Let me come from love and service. You will do the rest.
Sometimes it has seemed like my whole life was wasted. But God is faithful. My life will be the paradigm shift needed by the world. My family and friends don’t see me clearly. They see a wife, friend, a volunteer. But I am a leader par excellence. I follow God.
Spiritual energy is timeless, always and forever. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. These days are numbered, then I will return whence I came. I came from God, God’s child I am.
Allow it to be different than you expect that God may be praised. All is well in the world that God made.
Thank-you, God, for healing our nation. It starts at the top and flows down. Hope springs eternal where there is God.
My father was born in Puerto Rico. English was his second language. Only in America, the land of immigrants.
Rescind Roe v. Wade. The government has no place in this most personal decision. It is between a woman and her God.
Roe v. Wade will be rescinded. Hopefully, with more birth control, and more self-control, as women learn to value themselves, there will be less promiscuity and fewer unwanted pregnancies.
Value yourself. You are a child of God. Do not give yourself away as if you had no value. Cherish yourself and your body. You are wondrously made.
Religion has concealed much. We are powerful when aligned with God. We are powerful to love others as God loves us, all with lessons to learn. Humility is a place to start. There is much pride. All are equal in the eyes of God. He has no favorites.
Affirmative action? Much will end. It is time to turn to God and not the federal government.
Dear God, they are blind. Open their eyes that they may see. Justice, fairness, truth are what we seek, rarely seen from the consciousness of man. It must be God.
Republican or Democrat, it will be the same. It is time for God to step into the ring.
Write this: Whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword, but I say repent and ye shall be saved! Repent and know there is a God and His name is love. Ye forsaked God. No more! Let the foundations of the earth be shook and all proclaim His name. Holy, holy, holy, the LORD God has heard us. Repent, humble yourselves before God and rejoice. The day of salvation is at hand.
The LORD God is an ancient God, the God of truth, wisdom, and discernment. It is time to learn. It is time to lay aside our outworn ways. It is time to lay aside discrimination and hatred for they are an abomination to the LORD. It is time to prosper on earth. It is time to grow. It is time to evolve closer to God.
Do the next right thing. Read and study these words. There is wisdom in them. There are ideas in them. There is truth in them. And we shall know peace on earth. It flows from the consciousness of God to those below wise enough to discern. And they will believe and eyes be opened and ears hear. It is time to return to God.
Millions seek God. Their prayers have been answered.
Moses wrote on tablets. Now it is over the Internet. Let the world rejoice and know there is a God. Revile not the messenger of God but rejoice, for God is faithful to redeem His people.
The years have been hard. You are leaving the wilderness forever to enter the Promised Land. It starts within, in the hearts and minds of men and then is translated into laws, more fit for an enlightened nation. America! Land of the free, the land of milk and honey. The land redeemed by God.
Listen to her, for she speaks with Me. There is no malice in her heart, only love. She is bold, she is forthright, she is honest. Your next President stands before you, concealed no more. Honor her that thy days may go well. It is hard to be ahead of one’s time. She has paid the price and now will be rewarded. And they will believe. And they will listen, and they will see the truth in your words, ignored no more.
All prophets sacrifice and are ultimately rewarded.
I hear God’s voice. I always have. Now it is time for others to listen, the world of man transcended. Twenty years for transformation. It is not so long. It seemed like an eternity.
Instant gratification, the allure of man. Delayed gratification, the gift of God.
The kindest atheist is closer to God than the most judgmental Christian. Nothing is as it seems.
Fear runs the world. Let it be love. Let it be God.
I never wanted to be a writer. It was a gift I didn’t know I had. It wasn’t revealed to me until I asked to become all I could be.
God has protected me all these years, but it is time to step forward. It is for this that I am here. God has a plan, details I know not. We are stepping into the unknown, guided by God.
In 1974 Congress authorized a National Day of Fasting and Prayer. How far we have strayed.
Silence is the language of God, and love is its energy. When more people know silence, inside and out, and when more feel love, loving, and beloved, will they know God.
God wants a personal relationship with each of us. It is the only way to bring God into our hearts and minds. Peace, joy, and prosperity will follow. They are the gifts of God.
Never struggle. Mind makes things out of itself; there is no effort made. Don’t think that there is so much to be overcome. Have only a calm sense of perfect peace as you realize that God is all there is, and that you are using the perfect law and that nothing can hinder it from working for you. Ernest Holmes
Life is a process from darkness to light, from poverty to prosperity. We have begun. We do our part and God does the rest. Miracles coalescing.
My journals reflect how rarely anything turned out as I expected. It kept you humble.
New rules are coming to earth. Honor God. Treat your fellowman with courtesy and respect, even adversaries. Be gracious and kind. Be honest. Work hard. Have dreams, goals, and a plan. Do the next right thing and we shall grow and evolve closer to God.
Every day in every way I am better and better, more whole, closer to God. And it was counted as righteousness.
God is doing a marvelous thing with the thread of our lives. Nothing is as it seems. Joy lies before us, a revival occurring.
The intellect has ruled our world. Now let it be the heart. Let strength be in moral fortitude and character, not in armies, and let a handshake be honored.
God will fight our battles. We are in spiritual warfare. The darkness will be overcome when we return to God.
No one else can do what you intend to do. Now you understand. Now you accept. The evolution of humanity. You are its leader. Politics and religion. You transcend them.
Is America the New Jerusalem? Step by step and day by day, more will be revealed.
The greatest blasphemy is that we fear God. The greatest travesty that we don’t know our power, through God, through love.
God is like the sun, necessary for our survival. I am like the day moon, a reflection of it. And we shall know peace and prosper on earth.
Step by step, day by day, God will protect us. Open their eyes that they may see, the war machine dismantled, for, lo, a thousand years.
We can have prosperity or we can have war. We choose, we decide. We can choose God or we can ignore. Prosperity or annihilation. It is time to decide. The status quo must be ruptured. Body, mind, and spirit, it is time to grow. Lead by example. It is the best way.
I am joy, I am peace, I am light. I am enough for God to appear on earth to dispel the darkness.
Ayn Rand was an atheist. Why are Republicans so enamored by her philosophy? That distorts one’s entire worldview.
Greed is not good. It implies getting ahead at the expense of others. Sharing is good. It benefits humanity.
Do what you say you are going to do. It is a form of integrity. Be fiscally responsible. It is a form of wisdom. Be punctual. Don’t take others for granted and don’t waste their time.
“But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7
How does God feel about homosexuals in the pulpit? God thinks differently than man. Churches, too, have strayed. The day of reckoning at hand.
Politics and religion. God thinks differently than us. In that is our salvation, evolution occurring.
Am I a heretic? Yes. I think differently than man. I commune with God.
God promised to set up a heavenly government. It is time. And the old was passed away. Moses served long enough for the rebellious to die out. So will I.
Humans are considered children until about forty. God wants us to mature sooner.
We have forgotten history. Those who do are condemned to repeat it.
People live their lives in chaos and don’t even know it. Lies create chaos.
All-you-can-eat buffets and restaurants encourage gluttony. We must encourage health.
Women have been viewed as sex objects for long enough. They have allowed it and they have encouraged it. Violence has been associated with sex. Love needs to be.
Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood. They hold their people back. They are steeped in violence, hatred, and domination. They are a curse to the land.
Never be afraid to speak the truth, regardless of the circumstances. God is in it. We don’t need more laws. We need more ethics.
Look at Communist countries. Look at Socialist countries. Do the people really prosper without God?
It’s hard to hide the truth, it will eventually come out. Socialism will crumble and war be denied.
Wisdom requires maturity. It requires taking responsibility for one’s life. We have been deceived by false prophets for long enough. Lenin and Karl Marx were false prophets.
What is the truth about Barack Obama? Unseal his school records. That’s a start.