Cast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez down. She speaks foolishness. It is witchcraft. Let Muslims no longer serve in Congress. They serve Baal, not our God. Some will say that is not democracy. Democracy is mob rule. In America Yeshua Jesus rules. We have a Constitution. It was abused. Now it is time for reform.
2019. A year of transformation. Return God to the public square. This is about God taking sovereignty over America. It transcends politics. This is about Eternity.
Man’s world was created in darkness, with pagan rituals, greed, and child sacrifice. That still exists today. God intends to turn on a light for all to see. What is the Roman Catholic Church? What is abortion? What is Wall Street?
Hillary Clinton: The dossier and the FISA warrant, deleted emails and destroyed documents, Uranium One, Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and pay-to-play. Will she ever be prosecuted? Will justice return to America or will we continue in lies and scandal?
I didn’t mention Fast and Furious, Obamacare or money laundering to Iran. I didn’t mention the IRS. Barack Obama has scandals of his own, and are they not imputed to Joe Biden? Now that the Mueller investigation is over let the counterattack begin. Justice demands it. A nation must defend itself even from within.
Obama’s regime was an assault on Christianity. Hillary Clinton’s would have continued it. God stepped in with Donald Trump. America is the salvation nation. She will become the beacon on the hill. God triumphs over man.
Illegal immigrants do not belong here. Give them Bibles in their language and send them home. There is no statute of limitations. It includes anchor babies and their families. Let them re-create their lives and their nations according to Biblical principles. That transcends Socialism and liberal theology. That transcends social justice and politics.
God will do for us what politics and politicians never will. Save America from becoming a Third World country, like globalists intend.
The further one gets from God the more evil one becomes. It is reflected in the Democratic Party. It is reflected in ISIS and the Taliban. It is reflected in the Muslim Brotherhood. It is reflected in George Soros and Planned Parenthood.
We have used God for our purposes. Now it is time for God to use us for His. It is for righteousness and truth. Justice will come.
Father, let Your people repent for all thoughts that are unholy. Let them repent for all actions and deeds that do not align with Your Word. Cleanse their mouth that there is no profanity, lies, deceit, gossip, or hypocrisy. Help them be ready to meet their God, Yeshua Jesus, LORD and Savior is His Name. Amen and amen.
Father, we turned the other cheek and it almost cost us America. Let us step forth boldly, Your will, Your way, to save her. God is just, righteous, and true. The enemy has deceived us long enough. There is no compromise in their sight.
An open heart that is misdirected is better than a closed heart that is religious. Religion killed Jesus. Love will welcome Him back.
Capitalism became greed and democracy became Socialism. A death culture was released into America. God seeks to right our sinking ship. America has been weakened. Only God protected her during Obama’s administration. Let justice be done in full measure as if blind. Without morals and without Yeshua Jesus a country falls.
America wake up! Honor your God. Cast down Baal, cast down the Liberal media. Cast down those that seek to subvert America. The world watches to see which way we will go. They know as America goes, so do they. We are headed toward Marxism and a totalitarian state. We are headed toward bondage and not the liberty we once embraced. Republican or Democrat, the outcome will be the same.
America tolerated evil. She must be washed clean. I am the Messenger for this hour.