You know the things of the deep, there is no one like You.
You create in the womb, You formed the seas.
Let us extol You and worship Your Name
that You return to America that she may fulfill her destiny.
There are people who belong to God, but our institutions have abandoned Him. It includes our government. It includes Congress, the judiciary, and people in the White House. It includes the military. That is why God intends to take His will out of their hands.
“…who confirms the word of His servant, and performs the counsel of His messengers…” Isaiah 44:26
Some are celebrating Sukkot.
Let Americans awaken and see the destruction that lies before them because of the godless, atheist, satanic agenda of the Democratic Party, Socialists, and the media. God will do what He wills. He is the Creator. We are the created. And it is good.
I have a friend who has seen visions of Christ’s return. Everyone will see Him. Even the animals will bend the knee. The days have been shortened. My job is to prepare the Church without spot or blemish. Judgment starts in the Church and radiates out.
In the Last Days knowledge will be increased. So must wisdom. Tithe. Ten percent is a beginning. Give with a cheerful heart, otherwise it is wasted. Repentance is the precursor to revival. I look at the world and tremble, but nothing takes God by surprise.
God’s Word, the Bible, is the most valuable book on earth. That is why God’s enemies want to declare it hate speech.
Regardless of man’s plans, God is in control. But we must pray it in and take action. The government needs to get out of childcare, education, adoption, social services, and health care. God’s people need to step up to the plate.
Impeach, implode, impale. The demise of the Democratic Party. It was a word from God. Righteousness, truth, and justice to return.
We let the enemy within our gates and we didn’t know how to get him out. God stepped up to the plate with military tribunals. No Muslims will participate. Sharia law is not compliant with God’s will.
Let me be a blessing to all I meet, even Democrats. Let me save them from damnation. Thou shalt not murder without repentance. Abortion is murder.
The world is upside down. God intends to right it. God bless America and may America bless God.
5780. A new era dawns.
God breathed life into the earth. Man is symbolic of death until resurrected through Yeshua the Christ. Man looks to temporary lust, temporary pleasure. Only God’s way leads to eternal satisfaction and peace. Let this unknown woman shake the status quo in politics and religion. Let the slumbering giant slumber no more but see the power of God on earth.
My goal with my writing is to open hearts and minds to God’s Word. Millions of people can make a difference in how the world turns out. Without God the next President will undermine everything Trump has done. Joseph was catapulted to the palace because it was obvious God was with him. Let it be so with me.
The vetting process in heaven is severe. Lukewarm Christians will be spewed out of God’s mouth. Read Revelation.
Pastors were never meant to counsel Presidents. Prophets were. In hindsight is all revealed. In prophecy is more foretold.
God’s intent is this: It is to bring mercy and judgment to America. It is to bring truth. The Left has ridiculed and intimidated those who value their guns, their religion, and their God long enough.
Repent, America, for abortion, repent, America, for gay marriage, repent, America, for gays in the clergy. Repent, America, for thinking God was irrelevant.