Prayer of 9/11/2017
Return America to us, Father,
Return America to us.
We squandered her and have paid the price.
Christians are now second-class citizens,
Second-class to illegal immigrants, Muslims and refugees.
No more! We claim our birthright!
Let America be set free.
God’s Kingdom
And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.
                                                                          Daniel 2:44
Raise up the discerning ones and let them speak truth to this nation. Raise up the ones You have prepared for this moment and cast the others down. There is no alt-Right or alt-Left. It is hatred. It is not of God or God’s people. The enemy seeks to destroy us. Only God’s love can save us. Only righteousness and justice can restore us. It no longer resides in the Halls of Congress or the media. Donald Trump is trying to restore it. McMaster must go, Kelly and Mattis must go. God has other plans.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
                                                                          Isaiah 55:8-9
Write on their hearts, Father, let it be love. Let truth and justice flow from it. Let the calm voice of authority prevail over this nation. Let me repent for this nation and let me be the olive branch to save her from destruction. We took God for granted. It was a mistake.
Let the people see the billions and billions of dollars that have been wasted and do things differently, through the Church and not the government.
The NFL disparages America. They should count their blessings and not her sins.
Thoughts are powerful, actions more powerful still, but the spoken word is creative, and the written word can stand forever. God bless America from sea to shining sea with Revival and political reform.
The Tax Code isn’t fair. The poor don’t pay their fair share. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. Social justice is not God’s justice. Recognize that men have one agenda and God has another. Always has it been so. For men it is mammon, for God it is souls. That includes North Korea.
Washington has much demonic activity. Next week major prayer events will be held there. It coincides with Succot and the Fall Harvest. Crosses will again adorn the land, even in Washington, D.C. It shows God’s sovereignty over America.
Be careful, California, sometimes we get what we deserve.
The Left looks to government and legislation. Let the Right look to God. In mercy and justice the LORD reigns. While the world slips into chaos, I have a plan, bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. The Serpent was decapitated when Donald Trump won. When Hillary Clinton is in handcuffs, the Jezebel spirit will be broken.
If the Las Vegas massacre catapults America into Revival, then it will have served a higher purpose. Let the latter rains be poured out because it won’t just touch Jerusalem but the whole world. It’s Succot.
The hatred of Donald Trump and his supporters is demonic. Call a spade a spade. DACA is another tool to bring America down.
Use me as a battering ram against bureaucracy and the Deep State. Use me as a battering ram to help drain the swamp. Revelation has shown us what will happen without God’s intervention. God is offering us an olive branch.
What if the LORD created us to be companions to Him? How many have fulfilled the desire of His heart? The Fallen Angels gave us knowledge we weren’t meant to have. That’s one reason God is lenient with us. Read the Book of Enoch.
The body is a marvelous mechanism. Anyone who studied biology knows it can’t have evolved from slime.
Trump is being pressured to compromise his agenda. Before he does, let him read “What God Requires”. God does not mix the holy with the profane. Apostasy bears witness to sin.
Yeshua Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If it were not so, Jesus would be a liar. God is not a man that He should sin.
Is righteousness really possible without God? Evidently not. The world portrays it.
Yeshua is not returning in physical form. He is already here in the hearts and minds of those who love Him. God is not a man but Spirit. Jerusalem will not see Yeshua Jesus until they welcome Him with open arms. Some are. More will follow.
Satan counterfeits. So why do we celebrate Halloween, Satan’s most sacred day of the year? Why do we allow our children to dress in costumes, concealing their identity? It gives Satan legal authority over them. All Saints Day. They worship the dead, something Christians are not to do.
Christians and Jews, renew yourselves. It is no small thing to represent God on earth.